::Hidden Alarm Panel DIY:: on Better Homes and Gardens

New year, new DIY. This is officially my FIRST DIY of the year. Yay! It was quick and easy to do, and now my alarm panel is no longer in sight. I originally found this idea on, The Third Boob. If you’d like to learn more, head on over to the Better Homes and Gardens Blog and check out this post.

AND, I gotta know… any DIY’s you’d like to see me try out? Something you’ve been wanting to create, but just haven’t figured out how? I’d love to hear your ideas. You can leave an idea in the comments.

– Chelsey

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Currently, on the mend.

The husband is past his flu… sorta. He’s still exhausted! This virus was rough, and I’ve heard this fever has been going around. It lasts for days and you feel the aftermath for quite a while. I’m still healthy and hopefully it stays that way! I’m so happy the kiddo’s fever only lasted 2 days… since she started preschool last week! She was so excited. I cried (I was excited, too).


Obsessing over: Keeping healthy. Each day my husband was sick last week, I’d take the kiddo and myself out of the house. For the whole day. I did not want to catch that flu, and just in case it was different than what R had on New Years… I didn’t want her to get sick, again.

Working on: A combination of things. Working on some DIY’s for Better Homes and Gardens, custom illustration orders, and prepping for Alt Summit. I’m speaking on a panel (with these ladies: Capree, Melanie, and Victoria) about landing your dream contributor gig. Are you coming to Alt?

Thinking about: Everything. I took a break from thinking over the holiday… it was fantastic. Now it’s like aaaalllll my thoughts that I pushed back during Christmas… are coming in fast and all jumbled. Ha! I purchased a planner last week, time to put that thing to use and get organized! It’s from Mom Agenda. I’m pretty thrilled about this planner (being organized is awesome). I call her Magenda.

Anticipating: Kiddo started preschool last week, and this week she starts a new dance class. She’s done dance before, it was sort of a mommy and me dance. Mom’s participated. This time: no mommy. Practicing to be in class, listening to a teacher, for 45 minutes. It’s a 3 to 4 year old class. I can only imagine it is EXTREMELY adorable to watch. SOooooo, I’m going to have to sneak a peak a few times… because yeah. Adorable.

Listening to: My Little Pony. R get’s to choose 2 cartoons in the morning… it’s usually My Little Pony. Ha!

Drinking: Nothin. I should go get a glass of water. Nah, forget that! I need some caffeine. Oh goodness. It’s 9:30 am, and I haven’t had caffeine!

Wishing: Now I’m wishing I had a cup ‘o coffee in my hand. Gotta go!

– Chelsey

P.S. As usual, if you do a currently post… I’d love to see it! See what you’re up to. You can share a link in the comments. Happy Monday!


{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject AliciaJenni from the BlogBree: his honey and her mommy, and Live and Love Outloud.

52 Weeks of Drawing: Self Portrait

Week 2: The second week of my 52 weeks of drawing challenge. This week the theme is “Self Portrait”. I’m getting ready for my Alt Summit panel, and I’m in charge of drawing all our portraits. Just a little something extra for our presentation. Hee! It’s been so much fun. I can’t wait to share the final drawings of all these ladies with you. Today, I’ll just be sharing mine. My self portrait:

I want to add a few more bits and pieces to it. Haven’t decided if I’ll put color on the drawings, or not. But, I’m happy with it. Let me tell ya… drawing a profile is SO much more difficult than drawing a face straight on. It was quite the challenge. Yay!

I know I mentioned having ONE link up for the entire challenge… but, I figured it’s a little more fun with a weekly link up for each sketch. SO, there you go. I’ll have a linky open each week on Tuesday or Thursday. I’d love to see your updates! How’s your 52 weeks challenge going?

Next week’s challenge: Plant 

– Chelsey

P.S. Yes. I do really have a jackalope growing out of my head.

Photo Scavenger Hunt

Yeah. New Year. New goals. I know. Ha! But…. last year I really let my photography practice slack. BIG time. I didn’t take nearly enough photos. The only way I’ll get better with photography is to practice. That’s why I’m going to start up Scavenger Hunt Sunday, with Ashley Sisk, again. This was always my favorite photo challenge. It pushed me to keep practicing and refining my photo skillz. I miss it. This week, I’m going to pull from my archives, but next week will be all new photos! She gives you 5 prompts each week. Hopefully I’ll see you over there.



My colorful girl.


Chelsey starts with the letter “C”.


OKAY. This is sort of a stretch… but, you can roll those apples… if you really try. Ha!



I still haven’t had my caffeine this morning. This is my future. Hee.

Next week’s prompts:

Outside, Backside, Little Things, A Cup of…, Reflect

– Chelsey

The plague has hit my house.

First, my poor kiddo gets such a high fever that she has a febrile seizure….  noooow… my husband has had a fever over 102 for 2 days. It makes me so sad. In the 10 years I’ve known him…. I’ve never seen him this sick (this also includes the time we both got food poisoning from oysters). He’s headed to the doctor in the morning, but I’m hoping his fever breaks over night. I hope all of you can cross everything, hoping he gets better and I don’t catch this evil bug! Seriously. It’s nasty.

I hope you all have a wonderful and healthy weekend!

– Chelsey

P.S. if my blog looks weird… I’m not sure what’s going on. My sidebar got moved to the bottom of the page. I’m thinking it’s from the Linky Tools. 

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52 Weeks of Drawings

It’s the new year. What does that mean? Well, time to set goals… and then forget about those goals and give up. I kid. But, really… I use the start of the year to set challenges for myself. Mostly crafty/art challenges. In 2011 I attempted 52 weeks of photos. I did not finish it. I think I was too strict with it. I missed a couple of weeks, and I decided to give up. This challenge will be different. I’m allowing myself to skip ahead a week if I want, miss a week and make it up later. Whatever.

Basically: this challenge is to get me drawing for myself. I do a ton of custom illustrations and never seem to find time to draw for myself and improve my skills. Practice makes perfect (or at least better). I was inspired by the MANY 30 day drawing challenges online. I just don’t have the time to draw something once a day. Once a week (on top of my other custom orders) is better.

This first week is “Your Choice”. I chose to draw a visual of my 52 Weeks of Drawings themes. Nothing fancy. Simple drawing for the 1st week of 2013. Next week: Self Portrait. Do you want to set some crafty/artsy/photography goals for yourself? Are you looking to improve in these skills? Would you like to join me? Well, I’d love to have you. You’re more than welcome to use my 52 weeks of prompts below.

The start of a new year. 2013.

1. Your choice: This first week of the year is usually pretty busy, starting off with something simple.

2. Self portrait: Draw yourself.

3. Plant

4. 4-legged friend

5. Profile: I always draw a face straight on. What about the side view?

6. A tool you need: Scissors? Pencil? Hammer? Fork?

7. Something you love: What do you love?

8. Your name: Draw out your name. Stay simple or go elegant! Whatever.

9. Fave book: draw the book itself, or a scene from the book.

10. Inspire: Draw someone or something that inspires you.

11. Favorite place

12. Wings

13. Framed: Frame something.

14. Brand new

15. Two: 2 the number, two of something, twins?

16. Music

17. Fave animal

18. Candy land

19. Eyes

20. Bug

21. Bird

22. Family portrait

23. Imaginary

24. Animal personified

25. Hands

26. Hybrid animal: Get crazy.

27. Robotic

28. Movie scene: Favorite movie scene?

29. Sea creature

30. Crafty: Thread, knitting, sewing, whatever.

31. A collection

32. Odd superpower: What’s the most ridiculous superpower you could have?

33. Sky

34. Married couple

35. Fairy tale character

36. Something nearby

37. Tattoos

38. Street lights

39. Silhouette

40. Farm animal

41. Details: Up close and personal.

42. Comic strip: Tell a small comic strip story.

43. Monster

44. Sweet treat

45. Friend

46. Vegetable or fruit personified

47. Holiday

48. Fave food

49. Toy

50. Historic figure

51. Self portrait: start with a self portrait, end with a self portrait.

52. Your choice

You can link up your 52 weeks of “whatever artsy crafty challenge” you want to do below. Instead of coming back and linking a new post each week, maybe sharing a specific post that collects all your drawings (or the category/tag link) would be best. I’m looking forward to seeing your drawings/photos/crafts. Happy New Year!

– Chelsey

P.S. If you’d like a hashtag for twitter or instagram, you can use #PM52Weeks. I’ll be wandering that hashtag. <3 AND, you are more than welcome to share my 52 Weeks of Drawing above, as long as you link back to my blog.

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Scary shit.

New Years Eve we had a scare. I mean, it was so scary. I had no idea what to do, I felt helpless.

On New Years Eve… R came down with a fever. She was pretty warm and lethargic, so we gave her some children’s fever medicine and put her to bed. We were staying up late and watching a movie (cause it’s NYE, gotta stay up late). By 11:30 we heard her mumbling. I thought she was having a nightmare, so I went in to comfort her. This is just the part that I will probably never get out of my head, even though I wish I could… R was laying there, staring up at the ceiling, breathing with shallow breaths, and making a weird mumble sound. My first thoughts, “OMG. She’s can’t breath.” “She’s dying.”

I reached down to pick her up, and she wasn’t responding. Her face was blank. My husband and I ran her into the living room and sat on the ground with her. I was yelling, “Ruari? Ruari! Ruari wake up!” She wasn’t responding. Her lips were blue. Her face was pale. I had so many thoughts running through my head, and I couldn’t help my kid.

Slowly she started coming out of it. Very spacey. Shaking SO bad. Finally started to respond to us. I just completely gave in and started balling. All I was saying, “Hospital. We’re going to the hospital.”  My husband didn’t need any pushing, he was already throwing on shoes and grabbing a blanket for R. We rushed to the hospital. It was just a few minutes to the New Year. We waited for the doctor. Hear the “Yay!” and “Happy New Year!” from all the doctor’s and nurses in the empty hospital. The doctor came in. We chatted. He checked out our kiddo. He new exactly what had happened. Our baby had a seizure. OMG. That scared me. What?

Turns out it was a febrile seizure. It’s normal for 2 – 5 year olds to have these with fevers. Not all kids get them, but holy crap… some kids do. AND, it’s scary as shit. I can’t even. The doctor had us hang around for a couple hours. They gave her popsicles, a stuffed puppy, and many stickers. They were fantastic. They made a scary situation less scary for our 3-year-old.

R was better on Tuesday. Still had a fever, but was playing. I’m just so happy that everything is ok. I was so scared. I’m so glad that’s over, and I’ll be more prepared and mentally ready (and nervous as hell) for her next fever.

I hope you all had a great New Year. We ended our 2012 with some craziness. Time to kick off 2013 with good health and happiness.

– Chelsey