First, my poor kiddo gets such a high fever that she has a febrile seizure…. noooow… my husband has had a fever over 102 for 2 days. It makes me so sad. In the 10 years I’ve known him…. I’ve never seen him this sick (this also includes the time we both got food poisoning from oysters). He’s headed to the doctor in the morning, but I’m hoping his fever breaks over night. I hope all of you can cross everything, hoping he gets better and I don’t catch this evil bug! Seriously. It’s nasty.
I hope you all have a wonderful and healthy weekend!
– Chelsey
P.S. if my blog looks weird… I’m not sure what’s going on. My sidebar got moved to the bottom of the page. I’m thinking it’s from the Linky Tools.
Urgh… us too. Whole lot of us sick and gross feeling. And, top it off, we have company. 🙁
We had the plague too… here's hoping everyone gets better– I love your blog BTW.
My son had a febrile seizure, it is terrifying, I am so sorry you both had to experience that.
Sending lots of good fever breaking thoughts!
Thank you!
We are all very sick here too. My husband has had a fever since yesterday…his eyes were so red it freaked me out! He even missed work today which he never does!
I hope you all get better soon..sending well prayers your way!:)
This is a rough one.
Oh no! Being sick is no fun! Hope he's feeling better soon and that you don't catch anything!
His fever broke overnight, thank goodness!
I used those exact words this week. the plague. hope you guys get better soon!
Unfortunately, you'll probably sick a lot more often when R starts preschool. dang kids and all their germs.
my niece started mmo two days a week this past fall the other days she stays with my jonah at my mom's and i swear
we've had everything in the medical journals. nothing serious though. so I guess it could be worse!
Get better!!
I swear we're sick at least once a month…. kids.
Eeeek! Hopefully you aren't next in line! Hope that everyone is better soon 🙂
Taking my vitamins!
crossing my fingers and wishing you guys well. P got the 24 hour stomach bug that's been going around and she's finally on the mend but now I'm terrified that we'll end up with the same thing.
Bleh, we got that bug in early December. I swear… 2012 was the year of getting sick NON stop. :/
oh no! i hope everyone is feeling better soon!
My hubs fever broke overnight. Thank goodness!
I'm sorry your husband is sick. I hope he feels better soon.
I noticed that your blog looked weird. Lol. I thought maybe you were changing things around or something. Looks fine now.
Ha! It was just my awesome html skills. I think I fixed it. 😉