GIVEAWAY: Pear Tree Greetings Personalized Thank You Cards! *CLOSED*

Update, we have a winner:

How would you love to win a set of personalized thank you cards from Pear Tree Greetings?
I would. I LOVE there stuff. It’s WONDERFUL quality, and very cute.

Pear Tree Greetings was kind enough to send me a sampling of their Holiday thank you cards! So cute! I never really thought about sending a thank you for a Christmas gift! It only makes sense.

But, if you don’t want to send a thank you for Christmas… they have MANY other thank you cards to choose from.

By the way. Pear Tree Greetings has a TON of discounts at the moment. Click here to see a list.

On to the giveaway details:

How do you win? Please follow these steps… AND make sure I have a way to contact you through e-mail. If I don’t… I’ll have to delete the entry… ๐Ÿ™

Mandatory entry:
1) Tell me what about your favorite thank you card you’ve received or sent!{1 entry}

Optional entries:
1) Follow me (see sidebar) {1 entry}
2) Like my Facebook page for The Paper Mama{1 entry}
3) Blog about this giveaway… linking back to my blog (please post blog post link in comment). {3 entries}
4) Grab one of my buttons in the sidebar there… {1 entry}
5) Give me a vote, if you’d like ๐Ÿ™‚ Click here: Vote For Us @ TopBabyBlogs.Com - A Top Baby Blog List By {1 entry}

Giveaway ends November 6th 11:59 PM Pacific Time. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Ruari’s first Vlog post.


Three picks on Thursday:

1) I found this very cool inspiring shop on Etsy:

I’ve been sketching ideas to create a cloud mobile for Ruari’s room These are lovely! Of course I wont copy… but, I LOVE the inspiration! Check out this very cute Gosh and Golly shop on Etsy!

{Gosh and Golly shop on Etsy}
I think this one is my favorite:
{Gosh and Golly shop on Etsy}
{Gosh and Golly shop on Etsy}


2) Shutterfly holiday cards are here! You can take one of those awesome photos you’ve been taking throughout the year and create a custom holiday photo card…What I’m really loving about these cards is the wide variety. You can choose to go with a collage card, a very decorated card, or a card with very little on it to really show off your photo! Don’t forget they also have other goodies like personalized thank you cards.

I want to share a few of my favorite holiday cards with you guys:
{This card is so simple and lovely.}
{I love how you can really see most of the photo with this card.}
{I love the little snowflake.}
{I think this one is my favorite! I love the frame.}
{I love collage cards! I also love the holiday wishes.}

AND, if YOU would love to receive 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly, check out this link. Just write up your own blog post and fill out the form in this link. So simple! All you have to do is talk about YOUR favorite designs from Shutterfly. It’s really so easy, since they’re all pretty darn cute!

This post is part of a series sponsored by Shutterfly. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.


3) A shutter release. I haven’t done any research on this yet, but I’d really love a shutter release. Much easier than running back and forth after setting my camera’s timer. I used to have a 3 foot wire shutter release. I loved it. I could do so much more with a wireless.

I found this Vivitar on Amazon. I know nothing about it.

{Vivitar on Amazon}


Alright, Happy Thursday everyone! AND, just an FYI: the BabyLegs coupon for 20% off ends on October 31st. Hurry and get your discount! Great Christmas gift. Use the code: PAPERMAMA during check out.

And, if you get a second… I’d LOVE to stick around in the top 25… a couple clicks if you love my blog. ๐Ÿ˜€ Let me know if you need some votes!

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Looking forward to some fun!

I’ve lost my mind. Yup. It’s true. Here’s why:

I’ve known for quite some time that there’s hardwood under the baby’s room carpet. It’s painted and has some glue spots… but, I REALLY don’t like that carpet. My VERY naughty Chihuahua doesn’t like to pee out in the rain (what a baby) so, he sneaks into the room to pees on the carpet. NOT any more!!! I pulled the carpet out yesterday! Yes! I’m crazy! I didn’t even tell Mike I was going to do it. I just did it. Ruari sat in her crib and watched her crazy mama. ๐Ÿ˜€

SOOOoooo, I’m looking forward to sanding that floor and cleaning it up! AND, I can’t wait to get that whole baby room finished! I still have a goal of finishing it before Ruari’s 1st birthday.


What else am I looking forward to?

I’m putting together a Big ‘ol Holiday Card competition (Doesn’t start till next week)! Yay! I ALWAYS make my own Christmas cards. I have so much fun doing it! In fact… Mike and I are doing a little photo shoot this weekend for our Christmas card. Can’t wait to show all of you what I come up with!

holiday card challenge button

Just to prepare you all… There are a couple of rules for this challenge:

  • The card must include a photo (it does not have to be taken by you, but you need to have permission to use it). It can be edited to your hearts desire… but, there MUST be a photo.
  • You need to be the creator! I’m sorry: you can’t have someone else create it for you. Your design.
  • This card can be digitally made, or handcrafted. Whichever. Don’t forget to include a photo!
  • A blog post will need to be linked to the linky when it’s up to be included in the challenge.
  • One entry per person.

{Mike and Chelsey Christmas card 2009}

This challenge will be up next week! You have plenty of time. The challenge will go through December 3rd.

AND, if you’d like to donate a prize for the winners, I’m gathering a collection of goodies for 3 winners. If you donate a prize: you will get free ad space in the sidebar of my blog through December 31st. Email me: [email protected]


In the mail:

I received some goodies in the mail! Yay! Miss Ashley sent me a love letter… okay, not a love letter… but, she sent me a sweet little note with some of her AMAZING photos! I LOVE them! I am currently looking for a space to showcase these photos! I think the photo of Kitty Paw needs to be framed and set next to my kitties food area. They love her (well, I pretend they do).

Ashley really is such an amazing person. She is so kind and sweet. Please visit her if you haven’t already. Hurry!

AND, I recently signed up for a little swap with Lacey! We had to come with one word that describes our collection. For me: teacup. I love teacups. Mike doesn’t. Ha! But, I do and Lacey put together a wonderful little package for me! I Love it! Lacey’s word was: Cupcakes.

She sent me…

  • A VERY cute shirt with a teacup on it for Ruari.
  • A little teacup pin cusion
  • Some of her favorite tea from her state
  • And, my favorite: a teacup! 

Thank you SO much Lacey! I love it! So much fun!


Upcoming tutorial:

And, I’ve had a few people ask me how I did this:

SO, I’m going to write a little tutorial for Paper Heart Camera for next week. It’s very simple. I’d love to see what you guys can do!


And, please give me a vote if you have a second. I would LOVE it.

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Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Multiple personalities


{Day 10: Someone you need to let go, or wish you didnโ€™t know.
 I don’t have anyone in my life that’s toxic. I try and keep away from that. So, no one. :)}

{And, if you get a second… a couple clicks will help keep me in the top 25. Much appreciated! Seriously!}

Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to post it below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… (Wordless Wednesday HQ, 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Jolly Mom, Go Graham Go, Supermom,  and My Wee View.). Happy Wednesday to all of you! Don’t forget to check the announcements above the posts. Giveaways and the photo challenge: Black and White. My original 30 Days of Truth Post.}

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Photo Challenges

Hi! Here are a couple of photo challenges for Tuesday… Just a couple. I think I may have lost my mind. I decided to pull the carpet out of the baby’s room. There’s hardwood under there… but, it’s painted and rough. SOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo… I think I better make the room look somewhat pretty before Mike gets home. ๐Ÿ˜€ Hee.

Shutter Love Tuesday: Collage

I know you have all seen those photos… but, those babies are SO cute I had to make a collage of them!


Simplicity photo challenge: Portrait

I love this portrait photo I took of Melissa from Hi, Baby.

Pioneer Woman assignment: Edit



Ok, that’s all for me today. Don’t forget you can enter this weeks photo challenge at Paper Heart Camera! And, the Paper Mama’s Photo Challenge too! And, if you get a chance I’d love a vote from you! THANKS so much!

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Pacific NW Bloggy Buddy gathering!

We had another bloggy get together! If you all remember, we had one back in September…{You can flashback here…}. We decided since we had so much fun at the last get together… we HAD to do it again! BUT, baby free. ๐Ÿ™‚ It was girls night time!

{Lindsay, Amy, Melissa, Jill, Mandy, and me.}

First, Ruari and I started out at Mandy’s house. Mandy was SO sweet and offered up a bed and room for me to stay in Saturday night. When I got into town we thought it would be fun to take some quick photos of the babies!

{Photo taken by Mandy}
{Photo taken by Mandy}
{Bennett 9 months and Ruari 10 months}
{This photo cracks me up. The look on his face!}
{Ruari pretty much waves at everything… nonstop}
{My big girl pulling up on everything!}
{I LOVE those thighs!}
{Shhhhh… Don’t tell Mandy, but I think Ruari pushed Bennett. ;D }

After playing around with the babies, my mom and grammy took Ruari to stay with some family for the night. I got a night off!

SO, the girls and I headed to Rock Bottom Brewery for some happy hour. What did we talk about? Well, you of course! All you bloggy mama’s! And, babies. What else do Mommy blogging mama’s have to talk about? ;D

Mandy, Melissa and I ran outside for a quick little photo session. It’s not everyday that we get all prettied up.

{Mandy and Melissa}
{Taking a photo of Melissa and I taking a photo of Mandy.}
{Mandy and Melissa}
{Photo taken by Mandy}
{Photo taken by Mandy}
{Photo taken by Mandy}
{Photo taken by Mandy}

We ended the evening at a frozen yogurt shop. Mmm. Very tasty. Chocolate… Oh, that reminds me… we have Halloween candy. Uh oh, I may need to have a piece! ๐Ÿ˜€

Day 9: Someone you didnโ€™t want to let go, but just drifted.

I can’t say there is any one person specifically. But, there are a couple of people I met while living in Seattle that I think about every once in a while. We all drifted apart… I moved to Oregon… Lost my phone that had their numbers (Well, I left it on the roof of our car)… and they don’t have Facebook’s. SOOOOooooo, oh well. ๐Ÿ™‚

Sweet Shot Day

Oh man, I hope you all enjoyed the photos! We enjoyed taking them! And, if you get a second… a couple clicks will help keep me in the top 25. Much appreciated! Seriously!

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Steppin out Saturday and some truths.

Man, I was SO tired last night. I couldn’t form a post to save my life! Anyway… I REALLY wanted to participate with Mandy’s Steppin Out Saturday. It makes me feel good when I try… you know: Showering, wearing something besides pajamas, carrying a real purse…. So, here I am. Ruari and I. We sort of forgot to take photos of the babe and I… so, no full body shots. It’s hard to tell, but I’m wearing make up… real pants… a cute shirt… my hair is up (not in just a pony-tail).

We drove up to Seattle on Saturday to have a girl’s night! My Mom took baby for the evening and I got to hang out with some lovely bloggers (photos will be finished and ready to share tomorrow). 

{Photo taken by Mandy}
{Photo taken by Mandy}
{Photo taken by Mandy}
{Photo taken by Mandy}

Ruari’s outfit:
ACDC Onesie: Old Navy Clearance
Denim ruffle butt: Old Navy Clearance
Chelsey’s outfit:
Pants: Forever 21 (VERY old jeans)
Boots: sale
Earrings: Anthropologie
Cardigan: From Target MANY years ago
Anyway, on to my truths. I’m catching up for the last 3 days…
Day 6: Something you hope you never have to do. 
I hope I NEVER have to see my child die. A child dieing before their parents is awful. Mike’s brother died 11 years ago at 17. It was horrible. I never got to meet him.
Day 7: Someone who has made your life worth living for. 
Well, I love life. So, it’s always been worth living for me. Even during the hard times. I’d say Mike and Laureli have definitely made living even better!

Day 8: Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like sh@t. 
No ones really made my life hell. Some people have made it a little harder… but, if I don’t like someone in my life… I don’t hang around them. Brings me down. I mentioned it on day 4… (forgiving my dad). I feel like he never made my life hell… he just wasn’t really there or wasn’t very supportive and he made a ton of stupid choices in his life.
And, here’s the link to my original 30 Day Post. Happy Monday everyone!
I’m also using the first photo for this weeks ABC challenge 
“G”: G is for lookin’ Good. Ha! A bit of a stretch! ;D

Oh yeah… If you get a chance… I’d REALLY appreciate a couple of votes! And, as usual: let me know if you need some votes too!

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