Category: Family
My Mom Lists: It’s Cloudy with a 90% Chance of Wine
My Mom Lists: It’s Cloudy with a 90% Chance of Wine
April 24, 2018
Thank you JaM Cellars for sponsoring this post. Looking for Butter Chardonnay near you? Check out their easy-to-use Store Locator! Just pop in your zip code and the Butter will be waiting! My Mom [...] Continue →
Pregnancy Update + Free Printable Countdown to Baby (or birthday)
Pregnancy Update + Free Printable Countdown to Baby (or birthday)
November 25, 2015
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Nutrimom. All opinions are 100% mine. (Photo above was taken by the lovely Fiona Margo Photography) Well, we are just about there. Apparently [...] Continue →
Christina’s Wedding
Christina’s Wedding
June 11, 2012
A couple of weeks ago my friend, Christina, celebrated her wedding. It was a wedding planned in 2 weeks. Originally scheduled for July… we moved it up due to a family member being very [...] Continue →
Party Time
Party Time
April 1, 2011
I’m partying today! Blog party that is. I want to welcome anyone new to my blog with a little bit about me… Me: The husband, Mike: The baby: Laureli… or Ruari as I mostly [...] Continue →
Grandma and Grandpa
Grandma and Grandpa
February 8, 2011
Mike’s parents came into town this weekend to celebrate mine and Mike’s birthday. Our birthday’s are 2 weeks apart.
I can never convince his parents to get in a photo… but, after telling [...] Continue →
AND, the winner of the "Family" photo challenge is….
AND, the winner of the "Family" photo challenge is….
January 1, 2011
This weeks guest judge: Joni from Six Cherries on TopThis weeks challenge: Family.The challenge: The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty) [...] Continue →
Christmastime-en photo overload.
Christmastime-en photo overload.
December 27, 2010
Yeah, I took way too many photos this weekend.
Here you go, enjoy! Christmas Eve: {This is a big deal! Ruari NEVER cuddles like this! She’ll do anything if you let her play [...] Continue →
Scavenger Hunt Sunday: Christmas style.
Scavenger Hunt Sunday: Christmas style.
December 26, 2010
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas (or a wonderful Saturday if you don’t celebrate Christmas). We did! So much fun. I have so many cute baby pictures to share… we’ll see if [...] Continue →
The Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Family.
The Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Family.
December 25, 2010
This weeks guest judge: Joni from Six Cherries on TopThis weeks challenge: Family.The challenge: The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty) [...] Continue →
I’m thankful for…
I’m thankful for…
November 25, 2010
My family. Being alive. My baby. My husband. The food we get to eat today. HAPPY Thanksgiving everyone! I also wanted to point out: I’m thankful for sales! My affiliates have informed me of [...] Continue →
Ruari is 10 months old.
Ruari is 10 months old.
October 18, 2010
Dear little Miss Laureli, Wow. I cannot believe you’re already 10 months old! You have turned into a little human this past month. Seriously. So many changes. What are you up to you ask? [...] Continue →
Thursday’s Three: Where’s the motivation?
Thursday’s Three: Where’s the motivation?
September 9, 2010
{Ruari with Mike’s parents} You know when you REALLY want to create something, but you just can’t get motivated to get it done? Yeah, that’s me right now. I was playing around with photoshop [...] Continue →
Monday’s My Pick: Little Pink Donut
Monday’s My Pick: Little Pink Donut
August 9, 2010
{Print from: The Paper Mama Shop} So, I was asked by this blogger: Coffee with a Canine… to do a little guest blog post. I need to have coffee with my canine and report [...] Continue →
Thursday’s Three: Family
Thursday’s Three: Family
July 15, 2010
Just a quick reminder…. This weeks photos challenge: Make me laugh! Ends tomorrow.. Don’t forget to enter your photo in the challenge! And: I’d like to offer anyone that would like to advertise on [...] Continue →