1. Plant a little herb garden. DONE!
2. Try and teach my baby: “baby sign language”. DONE! She talks too much now. ;D
3. Clean up and refinish my antique cabinet. FAIL!
4. Set up Ruari’s play area. DONE!
5. Baby proof my home…. DONE!
6. Finish decorating Ruari’s room/my studio. Sorta DONE! I have to sand the floor… puttin it off. 😀
7. Get Ruari to sleep in her crib. DONE!
8. Write at least 25 blog posts a month. DONE! I did average 70 month! Whoa.
9. Create a budget that we actually follow! DONE!
10. Get another professional photo session for Ruari. DONE!
11. Do something for ME twice a month. Changed from: Buy and place screen doors. DONE!
12. Buy a new camera! Changed from: Build our deck. DONE!
13. Finish setting up my new photo community. Changed from: Set up planter pond. DONE!
14. Take photos of Ruari at least 3 times a week. TOTALLY DONE!
15. Write my birth story. DONE!
16. Bake a desert. DONE!
17. Make our backyard cozy. DONE!
18. Prepare for Crafty Wonderland this winter. FAIL!
19. Finish Ruari’s sock monkey. FAIL!
20. Make my own Christmas cards. DONE!
21. Go on one many dates with hubby. DONE!
22. Find another way to recycle/reduce/reuse in my life. DONE! Sorta…
23. Clean and organize my laundry room. DONE! But, it’s already messy again…
24. Get back into Yoga and Pilates… and stick with it! DONE! Sorta… I’m doing Jillian Michaels.
25. Sew something… anything! FAIL!
26. Learn how to use our video camera… instead of using my digital camera for videos… 🙂 DONE! But, I prefer my phone.
27. Teach Angus how to walk NEXT to the stroller. Not in front of it! Silly Chihuahua. DONE!
28. Try out my Babycook. DONE!
Do you have a list? If you do I’d love to see it. Let’s keep each other encouraged! Please link below to your list’s post (If you’d like your readers to join in as well, link to this post so they can link up with us too!). Update your list as you get stuff done.

oh!!!! I want a list. but mine is gonna be looooong. : (
I don't have a This before That list, but I have a list of monthly "goals" – areas in my life I want to focus on. My hub's tonsil surgery this month completely scewed up my Aug goal of getting organized though!Thanks for playing along w/ photo roulette… come back this friday for more!
Beautiful blog! Beautiful family! I am a mother of three and I am VERY new at this. My daughters are teaching me how…
Love the pic AND the list! ;DUmmm… I see what a SLACKER I am, now… ;p
Great list…I need to do one. I'm also super excited about Paper Heart Camera!
ugh, i got anxiety just by looking at your list. that is a long list!i'm bad with lists. i start them, then not all things get crossed off and then i feel awful about it.
Just wandered across your blog! Lovely…pretty…fun! Nice work…I'm off to work on my own 30 before 30!
ahhh- I don't have a list. But I want one. I must work on this! Love the Paper Crown! LOVE IT! I'll have to save up for Joss first birthday to get a paper hat/crown for her to wear (luckily, I have a couple months to save ;0)oooh- and what is "Crafty Wonderland" you are preparing for?
I so need to do this, but looking at the links already I'm the grandma of the group…I don't know how I can come up with that many things!
LOVE this photo! Love how you edited it too :)Good for you for making changes to your list… I need to do that too!