{CLOSED} GIVEAWAY: 250 Business cards from UPrinting.com!

{FYI: The sweet business card holder is from Peggy Ann Designs!}
 UPrinting online printing company is partnering with me for a business cards giveaway! Yay! UPrinting was sweet enough to send me some business cards for thepapermama.com! What’s pretty darn awesome is all the die cutting options they offer. I decided to go with the oval cards. They’re the same width as normal business cards (which means they’ll fit in a wallet)…. but, a fun shape. 

I was very pleased with the business cards! WONDERFUL quality. The colors are great. The customer service was lovely. I definitely plan on ordering my next set of cards from UPrinting!

What can you win?
250 piece Die Cut Business Cards for one winner! Plus free shipping! (US residents 18 years old and above only).
Mandatory entry (and comment below. you must include your email):
1) Required: Like UPrinting.com on Facebook.{1 entry}
{Optional entries (Please use a separate comment for each entry):
1) Follow me (see sidebar) {1 entry}
2) “Like” me on FB: The Paper Mama{1 entry}
3) Follow me on twitter: @thepapermama {1 entry}
4) Follow UPrinting on Twitter {1 entry}
5) Share this link on facebook or twitter: http://www.uprinting.com/business-cards.html {1 entry}
6) Tweet, Facebook, or Blog about this giveaway. You are welcome to copy and paste this tweet:
” GIVEAWAY! Win 250 die cut business cards from Uprinting.com!!! http://bit.ly/uprintinggiveaway @thepapermama @UPrinting “{1 entry}

Note: Giveaway ends on Sunday, October 30th, 2011 11:59 PM Pacific Time.


This custom business cards  giveaway is sponsored by UPrinting. For more information about online printing please visit UPrinting,com.
**Prize details:
– 250  pcs Die Cut Business Cards for one winner
– 2 x 3.5″ Rounded Corners, 2×2″ Rounded Corners, 1.75×3.5″ Rounded Corners, 2×3.5″ Leaf, 2×3.5 Rounded one corner, 2×3.5″ Half Circle Side, 2×3.5″ Oval, 2.5″ Circle
– 14pt Cardstock Gloss / Matte / High Gloss (UV), or 13pt Cardstock Uncoated,
– 6 Business Days Turnaround *Free shipping
– See ideas for your  custom business cards
– Restriction: Limited to *US residents 18 years old and above only.

– Winner must NOT have won anything from UPrinting.com in the past six months to win this prize.

Categories: Uncategorized

50 Days of DIY: 20 Questions Jar

Day 4: The holidays usually mean many parties to attend. Maybe you’re throwing a party at your home…? or, maybe you’re headed to a couple holiday parties this season? Well, here you go: the 20 Questions Jar (or, an ice breaker jar)! Instead of spending $25 to buy one of those ice breaker kits…. make your own! It’s the perfect little hostess gift… ๐Ÿ™‚ I even gathered up some questions that you can print out and use in your own jar (I’ve had these questions saved on my computer for so long…. I have no idea where I gathered them from… but, they are now here for you!).

Supplies needed:
– Jar
– Lid for jar
– My 20 questions printout (see below)
– Scissors
– Ribbon
– Glue (I used hot glue)
My embellish printout (see below)
1. Print out your jar embellish page. Print out your questions page. Pick out which jar cover and rectangle label you’d like to use for your jar: cut it out. Cut your questions into strips. Glue the circle cutout onto the lid.
2. Grab your strips of questions and bend them in half. Toss them in the jar and sort of “fluff” them so they take up more space in the jar (looks better this way).
3. Take the rectangle label and either glue it onto the front of the jar, or cut out a hole on each side to string ribbon through and tie it around the jar (I tied mine around the jar). 
4. Take your ribbon and glue it around the lid. 
5. That’s it! Total cost of this project: $2 for me. ๐Ÿ™‚

{Download here and here}

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Categories: 50 DIY Days

Sneaky Veggies Spaghetti Recipe for Picky Eaters

Thanks to Plum Organics for sponsoring my post about tips for baby feeding magic. What if you let baby choose what’s for dinner? Check out their cute “Quest for Yum!” video and see what happens!
Recently Ruari has decided she’s too cool for veggies. Not even kidding. She sees something green in her food she’ll either: pick every green thing out of the dish…. or she’ll just skip eating all together. There’s many ways we’ve been sneaking in veggies into her diet (including those Plum Organics pouches). We’ve made smoothies, blend veggies into food until they’re invisible, and trying to blend carrots with applesauce. But the best way we’ve found to trick her into eating those veggies: sneaking them into spaghetti. We cut carrots and zucchini into strips, and finely chop spinach and mix it into the sauce. And: Ruari just loves it. So much.
It’s very simple. We usually make a large batch and then freeze/refrigerate the extra for later. It’s nice having the extra (especially since I’m not a fan of cooking). Here’s the recipe:
Sneaky Veggies Spaghetti Recipe
by, The Paper Papa
– 2 cups favorite spaghetti sauce (we used organic Trader Joe’s jar sauce)
– 1/2 bag of whole wheat spaghetti
– 1 carrot
– 1 zucchini
– 1 cup of baby spinach (finely chopped)
– 2 cloves of garlic
– 1 tsp. olive oil
– Parmesan cheese
Boil water for the pasta. Use mandolin to cut carrot and zucchini into thin spaghetti like strips. When pasta is al dente, throw in carrots and zucchini into boiling water with the pasta. Let boil for 2-3 minutes. Drain pasta mixture.
In the same pot saute garlic, spinach, and oil over medium high heat for about a minute. Add the pasta sauce and a half cup of water, then bring to simmer. Add the pasta mixture into the sauce and stir to combine. Put lid on the pot, turn off the heat and let sit for 10 minutes. It’s ready! Sprinkle some Parmesan over the top if you’d like. ๐Ÿ™‚
Basically: Ruari LOVED it. She always loves it. She ate it all… then, asked for more!


I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective. To learn more about Plum Organics, visit their Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/PlumOrganics.

Last call for November sponsors!

Last call for sponsors! My last day I accept sponsors is October 28th (email me if it’s after that date and you want to advertise). Click here for my rates and blog info. November will be a VERY fun and exciting month over here! I’d love to have you! Drop me a line. ๐Ÿ™‚
Large is completely sold out (email me if you’d like to reserve a spot for December). BUT, I still have extra large left, medium, and small.


Categories: Uncategorized

50 DIY Days: Your Christmas card photo!

1: Vintage style
2: Play with your camera!
3: Catch a special moment
4: A view from above!
5: Play with props
6: Dress up a dog! That’s pretty much ALWAYS a win in my book. ;D
7: Set up your camera and just let your kids be themselves
8: Dress up a sleepy baby. ๐Ÿ˜€
9: Get silly. I love this one.
10: Put a sweater on. Your dog! ;D
11: Silly kid!
12: Set your kid up with some props… and, let them go… snap away!
13: Re-imagine an old image….
14: Create a scene with figurines… This one cracks me up!
15: Just take a photo of your kids. They are pretty darn awesome the way they are. ๐Ÿ™‚

My hubs and I have already planned our Christmas card for this year…. I will share it in a couple of weeks… ๐Ÿ™‚ BUT, for now I hope the photos above have inspired you to create your Christmas card this year! Start planning now! Before you know it… Christmas will be here! I generally like to have my Christmas card all ready to be printed the first week in November! That way I don’t have to rush and worry about it later. ๐Ÿ™‚

Do you have any plans for your Christmas card photo this year? Be sure to come back at the end of November for the Holiday Photo Challenge! Lots of prizes. ๐Ÿ™‚

50 days of christmas copy

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Categories: Uncategorized

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: 22 months old!

{Ruari’s outfit: sweater//thrift, dress//Fred Meyer, leggings//Target, shoes//Target}
{Sweet little baby toddler girl,}
{You are officially 2 months away from turning two (well, you turned 22 months on the 18th… I just forgot)!!! I absolutely love this age. You tell me things… you show interest in things…. you REMEMBER things! A couple days ago I wandered into your room to get you up from naptime…. “Mama, kitteh eatin! Mama, kitteh eatin’! Hungy, kitteh hungy. Kitteh eat berry. Yummmmm.” Basically you had your stuffed kitty, and you were telling me kitty was hungry, so you were pretending to pick the berries off your bumper and feed them to your kitty. Yum! It was so cute.}
{You carry around your stuffed animals all day long… wrapping up in blankets, changing their diapers, giving them bottles… You’re so gentle with them. You’ve also started attempting your ABC’s…. I’m pretty sure you’ve learned it from an electronic toy. Just like you probably learned your numbers from sesame street. ๐Ÿ™‚ You ask me to sing more, “ABC-C’s!” all day long. You try to sing patty cake… you dance like a crazy lady…. you’re  a picky eater (that’s new)…. we’ve been working on timeouts and they’re going pretty well. No potty training yet… I’m just avoiding it. ;)}
{We’ve been taking you to a little art class each week. You L O V E it. Painting is your favorite. I think we’ll do another art class in January… along with a creative dance class for 2 year old’s! <—— I’m betting that’s pretty adorable. :D}
{I LOVE you so much. I tear up just thinking of how much I love you. Happy 22 months to you!}
{- Mama}

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. BY the way: Shawntae from A Little King and I share our Wednesday Linky’s. :D. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, Supermom, And Then She Snapped, Jenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.}


Categories: Uncategorized

50 DIY Days: Gumdrop wreath!

This is an oldy… BUT, a goldy! ๐Ÿ˜€ I crafted this little gumdrop wreath last winter for Ruari’s birthday party. ๐Ÿ™‚ Click here to see the whole tutorial. It’s REALLY cheap to create!

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Categories: 50 DIY Days