Off to Seattle!


I love living in Portland. It’s my favorite city. Aaaand, it’s a short trip to another favorite city of mine: Seattle. Today I’m headed out on the train to hang with a bunch of fabulous bloggers for the PNW Blogger Spring Party! Yay! I can’t believe it’s already here.

These events are always so fun. If you have your ticket and will be at the meet up: I CANNOT wait to see you! If you can’t make it this time: no worries. There will be another. Most likely we’ll have it in Oregon, but it’s not official until we find a space.

Happy Friday!

– Chelsey

P.S. That little camera is a prize for one lucky winner (at the event). I really wish I could win it.

Categories: announcement

Things I do instead of actually working.

Me and Kid

I had SOOOoooooo many plans to get sooo many of the work done on Wednesday. Did this happen? No. What did I do instead? Well, I hung out in the beautiful 70ish degree weather and watched my kid play with her friends. I feel like this weather was a MUCH needed change. I do feel bad for all of my blogger friends that are getting snow…. right at this moment. BUT, I am so happy to have this lovely weather. 70 is pretty much wonderful. 75, with a light breeze, is just perfect. 78 is nice… but not my favorite. 81 and plus is too much. Ha! This is officially my favorite time.

I had a neat post planned to share. It’s just not going to happen. All I have to add from today: more freckles on my face. So. That’s it. Going to bed to rest my head from a busy day outside. Happy Thursday!

– Chelsey


Categories: Uncategorized

Milk Jug Watering Can for the kiddo!

Milk Jug Watering Can //

The milk jug watering can. It’s free and easy to make! Wait…. why make it? Well, if your kiddo is like mine and wants to help you water the plants every time, and always ends up getting soaked from normal watering cans, then this is for you.

There are a couple ways to make this. You can poke holes in the lid or right on top of the jug. I failed with getting the lid to work (the lid was very flimsy), so I scrapped that idea and poked holes on the top instead. I used a large nail to start the holes (spacing them about 1 inch apart). The holes weren’t large enough to get a nice water flow from the original nail hole, so I used my  X-acto knife to trim and make each hole a little bigger. Draw on a face (kiddo asked if the watering can could look like she’s spitting… I think it looks like she’s puking, but she loves it), add some water, and put on the lid.

Milk Jug Watering Can //

Hand this watering can over to your kid and HOPEFULLY it’s easier for them to water (and maybe they stay dry while watering in their jammies before bedtime).

– Chelsey

Cardboard Playhouse!

Cardboard Box Playhouse //

Cardboard Box Playhouse //

This past week I took on something new… A full on DIY with my kiddo. With her help. It was hard, but we did it. I’ll chat more about working with my kiddo at home, but for this moment I really just want to share what we made. Cardboard Playhouses! I’ve been seeing these wonderful creations ALL over Pinterest (I mean, where else) and I have wanted to make this for R. It’s cheap and easy. That’s perfect for me.

Cardboard Box Playhouse //


– it’s all pretty easy… but the basic idea is starting with a couple of large boxes. There was an awesome guy that helped us, at Home Depot, to find these damaged boxes.

– Unfold the box and use masking tape to connect the flap edges of the box or boxes.

– Use a permanent marker to draw on doors and windows.

– Cut out the doors and windows with an xacto knife (watch your fingers).

– We decided to turn our 2 boxes into one giant row house, cutting a door on the inside and taping it together.

– I added some cardboard to the roof area to add height (especially since my kiddo is so tall. Put on the roof.

– If you’d like a shingled roof, cut out little rectangle shapes for the roof top. Scalloped roof? Use some paper and cut scallops out. Tape on with clear tape.

– Add paint to any doors/windows. Let dry.

– Tape or ModPodge on some cute wrapping paper onto your home. I went with ModPodge, since I know this will help keep this home cleanish for a bit longer.

– Do any touchups, and you’re done!

Cardboard Box Playhouse //

The kiddo has LOVED this. It’s long enough she can lay down in it (for about 10 more minutes). This was a fun project to create with my kiddo.


– Chelsey

P.S. one of my favorite cardboard house inspirations is from Skunkboy Creatures.

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Categories: diy

Free fonts!

I am a bit of a font nerd and I’m often asked what my favorite free fonts are, and where to find them. A couple of my MOST favorite sites to find fonts: and Lost Type. Yup. The perfect sites for lovely people that want to download a font… and not worry about any sort of copyright issues. Since I often use fonts with my business, I don’t like to worry if my font is strictly for personal use or is ok for commercial use. If it is “personal use only”… I just don’t download it. I can’t keep track of what’s what in my Photoshop. SO, commercial use only for my computer. Just makes my life easier. Below are a few of my favorite FREE commercial use fonts. They are free for download and if you use this font for commercial use: no worries. You’re good.

Favorite Comercial Free Fonts //

//Ostrich Sans//Cubano//Leckerli One//Mathlete//DUDE//airplane//Learning Curve//Wisdom Script//Sullivan//Costura//ChunkFive//

What are your favorite free fonts?

– Chelsey

Favorite things for Friday!

Sometimes I like to share my favorite things. I’ve been collecting a couple of links from this past week and I’m ready to share with you! Enjoy! Also: Don’t forget to check out my big giveaway. It ends at the end of April, good luck!

I love this beautiful rug!


DIY Bar Bottle Labels. A cuter way to display and store hard alcohol. NOW I just need my own Silhouette machine.

Bar Bottle Labels // Lovely Indeed

 Beautiful paper bows from How About Orange.

Paper Bow // How About Orange

The husband and I went to Greece for our Honeymoon. Spanakopita was pretty much what I lived on. I mean: cheese. I NEED to try out this Spanakopita Grilled Cheese. Please!

The Spanakopita Grilled Cheese // BS' in the kitchen

I’d love to try this Japanese Four Hole Binding!

Japanese Four Hole Binding // Design Sponge

I checked out West Elm’s summer furniture on Wednesday. I fell in LOOOoooove with this Bend Chair. Please for me now.

Bend Dining Chair // West Elm

This was a sweet idea from In The Moment With. Make a photo background with chalk and a fence! Done.

Do you have favorite goodies from this week? Share in the comments below! I’d love to see. Have a wonderful Friday!

– Chelsey


Categories: Uncategorized

Button Earring Holder on the Better Homes and Gardens blog!

Button Earring Holders //

TODAY on the Better Homes and Gardens Blog: A couple of months ago I happened to catch an episode of the Rachel Ray show. I’ve only seen it a couple of times and never actually try to watch it. For some reason… the sparkling lights in the TV mesmerized me and I had to watch. I’m glad I did. I saw the most amazing thing! Ok, not super spectacular, but pretty neat. A designer on the show shared the idea of putting earring pairs together ON buttons. Yup, a button earring holder. That means they are ALWAYS together. So awesome.

How many times have I fished around for the matching earring pair? How many hours have I lost doing this? Kidding, it’s not that bad. It will just be great to know where my earrings are.

Button Earring Holders //

Head on over to the blog today to see my post and a couple of extra tips for bulky earring on buttons. Have a happy Thursday!

– Chelsey