Category: Uncategorized
Get to Know a Mama: Joni from Six Cherries on Top
Get to Know a Mama: Joni from Six Cherries on Top
July 27, 2010
Welcome to my second Get to Know a Mama interview! Get to Know a Mama: Joni from Six Cherries on Top! (If you’d like to see previous interviews or ask upcoming interviewees… click [...] Continue →
Giveaway @ One Little Fox
Giveaway @ One Little Fox
Don’t you think these would be lovely in Ruari’s room? I do. You can try and win them here. The numbers have been reset! Help me get in the top 10! I ♥ you!
I don’t know…
I don’t know…
I don’t know if I just always blocked it out, or if no one actually ever told me. Saturday night we were sitting outside with friends and my birth story came up (it was [...] Continue →
Get to know a Mama: Questions for Alabaster Cow
Get to know a Mama: Questions for Alabaster Cow
Do you want to know more about Ericka from Alabaster Cow? I will be conducting a little Mommy interview so we can all get to know each other a little better. Please post any [...] Continue →
Trendy Crafter: Tape (and a little blog hopping friday)
Trendy Crafter: Tape (and a little blog hopping friday)
July 23, 2010
Trendy Treehouse is having a little fun and putting up crafty challenges each week. This first one is tape. Use any sort of tape you have to create something crafty. I chose Washi Tape. [...] Continue →
Flashback Friday: Another family photo shoot…
Flashback Friday: Another family photo shoot…
So, I believe this may have been around 1985. I was probably just about 2 years old. We went to the mountain to get our photos taken! Ok, no. That’s just a picture of [...] Continue →
Thursday’s Three: For my baby’s room…
Thursday’s Three: For my baby’s room…
July 22, 2010
I really want to finish Ruari’s baby room. It’s just been hard to actually get it done! Here are a few goodies that I think would look VERY lovely in her room… 1) The [...] Continue →
My guest post at Staying Crafty with a Baby
My guest post at Staying Crafty with a Baby
July 19, 2010
I was contacted to do a little guest post on They had suggested that maybe I could do a post with tips and pointers on paper crafting. I just couldn’t come up with [...] Continue →
Monday’s My Pick: Tada dolls!
Monday’s My Pick: Tada dolls!
Monday’s My Pick: Wow, these dolls are VERY cute. I want this one for Ruari: {TaDa! doll: TaDa Creations} Ok, so she probably doesn’t really care if I get this doll for her or [...] Continue →
My baby is 7 months old today.
My baby is 7 months old today.
July 18, 2010
{Ruari a couple days before her birthday} Thanks to Shawtae for reminding me it’s our baby’s 7 month birthdays! Hee. Oops. I spaced! The numbers have been reset! Help me get in the top [...] Continue →
Made it to the front page of Etsy. Weeeee…
Made it to the front page of Etsy. Weeeee…
I was wondering why Google Analytics was telling me that my shop views went 85%, along with my Paper Lady blog views up 4,900% (ha), and my Paper Mama blog’s view were up 10,600%. [...] Continue →
Giveaway time! Win a set of personalized note cards! Ends 7/28
Giveaway time! Win a set of personalized note cards! Ends 7/28
Pear Tree Greetings was nice enough to give away a set (up to 16 cards with free shipping) of personalized note cards to one of my lucky readers! Yay! {Click here to see more [...] Continue →
I love my baby’s smell.
I love my baby’s smell.
July 17, 2010
That’s it. I just love the way she smells.
The numbers have been reset! Help me get in the top 10! I ♥ you!
Flashback Friday: Newborn baby 3 AM
Flashback Friday: Newborn baby 3 AM
July 16, 2010
I took this photo with my cell phone at 3am when little baby Laureli was about a week old…. {Ruari: 1 week old} Mike was seriously passed out (kneeling on the ground, halfway on [...] Continue →
Ok, it’s sebaceous glands.
Ok, it’s sebaceous glands.
July 13, 2010
{Miss Ruari… almost 7 months} So, little Miss Laureli was born with a mark on her left cheek. At first the doctors just assumed it was baby acne and said that it would go [...] Continue →
Ruari needs this!
Ruari needs this!
Ok, who else thinks that Ruari needs this chandelier in her room? {Mini chandelier: from Layla Grayce} Well, Mike doesn’t think she needs one. Ha! But, I do! I think it would be the [...] Continue →
The winner of the Chalkboard Pendant giveaway is….
The winner of the Chalkboard Pendant giveaway is….
Please watch this video to see the winner of this lovely pendant! {Spittin Toad} {Who won?} Congrats! Please e-mail me your mailing address and I will let Boogie Wipes know you’ve won! Congrats!A little [...] Continue →
So indecisive …
So indecisive …
July 11, 2010
I can’t stop changing around my blog! I keep feeling like everything is too cluttered! I try to move things around and try different colors and layouts…. But, I can’t seem to settle! Yet. [...] Continue →
Photo challenge: Make me laugh!!!
Photo challenge: Make me laugh!!!
July 10, 2010
This weeks challenge: Make me laugh! Since this is a mama blog all the challenges will be based around your children. Now, I’m not too picky on what you call your children. As far [...] Continue →
AND, the "Favorite Toy" winner is…
AND, the "Favorite Toy" winner is…
{Original Post} A Pile of Pics!!! Congrats to you! This was SO cute! I REALLY love seeing her favorite toy in action. She is so cute. And, thank you for sharing your camera settings! [...] Continue →
Before and after at Pixel Perfect
Before and after at Pixel Perfect
After: {Child size crown: Paper Lady Invites} Before: {Child size crown: Paper Lady Invites} I use a little Canon Powershot. And, PS CS3. Join: The numbers have been reset! Help me get in the [...] Continue →
Thursday’s Three: Me! The Paper Lady!
Thursday’s Three: Me! The Paper Lady!
July 8, 2010
First off… Quick note: Don’t forget to enter my giveaway! There are not too many entries… VERY good chance to win! Ends tomorrow evening 7/9. Ok…This Thursday’s Three is all about my Etsy shop: [...] Continue →