Wednesday Goodies: Alt Summit Goodness.

Alt Summit

If you actually take a look at my photos from last week, you’d really think I didn’t own a camera. I think I took a total of 20 images of my own…. in 5 days. You’re just so busy and in the moment, it’s almost better to just rely on your phone and the in house photographer. SO, that’s what I’m going to do. Here’s the Alt Summit through the eyes of Justin Hackworth.

Alt Summit Alt Summit Alt Summit

Alt Summit Alt Summit Alt Summit Alt Summit Alt Summit Alt Summit

9123342042_a77a0d74ff_c Alt Summit Alt Summit Alt Summit Alt Summit Alt Summit

Ok, and last but definitely NOT least… here’s the photo of Martha Stewart and I:


ANNNNND, if you’re wondering: yes. Yes I DID go through all the Martha photos to spot my head. I think I’ll frame this one.

– Chelsey


If you have a Wednesday post, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject AliciaJenni from the BlogIn The Moment With, and Live and Love Outloud.

I’m home!

I spent 5 days in NYC. I got home at 1 am Monday morning. I was in the city for work and had an amazing a crazy week. I’m absolutely exhausted and I’m realizing that this 30-year-old needs so much more recovery time than when I was younger….. I can’t… I don’t… I no function today. None at all. So, today I just want to take a moment to share a cool new shop I’ve signed up with. It’s through Amazon. My Habit. Discounted goods. Yup. Plus, free to sign up. New deals come throughout the week at big discounts. Below are some of my favorite goodies on sale.

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There’s clothes, shoes, accessories, and lots of home goods. I love these sort of sites, so if you want to check it out… there’s a link below:


Happy Tuesday and I hope to be back to normal by tomorrow. Hee!

– Chelsey


Categories: Uncategorized



I attempted to write out this amazing post today, but the combo of my redeye flight and time change has made me a bit brain dead. SO, I am taking the day off from the blogging, and instead I plan on cuddling hanging out with Martha.

Happy Thursday!

– Chelsey

Just Martha and I.

Well, this lady here is headed out to NY for Alt Summit. In fact, I’m already there… since I’m writing this on Tuesday and I’ll be flying redeye tonight. Arriving 5:30 AM. Oh-me-oh-my. I flew this same schedule out to NY last summer. I did not sleep one wink. Nothin. Hopefully I’ll have better luck this time, cause I love sleep. So much. It’s one of my faves.

On Wednesday I will be at Martha Stewart Headquarters a.k.a. heaven. I can’t even. I’m so excited and ready for this! I’ve had a long-time-love for that lady. Since I was a kiddo. I just love her.

SO, if you’d like to follow me on my Martha journey, check me out on Instagram and Twitter. Yay! Annnnd, if you’re headed to Alt: make sure you say hello! I’ve got business “cards” to hand out!

The Paper Mama Business Cards //

– Chelsey

Revamped: Fiberglass Lamp

Lamp Revamp //

Lamp Revamp //

My sweet little vintage fiberglass lamp. I bought this guy last year, from Remnant, for $15. It needed a little bit of love and an electrical change. 

Lamp Revamp //

Lamp Revamp //

I used a 220 grit sand paper and vinegar/water mixture to clean up some old tape spots and dirt spots. I also changed out the electrical. I used a light-kit for this (nothing too complicated). The metal frame was also a bit rusty and worn down. SOoooo, I spray painted a light coating of gold. Done. Add a light bulb, and I have a great new to me light fixture! My revamped fiberglass lamp!

– Chelsey

NOTE: all of this was done wearing gloves/eye protection. Getting fiberglass slivers is the WORST. Invisible little sharp bits all over your hands = no fun.

Outdoor Concrete Side Table for Under $15!

concrete stool diy tutorial gold spray paint bucket

Last week I shared my Outdoor Concrete Side Table on the Better Homes and Gardens blog! I’m so happy with how it turned out. I actually created 2 of these little stool/side tables. Love them.

concrete stool diy tutorial gold spray paint bucket

For a complete tutorial on how I made this, check out my post (link above). It’s quite simple and inexpensive. I made both of these stools for under $30. Enjoy!

concrete stool diy tutorial gold spray paint bucket

– Chelsey

P.S. I am a paid contributor for the Better Homes and Gardens blog.




Categories: BHG, diy, For The Outdoors