Baby Daniel.

One of my closest friends, Kim, gave birth to her little baby boy, Daniel, last night. She was in labor for 36 hours… then, just one hour after his birth… she was ready for visitors! Man, she’s tough. He’s so sweet and little.

{Baby Daniel November 8th, 2010: 2 hours old}

{Renee, Kim and Daniel, Stacey, me, Courtney, and Kristen}

Ha! I love the look on Ruari’s face in the photo below, “What the?”

Each time a friend of mine has a baby, I am amazed on how strong they are. So amazed. I can’t believe that Kim and I have now been friends for… what, 15 years? Wow, I’m laughing just flashing back: we were a couple of dorky little giggly 8th graders…. Now: Married mom’s. We’ve all been through so much in our lives already. Wow, and in just one month her sister will be having a little baby boy too!

30 days of truth:
Day 17: A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.

Reading Your Best Birth in the beginning of my pregnancy changed my views on birth. I think having the option for a natural birth is important. But, like in my case, the hospital is VERY VERY important. I really never knew anything about all the birthing options before I was pregnant. I do recommend this book.

{Find this on Amazon}

truth post.
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I’d very much appreciate it!
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I Heart Faces: Orange

Hmmm… Maybe more of an orange cream color. 😀 That’s my Orange photo.


Don’t forget to create your holiday card for my Holiday Card Challenge!

The Paper Mama

Three winners will be chosen by a panel of judges by December 6th, 2010. Here’s a list of the sponsors for the competition (I will post a detailed list of the prizes later today):

Pink Lemonade
Navy Blue Notes
Eclectic Whatnot
Circles Are Forever
Pear Tree Greetings
Big Heart Baby
Mama with Love
Life Without Plastic
Crafty Working Mommy
Beba Bean

If you think this holiday card challenge is awesome, could you vote for me? I’d love it.

Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

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Categories: Uncategorized

My Pick on Monday: First Friday

Mike and I enjoyed some time out of the house Friday night with the baby. It was First Friday! We have many First Friday’s around Oregon. You just need to pick one. Shops stay open later. Wine is served. Appetizers. It’s just a good time. And, to top it off: no rain. Rain wouldn’t normally stop us…. but, things are different with a baby.

I put on some real clothes. No pajamas tonight! 😀

We ended the night with a drink at the Lucky Lab (it’s a pizza place if you’re wondering). Then, we headed home. Ruari pretty much passed out right after we got her in her jammies. Busy night for her!

By the way: Ruari was sucking her thumb last night! She fell asleep with her thumb in her mouth. She is so addicted to her pacifier and she hasn’t ever really liked her thumb… Hopefully she’ll be able to soothe herself a little better with that thumb! Instead of searching for her pacifier.

Linking up my weekend for Manic Monday!

Manic Monday

My Pick on Monday: Monday through Sunday hair clips.
How many of you reading this didn’t know it was Monday until you read “Monday’s My Pick” right above this sentence? Well, look no further! Your baby can be your calendar! Hee. These really are SO cute! I found some Monday to Sunday hair clips in the Etsy shop: Chic Baby Rose

We are trying to put hair clips in Ruari’s hair each day to get her used to it… she really needs her bangs cut… but, I don’t know how that will turn out since she doesn’t like us touching her head/hair! 😀

{Chic Baby Rose}

{Chic Baby Rose}

The Paper Mama

Don’t forget to create your holiday card for my Holiday Card Challenge! Three winners will be chosen by a panel of judges by December 6th, 2010. Here’s a list of the sponsors for the competition (I will post a detailed list of the prizes later today):

Pink Lemonade
Navy Blue Notes
Eclectic Whatnot
Circles Are Forever
Pear Tree Greetings
Big Heart Baby
Mama with Love
Life Without Plastic
Crafty Working Mommy
Beba Bean

If you think this holiday card challenge is awesome, could you vote for me? I’d love it.

Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

Would ya could ya? Vote for me?
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Categories: Uncategorized

Sunday Challenges

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: Boo, Black, Texture, Wet, and Language.


Boo! It’s a giant pin cushion! OooooOOooOOoooooo….


I took the photo above to create my own bokeh texture. If you’re wondering how I’ll do it, check out this neat tutorial on Paper Heart Camera by Mandy: Make your own bokeh. This also works for the Lens Art challenge: Color

The Journalings of a Julius


This night time shot feels grainy to me… along with the brick in the background. Texture.


This also works for Sunday Citar: “Home sweet home.”

AND, time for Steppin Out Saturday on Friday.

{Ruari 10.5 months}
Blouse under wrap: Anthropologie
Jeans: Forever 21 (REALLY old)
Shoes: Old Navy (REALLY OLD Navy)
Hat: Made by me. Thank you.
Sweatshirt: Old Navy
Onesie: Gift
Leggings: BabyLegs
Shoes: Carter’s

And, could you all help me stay in the top 25? 
Thank you SOOOOO much.
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

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Categories: Uncategorized

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Food

November 6th – November 11th

This weeks guest judge: ME!
The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty): Eating. Cooking. Playing with food. Near food.

My example of “Food”:

{Ruari 10.5 months}

I just couldn’t find a food photo (a recent one) of Ruari. I took this the other day while we were hanging out at Starbucks.

Here are a couple links to some free photo editing software if you don’t already have something:

There always has to be rules… I know, boring right? But, it’s to help me and you. 🙂 Click on the link for more details… Each entry does need to link back to my blog… Click here to see last weeks winner… All photo entries need to be in by 11:59 PM Pacific Time on November 11th…

Guess what…. after 4 challenges there will be a week long vote off of the winners from the 4 previous challenges… The winner of the vote off will get a small prize! 1 more challenge to go…

Winners so far:

If you have an Etsy shop and would like to give away an item as a prize… please drop me a line! I ♥ sponsors and will show your shop some love for your contribution. 🙂

The Paper Mama

And, if you all get a moment…. I’d LOVE a vote! 😀
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

Would ya could ya? Vote for me?
Vote For Us @!

Categories: food

AND, the winner of the Paper Mama Halloween Photo challenge is…

This weeks guest judge: 
Tia from: Christopher and Tia.
This weeks challenge Halloween
The challenge

The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty) in their Halloween costumes. OR, if you don’t celebrate Halloween… a photo of what you did on October 31st. 😀






Tia’s Halloween picks:

Why Tia chose this photo: “Holy crap that’s the cutest spider I’VE ever seen. I like that it was in black and white, too.”

Congrats! Please feel free to grab a “fact: I’m awesome … #1 winner” button below. Because: you ARE awesome! And, thank you SO much for participating!

The Paper Mama

Why Tia chose this photo: “It goes so well with the unofficial theme of crying babies, haha.”

Why Tia chose this photo: “This was cute cute cute! I love it when people dress up as a whole cast of characters. Plus I remember seeing the wizard of oz around Halloween time when I was in kindergarten, so… theres that.”

Why Tia chose this photo: “Look at the stinger!!”

Why Tia chose this photo: “What a hoot! Ok, that was lame, haha. But really, soooo so sos ososososoo cute. I especially like the last photo on the post.”

If you’re a top 5 photo, please feel free to grab a button below!

The Paper Mama

 My favorites (in no particular order):

If you’re one of my favorites you are more than welcome to grab a “Paper mama hearts me” button below!

The Paper Mama

And, we both had a few honorable mentions:

Guess what…. after 4 challenges there will be a week long vote off of the winners from the 4 previous challenges… The winner of the vote off will get a small prize! 1 more challenges to go…

Winners so far:

If you have an Etsy shop and would like to give away an item as a prize… please drop me a line! I ♥ sponsors and will show your shop some love for your contribution. 🙂

Could you give me a vote? I’d really appreciate it!
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

Would ya could ya? Vote for me?
Vote For Us @!

Categories: Uncategorized

Friday Challenges

Sky Watch and TMMAPC:

{My town}

Skywatch Friday

Fix-it Friday:


{Fix-it Friday}


Best Shot:

Give me your best shot at Better in Bulk

Macro Friday:

Blogging from Bolivia

Could you give me a vote? I’d really appreciate it!
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory


Would ya could ya? Vote for me?
Vote For Us @!

Categories: Uncategorized