Gold Polka Dot Chair: a makeover story

Gold Polka Dot Chair //

I have this old chair, an old chair I love. I bought it at a thrift shop for $1 and it’s my favorite. It’s so comfy, but the seat and back are pretty boring and a bit beat up. SO, I had a crazy idea and added some dots, my old chair is now my Gold Polka Dot Chair.

How I did this:

– I used a 1.5 inch hole punch to pop out a bunch of holes in a sheet of paper. I made a quick polka dot template.

Gold Polka Dot Chair //

 – I tried a little test spot of gold paint straight on the chair. It wasn’t as bold as I wanted. SO, using my polka dot template and some Martha Stewart Multi Purpose white paint to create random dots on my chair. Took about 15 minutes to apply all the dots. Let the white paint dry for about an hour. Side note: I thought about leaving the white polka dots on the chair… ’cause cute.

Gold Polka Dot Chair //

– When the paint is dry, apply the first coat of gold paint (Martha Stewart Multi Purpose Gold Paint). I applied this free-hand (could be done with the template). Apply multiple coats (with 1 hour dry time between each application) until you no longer see the white showing through.

Gold Polka Dot Chair //

 – The directions for the Martha Stewart paint suggest letting the paint cure for at least 21 days. That means: no buns on this chair for another 20 days. Hee.

Polka Dot Chair //

Polka Dot Chair //

Polka Dot Chair //

Have a happy Thursday!

– Chelsey

Local Love: Collage

Local Love: Collage //

Local Love: Collage //

Local Love: Collage

This lovely little shop is based here in Portland. It’s small, but mighty. Really. I wandered here, for the first time, the other day and was amazed with all I could find. I found more products I often need/buy here than the normal chain art stores I head to. My usual art store trip involves stopping at multiple spots. I could truly head here for 90% of my crafting needs. I love it.

If you’re here in Portland, I recommend checking it out. It’s right on Alberta.

Happy Wednesday!

– Chelsey


If you have a Wednesday post, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject AliciaJenni from the BlogIn The Moment With, and Live and Love Outloud.

American Blogger


Chris Wiegand American Blogger //

Chris Wiegand American Blogger //

A couple weeks ago I chatted on the phone with this guy, Chris Wiegand. The fella behind the American Blogger film… and the hubs to Casey Wiegand. He’s traveling around the U.S. interviewing bloggers and just plain having an amazing trip. He normally interviews bloggers in their hometowns, but it just so happened that I was going to be out of town when he was traveling past Portland. BUT, it ended up working out perfectly… because I was actually in San Fran last week, for the Alt Summit conference.

The conference was the 18th and I had the whole 19th free to wander the city (since my flight was late at night). Mr. Chris and I met up early and spent the day wandering this city. I really wasn’t sure how I would be in front of a camera… cause I’m pretty darn awkward withOUT a camera watching my moves. Add a camera + questions = I’m a complete weirdo. Really though, it was an amazing experience and he’s a pretty neat guy. I think my awkward level was probably around a 4 out of 10. Not that bad. The day was fun and Chris turned out to have a neat story and he just loves/misses his family so much.

Chris has been on the road for over 30 days in the cutest revamped airstream. I was not lucky enough to see the trailer (bringing an airstream into San Francisco is probably a terrible idea), but the photos of it look amazing. Just a couple more weeks and his interviews are finished. If you are curious to see where he’s been before me, check out his instagram feed (hashtag #americanblogger). Such a neat story, and I’m so excited to be a part of this journey.

– Chelsey

An app to think about.

Last week another blogger shared this app with me, the Buycott app. I like to know what’s in my food and I’m guessing you do, too. I also like to know where the money I spend on food goes. An example: maybe the company that makes the peanut butter you always buy… supports genetically modified foods, and you’re not really into that. ::raises hand::

You download the app, choose the campaigns you support, and scan the products you buy. I searched through my cupboard and was surprised to find so many foods/etc. that went against the campaigns I support. The campaigns range from animal testing, all the way to avoiding products that are distantly connected to human trafficking. I was very surprised to find that an organic/non-animal testing brand I use everyday, is actually owned by a larger company that sells many products that test on animals. They just don’t test animals for this one little brand.

I wandered the app and chose my campaigns, based on my own principles, and off I went. I know it’s quite the challenge to avoid everything I don’t want to support, but I love that there’s a way I can try. Buying local as often as I can, and supporting the companies that do right by the planet and it’s inhabitants.

The app is free and pretty easy to use. The blogger that told me about this joked that now there’s almost nothing she can actually buy, and feel good about it. I’m starting to feel the same way, but I am also excited to see how this app changes my buying habits/everything.

– Chelsey

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Business cards for Alt Summit San Francisco


Well, I’m all ready for Alt Summit in San Francisco. Last time I made wooden brooch business cards to share, this time I’m bringing wooden rings. Yup! They even have my web address on the band. The designs are from my illustrations.

If you’re headed to Alt, please say hello!

– Chelsey



If you have a Wednesday post, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject AliciaJenni from the BlogIn The Moment With, and Live and Love Outloud.