The Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Cozy

November 13th – November 18th

This weeks guest judge: 
Singwa (a.k.a. Buckeroomama) from: Mamahood, Among Other Things…
The challenge: “Cozy
The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty): Dressed up all cozy. Hanging out by the fire in a blanket. Snuggly. In a Snuggie? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Let’s see those comfy photos!

Buckeroomama’s “Cozy” example:

My example of “Cozy”:

This is a bit of a flashback. Ruari was 4 months old here. We had her all cozied up in her BOB stroller for a welcome home from Afghanistan party that was outside in April.


Here are a couple links to some free photo editing software if you don’t already have something:

There always has to be rules… I know, boring right? But, it’s to help me and you. ๐Ÿ™‚ Click on the link for more details… Each entry does need to link back to my blog… Click here to see last weeks winner… All photo entries need to be in by 11:59 PM Pacific Time on November 18th…

Guess what…. after 4 challenges there will be a week long vote off of the winners from the 4 previous challenges… The winner of the vote off will get a small prize! 4 more challenges to go…

Winners so far:
Cozy: … no one yet …
Eyes: … no one yet …
Black and White: … no one yet …
Blessings: … no one yet …

Click here to vote for your favorite from the last month!

AND, don’t forget to take your holiday photos for the Holiday Card Challenge!

The Paper Mama

And, if you all get a moment…. I’d LOVE a vote! ๐Ÿ˜€

Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

Would ya could ya? Vote for me?
Vote For Us @!

Categories: Uncategorized


  • 1) Fall: And, then she (snapped).
{And then she (snapped)}
  • 2) Black and White: Jennifer Leigh
{Jennifer Leigh}

  • 3) Halloween: And, then she (snapped)
{And, then she snapped}

  • 4) Food: Mommyland

Please Vote! Voting will end on November 18th, 2010 at 11:59 pm. Get your friends and family to vote! ๐Ÿ™‚ Make a post on your blog linking back to the vote post.

Would ya could ya? Vote for me?
Vote For Us @!

Categories: Uncategorized

AND, the winner of this weeks "Food" photo challenge is…

November 6th – November 11th

This weeks guest judge: ME!
The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty): Eating. Cooking. Playing with food. Near food.

My picks:

  • 1st: Mommyland

Why I picked this photo: “I love the little bit of yogurt on her mouth and those eyes are gorgeous! Beautiful photo. It just really stood out to me.”


Congrats! Please feel free to grab a “fact: I’m awesome … #1 winner” button below. Because: you ARE awesome! And, thank you SO much for participating!

The Paper Mama

  • 2nd: Bunch of Barrons

Why I picked this photo: “I’m a total sucker for very cropped/close up photos of the random details. This food moment is so fun. Playing with food!”

{Bunch of Barrons}

  • 3rd: AJ Kreations

Why I picked this photo: “This is a great close up crop. And, the eyes peeking under the hair: wonderful.”

{AJ Kreations}

  • 4th: Luvin Life

Why I picked this photo: “This messy face is wonderful! I think I can see mommy in the reflection of the eyes!”

{Luvin Life}

  • 5th: A Sorta Fairytale

Why I picked this photo: “The angle of this shot is great. Bennett up to no good! ;D”

{A Sorta Fairytale}

If you’re a top 5 photo, please feel free to grab a button below!

The Paper Mama

 My favorites (in no particular order):

  • Hi, Baby
{Hi, Baby}

  • Whimsy Lamb
{Whimsy Lamb}

  • Me in the Mix
{Me in the Mix}

  • Crosbie Crew
{Crosbie Crew}

  • 4 Lettre Family
{4 Lettre Family}

If you’re one of my favorites you are more than welcome to grab a “Paper mama hearts me” button below!

The Paper Mama


Guess what…. after 4 challenges there will be a week long vote off of the winners from the 4 previous challenges… 1 more challenge to go…

Time for the VOTE OFF!

Winners so far:

If you have a moment? Vote?
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

Would ya could ya? Vote for me?
Vote For Us @!

Categories: food

Vlog: A Reading by Ruari.

Don’t forget to enter your holiday card! Just a little FYI, you can enter a holiday themed photo.

Check out the prizes and enter your card here.

The list of shops participating:
Pink Lemonade
Navy Blue Notes
Eclectic Whatnot
Circles Are Forever
Pear Tree Greetings
Big Heart Baby
Mama with Love
Life Without Plastic
Crafty Working Mommy
Beba Bean
The Paper Mama Shop

Would ya could ya? Vote for me?
Vote For Us @!

Categories: Uncategorized

My new diaper bag and my three picks.

{Barely Measured}

{Barely Measured}

{Barely Measured}

{Barely Measured}

I just love it. I’ve been using it for a week now. It’s so handy. It came from the lovely Heather over at Barely Measured.

This is why my first pick for Thursday is:

1) Heather from Barely Measured. She was so wonderful and easy to work with. She built the bag to suit my needs. I even picked out the fabric. I’ve already received MANY comments on my bag. I tell anyone that asks about it to head over to Barely Measured on Etsy because she’s so awesome! Oh, and do visit the Barely Measured Blog!

Hi Heather!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE my bag. Thank you.


2) My second pick is Jess Craig, from I Rock So What, at Target. What? Yeah, I love it when she goes to Target. Well, I love pretty much everything she does… but, everytime she’s in Target and blogs about it… I NEED to go! I love Target. It’s such a fun place. Seriously. I may have a weird idea of what’s fun… Oh, and she is good friends with Heather (seen above)…


3) My sponsor for the Holiday Card Challenge. Thanks you guys! I really am so excited to see all the wonderful entries. Have you entered yours yet? Check out the prizes and enter your card here.

The list of shops participating:
Pink Lemonade
Navy Blue Notes
Eclectic Whatnot
Circles Are Forever
Pear Tree Greetings
Big Heart Baby
Mama with Love
Life Without Plastic
Crafty Working Mommy
Beba Bean
The Paper Mama Shop


I’d like to give a shout out to Tazo Zen Green Tea for caffeinating me each and every day. ESPECIALLY on the days LIKE today… since the baby woke up crying a lot last night. Teething?

{Tazo Zen Green Tea}

If you have a moment, could you vote for me?
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

Would ya could ya? Vote for me?
Vote For Us @!

Categories: Uncategorized

Holiday Card Challenge prize mobile!

There are a wonderful/lovely variety of companies and handmade shops that want to share their creations with you! A panel of judges and I will choose the top 20 entries. From there YOU GUYS will be picking the first, second, third, AND even fourth place winners!

What can you win? Here you go (each shop is only giving away one item):

{Eclectic Whatnot}
{Crafty Working Mommy}
{Beba Bean}
{Big Heart Baby}
{Pear Tree Greetings }
{Life Without Plastic}
{Mama with Love}
{Navy Blue Notes}
{Pink Lemonade}
{Circles Are Forever}
{The Paper Mama Shop}

The list of shops participating:
Pink Lemonade
Navy Blue Notes
Eclectic Whatnot
Circles Are Forever
Pear Tree Greetings
Big Heart Baby
Mama with Love
Life Without Plastic
Crafty Working Mommy
Beba Bean
The Paper Mama Shop

The prize breakdown
First place: The first place winner will get first pick. They choose FIVE items from the prize pool that they would like most.

Second place: The 2nd place winner will pick next. They choose THREE items from the prize pool that they would like most.

Third place: The 3rd place winner will pick next. They choose TWO items from the prize pool that they would like most.

Fourth place: The 3rd place winner will pick next. They choose TWO items from the prize pool that they would like most.

I hope you’ll all visit these shops! They’re pretty amazing.  Click here to get some inspiration and the rules for your Holiday Card entry!

The Paper Mama

Would ya could ya? Vote for me?
Vote For Us @!

Categories: Uncategorized

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Ruari’s favorite spot.

{Ruari 10.5 months}

{This is Ruari’s newest spot. She pulls up on everything now. BUT, she’s just discovered the wonder and joy of pulling up on the window ledge. She LOVES it. She likes to dance and wave at people there… then she likes to try and pull on the curtains… naughty baby…}

{It’s where she LOVES to be! I hope to share a video soon of her dancing at the window.}

{Just a reminder for EVERYONE: don’t forget to create and link up your Holiday Card creations here! The challenge goes through December 3rd. 3 winners will be chosen!}

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to post it below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… (Wordless Wednesday HQ, 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Jolly Mom, Go Graham Go, Supermom,  and My Wee View.). Happy Wednesday to all of you! Don’t forget to check the announcements above the posts. Giveaways and the photo challenge: Food.}

Would ya could ya? Vote for me?
Vote For Us @!

Categories: Uncategorized