Thursday’s Three: Growth

This weeks Thursday’s Three was inspired by the change and growth my group of girlfriends and I have gone through. We’ve all known each other for years now. I didn’t think it was even possible, but I enjoy and care for my girlfriends more and more with each passing year.

We’ve all been through a lot together: Friends passing, silly fights, miscarriages, my little birth incident, and MUCH more. I feel like we have grown even closer with all of us getting married and having babies and buying houses… doing big girl stuff!

Our priorities have changed. We’ve really grown up. I mean, just look at my photos. I see little bits and snippets of my friends in the background, but I’m focusing my camera on their children. They are SUPER cute kids!

A couple of my girls have blogs: Cositas Bellas and KB Squared.

Thursday’s Three: Growth

1) I really love this great little growth chart. I would be totally ok with this hanging in my living room! I know it’s a battle I probably wont win but, I’m trying SO hard to keep the babyish/girlyish stuff out of my living space as much as I can. Ha! I know it will eventually become impossible in my tiny home! ๐Ÿ˜€ Sigh… Another thing to save my money for. ๐Ÿ˜€ Please visit Studio 1AM and buy on for me, uhhhh you!

2)  So, I know I told you all I wont be getting pregnant again, safety reasons… but, I totally could have used this shirt. It really would have helped during the “It looks like I’ve gained some weight, but I’m actually pregnant” phase. Please head to Jellybean Apparel for more awesome preggo gear.

3) Moby Monthiversaries onesies. I’ve seen lots of mommies take photos of their babies in different numbered onesies each month. I never ended up doing this. But, I would have liked to. These are very cute! They have little whales on them. Cute. Go check out the Argyle Violets shop on Etsy.

Don’t forget to check out the Paper Lady’s Thursday’s Three: Growth.

And, just a little reminder:
Photo challenge: Orange. Ends Today!!!
Giveaway for custom digital cards ends tomorrow!

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Wordless{ish} Wednesday: My baby is 8 months old today.

{Laureli Lynn: 8 months old}

{Yes, you’re 8 months old today. What have you been up to? Well….

  • You’ve now rolled over a total of 3 times. Once at 3 months. You cried. Once at 7 months. You cried. Once at 7 and 1/2 months. You cried.
  • You have figured out that you can pick up your feet and march in your jumper.
  • A tooth popped through last Tuesday. On the bottom row of your mouth. It now REALLY hurts when you chew on us.
  • It’s so easy for us to make you laugh! You smile and giggle at everything! Especially when we blow a raspberry on your belly.
  • I think you’re going to skip crawling altogether. You sit just fine on you own. But, you never try to crawl.
  • You’ve pulled up a couple times on my arm. 
  • Your new favorite toy is your little spotted stuffed dog. I got the idea from Melissa and Kelsey to hand you a stuffie, your doggy, when you’re tired. You cuddle it. You love it. Naps are better.
  • You are pretty much too big for your co-sleeper.. but, we can’t seem to move you to your crib. I’m sure you’d be fine. We just wont be fine. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • It’s getting a LOT easier to take you places. I can remember back to when you were 4 months old. I had to constantly bounce you all the time. Wore me out.
  • Last night you started saying “mah mah mah”. Almost, “ma ma”, but not quite. ๐Ÿ™‚ Whenever I repeat, “Ma ma” back to you… you just stare at me.
  • It’s pretty funny when strangers try and get you to smile, but you wont do it. Even though at home… getting you to smile is SO easy!
  • You like us to help you “walk”.
  • We’re thinking of having my mom watch you overnight… 2 nights in a row. I have a hard time not being able to check on you. I know you’ll be fine, but you know.
  • You weigh 19 pounds. Whoa.
  • You keep trying to fall asleep on your side… I roll you back onto your back. ๐Ÿ˜€ Hee.
  • I think I’m becoming a better mom. It’s been a LONG road, but I’m trying my best.}
{I love you baby girl boo head. }

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to post it below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… (Wordless Wednesday HQ, 5 Minutes For Mom, 7 Clown Circus, Jolly Mom, Go Graham Go, Marvelous Mommy, and My Wee View.) . Happy Wednesday to all of you!}

Don’t forget to check the announcements above the posts. Giveaways and photos challenges!

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Tuesday and Wednesday photo challenges…

Simplicity Photo Challenge: Black and White. and… Black and White Wednesday.

{Ruari. ALMOST 8 months!}
This photo is for Simplicity’s photo challenge: Black and White. I love her eyes in this shot. ๐Ÿ™‚

the long road

Touch Up Tuesday:



{Ruari ALMOST 8 months}

In a Yellow House photo challenge: Arts and Crafts.

{Hand-painted paper decoration from Paper Lady Invites}

This is a little hand-painted bird ornament I made a while back. I sell it in my Paper Lady shop.

BWS tips button

It’s a Beautiful Life: Signature Look

{Ruari 7.5 months}

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Monday’s My Pick: Kissy

{Ruari and Kamilah}

Hmmm. Just found this post for yesterday not published! Ooop! This is Kamilah’s version of a kiss. She’s so cute. Visit Cositas Bellas to see more Kamilah!

Monday’s My Pick: XOXO vinyl decal. Hmmm… I found yet ANOTHER thing to put in my baby’s room. Sigh. So many things to buy… so little money. ๐Ÿ˜€ Please check out Tasty Suite for more awesome decals! Definitely fun and unique stuff there.. 

Don’t forget to check out the Paper Mama’s Monday’s My Pick: Kiss.

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