Day 16: S’mores in a Jar

Day 16: Yup. Simple as that. S’mores in a jar! The perfect hostess gift. Pop some marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers into a jar. Add a customizable sticker, from pear tree greetings. Bam! There you go.

::note:: I wrapped the graham crackers and chocolate in plastic wrap. I didn’t want the crackers to get stale or the chocolate to get weird (whatever that means).

Cost: – Jar: thrifted for $2 – graham crackers: $3 – marshmallows: $3 – chocolate: $1 (there’s enough left over to make MANY s’mores jars). –


– Chelsey

To keep up with my 50 DIY Days, click here:

Day 15: Polka Dot Wreath

Day 15: Today I’m sharing a sweet wreath DIY with you. My polka dot wreath! It’s so simple and lovely for the fall. What you need: a wreath shape, moss, pom poms, hot glue, and optional: deer and trees.


– Glue your moss onto your wreath.

– When your moss is all secure, grab the pom poms. Glue them on.

– Optional: add a plastic toy deer and a couple bottle brush trees.

– You’re done!


Wreath: $2 – Moss: $6 (for a large bag) – Pom poms: $2

– Chelsey

To keep up with my 50 DIY Days, click here:

Day 14: Paper Pinecone Garland

Day 14: Last year for my 50 DIY Days I created a pinecone garland… this year, I’ve made it even MORE simple. A paper pinecone garland. Made from my illustrations: all you have to do is print out this page on card stock, cut it out, and hot glue to a bit of ribbon. Hang and enjoy! So simple, and perfect for your upcoming Thanksgiving.

Happy Thursday!

– Chelsey

To keep up with my 50 DIY Days, click here:

Roll Up Bun

The roll up bun. Recently: I’ve been wearing my hair like this NON stop. It’s simple. I love it. ::side note: ummm, it’s also great when you just don’t have time to wash that hair, yup:: SO after some research online, I’ve discovered that this hair style is pretty much identical to to an old style: the Gibson Roll (check out this Gibson Roll mold, I’m very interested in purchasing this for more volume).

Anywho, here’s how to do it: 

–  Grab you hair (like you’re making a ponytail) and twist.

– Fold that twisted ponytail over and roll it into your hair (see image above).

– Pin it. With MANY bobby pins an secure with hair spray. Something I recommend: spin pins. These work SO well for this hair style.

– Well for a “short hair” look, you can stop here. OR, add a couple of pins to each side behind the ear to pin it back.

– You can now decide if you’d like to add a hair wrap, or not. On rainy/busy days… I add a wrap. I have a big collection of vintage scarves….. and, I also have some fabric I like to roll up and use (like my green checkered goody above).

– That’s it! You’re done.


The Images above share another way you can start the roll up bun. Is your hair just wont stay with just rolling it, start it as a ponytail. Make sure the ponytail is low and at the nape of your neck. Pull down the hair tie a few inches, grab the pony tail and pull it up through the center of the hair (see where arrow is pointing on image). Then, continue onto rolling your hair and pin. Enjoy!

– Chelsey

Day 13: Five Great Family Photo Tips + Freebie Holiday Card

DAY 13 is brought to you by, the lovely MaryamHowdy all!  My name is Maryam and I’m a photographer and blogger.  Today I’m going to talk to you a little bit about taking your own pictures for your holiday card.  If you’re like me you’ve put off taking holiday photos so far and you’re scrambling to get those holiday cards done and sent out.  Welp, I’m making it a little easier for you!  I’m also throwing in a holiday card template FREE OF CHARGE!  That’s just the kind of lady I am.

Tip Number 1: Don’t stress. 

Seriously, if you’re stressed out it’ll show up in the pictures.   Your kids will pick up on it (whether they be human or of the animal variety) and the camera will pick up on that.  The more relaxed you are the better your pictures will turn out.  Don’t focus on getting the perfect picture, focus on having fun!  The more fun you have the better your pictures will turn out.  And if they don’t at least you had fun doing it!

Tip Number 2: 

Don’t matchy match your clothes!  Everyone wearing the same thing is not a good look.  Unless you’re trying to be ironic.  Just make sure your audience knows your intentions, ha!  The best way to go about dressing for your pictures is to color coordinate.  Everyone should wear similar tones, but not in the same places.  Like you could wear hunter green cords and a maroon sweater and your partner could wear a plaid shirt with hunter green tones and maroon pants.  You get the idea.  You don’t even have to wear the same colors, just stay in the same tonal family and you should be fine!

Tip Number 3: Use a tripod.

Before you gather everyone together, set up your tripod.  Figure out where you want everyone to be, point the camera at that space and make sure it’s straight.  Once you have things set up, pull your peeps in.  Position everyone, look through the viewfinder and if you’re happy with it start snapping!  If you’d like to be in the picture I would recommend a remote (usually under 15$) or have a friend click the shutter for you (a good option if you have small kids so they have someone to get their attention).  You can use the self timer but it can be tiring running back and forth when you’re taking more than one picture.  And you should be taking more than one picture!

Tip Number 4: Use props.

I’m not talking about giant sunglasses and silly hats (though if that’s your style, go for it!), I’m talking about a chair, a nice couch, a pretty ottoman.  Something to use for one or two people to sit on and add interest.  For kids a small ottoman is great for posing.  Giving kids something to hold is also a great trick.  Try a vintage camera (that you’re not afraid of breaking!), a pumpkin or even an ornament or star!

Tip Number 5: Don’t use a flash!  

Take your pictures during the day!  Don’t take them in direct sunlight but make sure there is good lighting.  If you’re taking them indoors pay attention a couple days before to see where the best light in your house is and at what time.  I take all of my indoor shots facing our south-facing living room picture window.  The light is soft and even and I never ever have to use a flash.  If you’re taking the shots outside make sure you’re in a shady area and try to avoid taking the photos in the middle of the day when the lighting is harsh and makes people squint.  Not a good look.

And that about does it!  If you’d like to download the holiday card  or Facebook timeline above (minus the pictures!) the links are below.  They are both png files where you just stick your photos behind the card in Photoshop or Gimp and are done.  The holiday card is 5×7 but has enough room to be printed as a 4×6 and not lose any details.  Enjoy!

Download the card here and the Facebook timeline here.

– Maryam, Sweet Violet Photography


A very big THANK you to Maryam for sharing this fantastic DIY. Please, be sure to give her blog home a visit.

To keep up with my 50 DIY Days, click here:

Categories: 50 DIY Days, photography

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Happy day after election!

Yay! No more commercials! Did you have a good Tuesday?


{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject AliciaJenni from the BlogBree: his honey and her mommy, and Live and Love Outloud.

Day 12: Painted feather quill and journal

DAY 12 is brought to you by, the lovely Mel of Needle and Nest DesignHello all you lovely readers of The Paper Mama!  My name is Mel, and I perch over at the Needle and Nest Design blog (cramming it full of my creative projects, d.i.y’s, and random rants about life/mamahood).  I’m delighted to be here today to share with you another gift idea for the holidays.

So, since this season is full of fowls, like those ‘six geese a-layin’ and those seven swans a-swimming’… what could be more fitting then this:
The painted feather quill & notebook gift set.
A unique and funky gift for the writers or poets in your life!

Supplies Needed:
Blank Cover Journal
Large feather (Naturally found… or bought at a craft store).
Acrylic paint/Metallic
glue gun
ball point pen
decorative ribbon

Step 1: SNIP the bottom half inch off the quill of your feather.  Make sure it’s good and hollow all the way up the quill (push a sharp skewer up to the feather part if needed).
Step 2: SLIP a pen out of it’s original casing and then slide it up the quill as far as you’re able.  A dab of hot glue to keep it in place helps too.
Step 3:  FLIP your decorative ribbon (or rustic twine) snugly around the pen…dabbing with hot glue and attaching all the way up the quill.  Tuck in the last edge near the feather and glue in place.

Step 4:  paint the top half of your feather in your acrylic paint colour of choice.. let dry, and paint the underside too.
Step 5:  with a metallic paint (gold or silver) paint some decorative accents on the tip of your feather…. Presto!  You’re funky quill is ready!

Making a journal to match the feather theme is as simple as decorating the cover in your choice of style.  You could paint a feather on it.  Podge a fun illustration on it.  Stencil a feather outline… or, like I did: freehand sketch a feather right on to the cover  (I used an oil-based white Sharpie pen).

There you have it lovelies!  I hope this bird-brain has inspired you to create something hand.made for the holidays.
Thank again to the delightful Chelsey for hosting with the most’ing here!

– Mel, Needle and Nest Design


A very big THANK you to Mel for sharing this fantastic DIY. Please, be sure to give her blog home a visit.

To keep up with my 50 DIY Days, click here: