I really want to finish Ruari’s baby room. It’s just been hard to actually get it done! Here are a few goodies that I think would look VERY lovely in her room…
1) The George and Chloe lamp from Urban Outfitters. This thing is SO cute! It really would be perfect for her room. I originally saw it on Lyds Was Here (cute blog).
2) I would also LOVE to have her name spelled out with some moss letters! I think it would be perfect for her Northwest-ish themed room. These moss letters are from Simple Sweet Designs on Etsy.
3) An iPad. HA! Ok, maybe her room doesn’t need one. I just WANT one. But look: there’s a flashcard app! Hee…
3) I really think I’d like to take a look at this book: An Earth Friendly Guide to Decorating Your Baby’s Room. I do love to be as eco-friendly as I can. And, this book looks a little like my style. Hmmm, I’ll have to check it out!
Ruari says, “Please Mom: Please decorate my room! All you have is my crib! I’m so embarrased!!!”
Happy Thursday! Don’t forget to check out the Paper Lady’s Thursday’s Three.

The moss letters are neat… I love love love your new header. LOVE IT. I need to redesign mine. Did you do yours yourself or have it done for you? I should have something better. Sheesh, I went to school for graphic design, and mine looks all silly. Maybe one day soon…
hahaha love Ruari's little plea for a room make-over 🙂 Lila is trying to get me to do the same. the moss letter for the door is adorable. And that book looks great as well, might have to check that out. also, i LOVE your new blog header…LOVE IT!!!
I could sit on Etsy all day and look through all the cute stuff you can make. Ahh I love all of it and I want an i pad so freaking bad too. When your done decorating her room you can come do mine!P.S I love your blog header 🙂 So freaking cute
i love the moss letters!i bet you could totally make those yourself and save a few dollars!
i love the moss letter idea! you should so do it.:)oh! and the lamp! 🙂
The Moss letters look so neat! I love it! I'm gonna check that shop out. Thanks for sharing =)
Ahhh! Love that lamp, seriously adorable!! And the moss letters?? So original and awesome! I can't wait to see her room when you're all done with it!
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Love love love love everything you love. But I can never find cool things like you can!!Oh, iPads are mad educational, yo. You can get books on 'tape' and flashcards and all kinds of kid stuff. Also, check out this video, effing hilarious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-7mQhSZRgM
i'm so going to make that letter moss thing. it looks like it would be crazy easy to make.