Currently and some links love!

I saw this “Currently” post on sweet Danielle’s blog this week. And, I’m always down for a little themed blog fun. πŸ˜€ It’s what I’m currently doing… Wednesday night.
Obsessing over: Crafting! Pretty much… non-stop (seriously). My current projects: finishing touch ups on Ruari’s thrifted $25 play kitchen for her birthday… and, starting her handmade doll for Christmas! πŸ˜€
Working on: SO much. Thanks to EVERYONE that purchased ad space and blog banners so I can go to Alt Design Summit in January! I made my goal! HURRAY! CAN’T WAIT! But, now I’m super busy with orders! So, I’m working on that… and, of course Ruari’s birthday/Christmas presents. And, I’m drawing! A lot. Love it. 
Thinking about: EVERYTHING. My mind is sort of a messy jumble these days… so much to do in very little time. Orders, crafting presents, just breathing…. I have a goal for myself this next year: breath more. Relax. Take a moment… OR, find someone to organize my days for me. πŸ˜‰ Next holiday season I will be more prepared with my shop and I will not stress so much. I refuse! πŸ™‚
Anticipating: Christmas. I LOVE Christmas. My favorite holiday. The last couple of Christmas years were a bit hard for me…. I was still dealing with almost losing my life during Ruari’s birth one week before Christmas in 2009. Then, the postpartum I dealt with throughout 2010 and into that Christmas. I’m doing really well now and cannot wait for the holiday year! It’s like I’m a kid again and have so much to look forward to! Reading The Night Before Christmas to Ruari… Baking cookies for Santa with her… Everything. I cannot wait. AND, I’m so freakin excited go to Alt Design Summit this January!!!
Listening to: Ruari breath on the baby monitor… and the background noise of the Grammy’s concert on CBS. Wow… it’s past 10. I should be in bed…. listening to my hubs snore!
Drinking: water… I had a glass of wine earlier. It’s gone.
Wishing: I had more time in the day… Or, maybe I just take on too much? Hmmm…. πŸ˜‰
How about you? What are you currently doing?

AND, of course… some links I’m LOVING this week! <3
All the links I’m LOVING this week!
– The BEST paper dolls EVER. I love each and every one!
– Yes! Finally a good tutorial on how to make your own .gif in Photoshop. πŸ˜€
– I make bean dip for every party I go to… and, I always buy the store bought taco seasoning… not anymore!
– Well, this artist’s work of paper cut silhouettes is pretty awesome.
– This wreath is BEAUTIFUL.

– Thank you to her and her for donating towards my trip to Alt Design Summit!!!!

– You guys…. this cake is AMAZING! Holy moly.
– OMG… could someone please please please please make these and invite me over.

– This lady is my new neighbor! Ok, not really… she just lives in the same state now. πŸ™‚ She’s so sweet!

– AND, I’m doing a little “What’ in my bag?” guest post over here today. πŸ™‚

– ONE MORE THING: don’t forget to enter your sweet Holiday Photo’s into my photo challenge! Prizes to win! Yay!


Categories: about me

50 DIY Days: Give.

Day 30: I really wanted to include a “Give” post in my 50 DIY days. I want Ruari to understand giving and volunteer work is an important thing to do. We all take some much from this planet and throughout our lives, I think it’s important to give back. It would be pretty much impossible to give back to each and every charity you hear of…. but, I want to make it a goal for our family to give back at least twice a year. I think that’s a realistic goal. So, where to start…
Our local charities in Oregon:
– Work in a soup kitchen for the day.
KGW 8 does a Christmas Toy Drive every year.
– There’s always a local gently used coat drive
– Quilts for the Homeless
– So many more…
There’s always some sort of charity event or volunteer thing going on this time of year. Do some research…. see where you can help. OR, do your own thing!


Categories: 50 DIY Days

I’m thankful for….

~Ruari: I am thankful for YOU. You: my baby girl!I am thankful for the lives we both have! We made it through something amazing and tough with your birth. AND, here we are. The moments I get to spend with you. Even the little meltdowns you have. I’m thankful for you! I LOVE YOU~

Oh, and these sweet little “I am thankful” cards are from Pear Tree Greetings if you’re interested! They might be fun to use as place markers for Christmas… with a little note of why you’re thankful for that guest. Maybe? πŸ˜€

Did you take a photo for Christmas this year? My Holiday Photo Challenge is up and running! Enter and maybe you’ll win! Yay!


As a Pearista, I am proud to be a brand ambassador for Pear Tree Greetings. Pear Tree has helped tens of thousands of customers celebrate life’s shareable moments with a collection of uniquely personal, high-quality greetings and stationery. Pear Tree Greetings offers a full line of photo Christmas cards, recycled Christmas cards, invitations, announcements, address labels, save-the-date cards and dozens of other high-quality paper products, so you can seize every opportunity to connect with others.

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50 DIY Days with Mama and the Dudes: Mini Yarn Ball Ornaments

Day 28: Hey Paper Mama readers!
I’m Mandey from Mama and the Dudes. As a mom to a couple of sometimes too curious boys, I know how important it is to have ornaments that aren’t going to cause problems if they get into little hands. So, I’m here to show you guys how to make simple and quick (and cheap) mini yarn ball ornaments.

  1. Holding the beginning of the yarn in place, wrap the yarn around the ball evenly. 
  2. Once covered, cut the yarn and hide the end by tucking it in under a wrapped strand. (You can use a little glue if you really need to.)
  3. To make it into an ornament to hang, take another strand of yarn (I used contrasting) and weaved it under a few pieces of yarn. Tie the ends in a simple knot and that’s it!
Another cool thing about these is you don’t have to make them into a hanging ornament. You could also fill a large clear vase or jar with them for a cute holiday accent or even glue them to a wreath for your door. 
Happy crafting!
Thank you SO much to Mandey from Mama and the Dudes! What a LOVELY guest post. I see myself making these this year! πŸ˜€ Thank you for joining my 50 DIY Days of Christmas!

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Categories: 50 DIY Days

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Yup

{Yup, that’s how I dress my daughter. Too bad I didn’t have a polk-a-dot sweater for her to wear. I think she looks pretty darn cute. ;D}

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. BY the way: Shawntae from A Little King and I share our Wednesday Linky’s. :D. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, Supermom, And Then She Snapped, Jenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.}

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Categories: Uncategorized

50 DIY days: Pretty package… recycled wrapping!

Day 27: A couple years ago I decided I no longer wanted to purchase wrapping paper. It’s SUPER costly and I feel like it’s a lot of waste (::tree hugger here::). The last time I purchased wrapping paper was about 3 years ago. What have I been using instead? Well…. paper bags…. newspapers… and more!
Even though I do try my best to always use my reusable bags at the grocery store…. sometimes I forget. SO, I have paper bags. Paper bags that just sit there. Not anymore! Turns out they are pretty perfect for wrapping pretty little packages! Not only are you reusing an item… but, you’re saving money. This could also be done with newspaper, old coloring book pages, magazine pages… get creative!
Try it! You’ll like it! ;D
Tip: Add a fold or two in the paper for a neat little touch. Glue on a doily. Use yarn instead of ribbon!


Categories: 50 DIY Days


So… I have a pretty lame and crazy fear of spiders. Its not so bad that I’ll pee my pants at the sight of one… But, if surprised, do expect some sort of fabulous jumpy/crazy/squealy/flail arms in the air move. Fact: I have no control over this reaction. Fact: this does embarrass the hubs. πŸ˜‰

A special spider story to share: I’ve mentioned before how blind I am without glasses… But, I need to mention it again: I can barely see ANYTHING without some sort of contacs or eyewear. This brings me to a little spider story… I was 12… And, had just lost my glasses (umm… I did not lose them. I “lost” them on purpose. But, that’s another story). I was getting ready for bed and, of course, everything was a big ‘ol blur. I was about to get in bed and saw what I thought to be a piece of bark dust (from my pet rat’s cage) on my brwon blanket. I picked it up to throw it away… and, it fell out of my hand. I picked it up a second time and again: it fell out of my hand. So, I’m determined to remove this crazy bark dust piece from my freshly cleaned room and picked it up one more time. Finally. It didn’t fall out of my hand… Wait..  Something’s weird..  Why did this piece of bark dust keep falling out of my hand? I moved my hand closer to my fuzzy eyes for inspection… OMG: it was the biggest bark dust colored spider I had ever seen (and, had ever held up to my eyes)!!! I threw my hands up in the air and ran out of my room dancing and screaming like a maniac. I had to get my mom to help me find the spider before I went to bed… Since I was too blind to find it.

Special spider story two: A couple years after the bark dust spider incident…. here I was again… sleeping so innocently in my bed. I opened my eyes to a lovely morning… still a little blurry… wait, what is that? My sleepy eyes focused on a spider chillin’ on my pillow about 6 inches from my face… with his 2 front legs up in the air! Oh man! I jumped up so fast and freaked the -hoo ha hey- out! I have no idea what ever happened to that spider… but, I assume he was maybe just dancing… or, trying to say hello? Maybe? Sometimes I like to pretend that maybe he just didn’t know what to do with his hands in this awkward situation. You know… watching me while I sleep. Spider: “Hmmm, I don’t know what to do with my hands…. ummm, pockets? Dang, I don’t have pockets. Throw my hands in the air? Yeah. That’s good. Heeeeeey, good morning!”

And, most recently: I tweeted about this a month or two ago… I picked up my glass of water to drink it… and stopped when I noticed a spider in the dang thing! Why? Why, spider, why?
Any lovely spider stories to share? Wait… don’t share…. I may not sleep tonight! Ok, wait… tell me. Oh, no. Don’t. Ok. Do. πŸ˜‰

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Categories: about me