I took this photo with my cell phone at 3am when little baby Laureli was about a week old….
{Just a quick reminder…. This weeks photos challenge: Make me laugh! Ends tomorrow.. Don’t forget to enter your photo in the challenge! And: I’d like to offer anyone that would like to advertise on my blog the rest of July for free: if you purchase ad space for the month of August. You can click here for more details. I REALLY love handmade shops SO I do give a discount for Etsy shops (or any handmade business). 🙂 Check it out! AND, if you have any questions please e-mail me. I do get a little busy with my crazy little babe and may take a little long to respond. I still ♥ you! if you buy}

Hahah, its so funny how our husband can pass out in just about any position, in any location, right? I could never fall asleep like that.
This photo made me laugh… ahh to think I will be doing this all over again in a few months! Thanks for the laugh and the reminder 🙂
That picture is priceless! Everyone, except for Mom is clean passed out. I don't think any new Dad could look more wiped. Love it!
oh man, my eyes started burning looking at this picture. i know EXACTLY what that's like. don't you just want to punch your dog's in the face for being able to sleep through everything?
Hahahaha! If that doesnt epitomize what the newborn stage is like, I don't know what else would!
Love your blog (came over from Allie) – went through your whole blog and learned so much – I´ll be an Auntie to a girl soon and the only Baby I had in my arms so far is the Father-to-be (dear Bro), so I have no idea what happens when. Well, I do now! 🙂 Thanks! Also for the product-tipps – the Silicone Toddler Spoon sure will be it – and Bumbo maybe, too! (well, if the parents-to-be want one – I think Bumbo is unknown here).Sweet pics. Look forward to learn more (and not look so stupid with Baby-related things anymore – the feeding with finger is a good one, too!).
this is a great capture! i agree with allie, even though stelly is only 4 months old!
Sometimes I actually miss the newborn, but I will admit it's more fun as they get older, once they have a personality, and once they start to get an attitude. 🙂
How sweet. Dontcha love all the sleep you lose when they're little….though the little girl of a good friend of ours got into a nice sleep pattern pretty early on. Heheh. Wouldn't that just be jolly? LOL
Love the pic! It perfectly illustrates that newborn stage! I'm soooo not ready to be back there again (Allison is 8 months) but sometimes I really do miss it.
ditto to everyone on the official closure of the 24/7 diner that our little guy rallied hard to keep open. I am so glad that is OVER… ! my thoughts on the whole sleep deprivation period are similar to my thoughts on pushing a baby out of my body (twice!) … how did I/my body do that?? seriously!… and live to tell about it??? while smiling fondly at the two kiddos that both about did me in – ah, the miracles of motherhood…
I'm being honest when I say I'm glad that we're done with 3 am, too!!Such an awesome pic of the husband in the background!!!
they do grow so fast, oh my. henry is actually getting old enough that pictures like this make me start daydreaming about our next. yikes!
Oh my, I am seriously in love with this photo!! It reminds me of us at 3am only 5 months ago! Oh how fast they grow! 🙂