Wearing the makeups: Plus a GIVEAWAY!

Fancy Time // thepapermama.com

Remember my little goal to dress up at least 3 times a week? I set this goal in February and I’m happy to say I’ve stuck with it. I get out of my lazy/yoga pants and step into something lovely at LEAST 3 days a week (sometimes it’s four or five). I can tell this small change has helped my self-esteem. It’s just so simple, but getting dressed in a lovely skirt and some pretty tights changes my mood. I can feel my energy level go up, and I just plain feel better. Most days I can only manage to get my kiddo into “real clothes” and I wander out of the house with toothpaste on my face. Yeah… I even forget to look in the mirror. This goal also includes putting a small bit of makeup on, at least 3 times a week.

The majority of the time my makeup routine only consists of putting on mascara. Adding some length and darkness to my lashes makes me believe I’m not as tired as I feel. Ha! When I’m feeling super fancy, maybe on date nights, I’ll add a bit of lipstick.

I have really dry skin, and for that reason I don’t use foundation or cover up that often. Especially all over my face. It enhances the dry spots…  <—– Not my goal. I also love my freckles and never want to cover them, buuuut I do love it under my eyes (and to cover up the occasional blemish). I’ve yet to find something that really works for what I want (and at a price I can handle), but Almay sent me some Smart Shade Mousse to try out. I love it!

Fancy Time // thepapermama.com

It’s pretty neat. It starts off white (as seen on my finger above) and quickly changes to match the shade of my skin, like magic. P.S. A little goes a long way. It’s light and soft, and it smooths out to cover the darkness under my eyes.

Fancy Time // thepapermama.com

I’ve been using it almost nonstop for a week now. Even on the days I choose to wear yoga pants (and maybe have toothpaste on my face). It may be difficult to see a difference looking at my before and after photos in this post, but looking in the mirror at home: totally see it. I’ll be dressing up FOUR times this week. Date night tonight with the husband! Yay! That means cute shoes, a dress, and makeup! No yoga pants this time. Maybe I’ll add some eyeshadow (I’m trying out the Almay intense i-color)?


Check out Almay’s website for more information about their products and don’t forget to like Almay on Facebook!


Tell me, what’s your go-to date night look?


Answer this question below, and each comment will automatically be entered for $100 Visa gift card! Use that treat for your own little date night!

– Chelsey



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  2. Tweet (public message) about this promotion; including exactly the following unique term in your tweet message: “#SweepstakesEntry”; and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post
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  4. For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry.

This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.

The Official Rules are available here.

This sweepstakes runs from 5/16/13-6/16/13.

Be sure to visit the Almay brand page on BlogHer.com where you can read other bloggers’ reviews and find more chances to win!

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Categories: about me

Hanging Lightbulb Herb Vase


My hubby went through the house and changed all the lightbulbs, and before he could recycle them I said, “Wait, I can use those for this project!” He may have given me that “year, sure” look, but I really had an idea for these little bulbs. I’ve been wanting to create a hanging lightbulb herb vase FORever and now I’ve done it and I love them. I didn’t really want floral vases, I wanted little herb vases. When you pluck a bit of rosemary or sage, the smell is amazing! We have an amazing amount of herbs always available in our yard (our rosemary grows year round) and if we need a bit for cooking, it’s right there. Ready to make one for yourself? Let’s go!

Lightbulb Herb Base // thepapermama.com


– Old lightbulbs

Martha Stewart’s Multi-Surface Paint

– Painter’s Tape

– Wire


– First we need to prep the bulbs. Make sure you are wearing protective eyewear and gloves. Prepping the bulbs involves breaking glass, and it seems to fly everywhere! Do this project in a space you’re not worried to find little bits of glass later, cause you will find little bits of glass later. Be safe.

Lightbulb Herb Base // thepapermama.com

– Use a set of pliers to pry off the little metal disk on the base of the bulb.

Lightbulb Herb Base // thepapermama.com

– Using pliers or some sort of point, crack apart the glass inside of the bulb. When it’s broken up, pore out the glass. If there are any stuck pieces, use needle nose pliers to pull them out. Break away any extra bits of glass inside the rim. Pour some water in the bulb to swish it around and get any last little teeny bits of glass.

Lightbulb Herb Base // thepapermama.com

– Wash and completely dry the outside of each bulb. Use your painters tape to set up some fun shapes on the bulb. Tear and adjust the tape to your liking.

Lightbulb Herb Base // thepapermama.com

– Paint in the spaces you prepped for painting. Let dry completely before removing the tape. TIP: I put a chopstick inside each bulb and propped them up in glasses to dry.

– So, the Martha Stewart paint requires 21 days to cure completely, but I didn’t really wait for that. Since I’m not putting this in a dishwasher, I think it’s probably ok.

– Cut a couple 10 inch sections of wire. Make a “U” shape with one of the wires, and fold up the tips on each end (see photo below) and this will be your handle. Make a rough circle with the other wire piece, loop the tips onto the circle.

Lightbulb Herb Base // thepapermama.com

– Use some needle nose pliers to twist and tighten the wire on one of the lightbulb ridges and the tips of the “U” handle. Trim the extra bits of wire.

Lightbulb Herb Base // thepapermama.com

– You’re done! Just needs a bit of wire and some smelltastic herbs.

Lightbulb Herb Base // thepapermama.com

We hung these lovely vases in our kitchen. I love it.

Lightbulb Herb Base // thepapermama.com

– Chelsey


Jillian Michaels: I love/hate you

Getting Fit // thepapermama.com

In May 2011, I decided to get off my buns and get back into shape. When I stopped pumping for my kiddo, I gained a lovely 20ish pounds in about 2 months. I stopped pumping… but kept eating the same amount of calories. Whooops. Before that point I had NEVER worried about gaining weight. Having a kiddo changed EVERYthing. Now I need to watch what I eat, and apparently I have to work out. I bet it also has to do with the fact that I’m 30 and no longer a crazy 25-year-old.

Anywho. I did the 30 Day Shred, by Mizz Jillian Michaels for 60 days. That was the best I had felt in YEEears. Mentally and physically. Then, after about 4 months of working out non-stop… I quit. I was tired of working for it. Slowly my energy level went down and more recently I’ve been feeling super out of shape and bleh. Bloated and bleh. I’m TIRED of it. I want my energy back. I want to not look tired all of the time. That’s why Tuesday is my first day of getting back into shape, and continuing. Changing my lifestyle

Getting Fit // thepapermama.com

On Monday I purchased 2 DVD’s. Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and Yoga Meltdown. I plan on alternating between these two for 5 – 6 days a week. For now. Maybe I’ll move onto other things later? Who knows. This will be my start.

My goal is NOT to lose weight. It is to get in shape and feel awesome. Wish me luck

– Chelsey

Quick Instagram Sale Coming Up!

Instagram Sale // thepapermama.com

This last Saturday I sold a bunch of my illustrations/stuffies/brooches at Crafty Wonderland. It was fun and successful! Annnnnd, many of you lovely people had asked if I will sale my stuff somewhere online. I plan to put it in my shop, but I really don’t know when I will for sure. Soooooo, since I’m not 100% sure when they will appear in my shop, I will be doing a quick Instagram sale on Tuesday at 1 pm PST.

All items will be priced to include shipping (shipping prices will be for US only, if you’re out of the country… I’ll calculate a different price).

Plusandalso: I’ll be taking 15% off the original item prices. Yay! So, they will be cheaper than my store prices.

Instagram Sale // thepapermama.com

Instagram Sale // thepapermama.com

Instagram Sale // thepapermama.com

See you tomorrow on Instagram!

– Chelsey



Mother’s Day Doughnut Photo Tower

Mother's Day Doughnuts // thepapermama.com

So, I’m pretty sure that I only have about 3 male readers on this her blog, BUT Mother’s day is coming up on Sunday and I’m pretty sure this would be the best thing to wake up to on Mother’s Day: a tower of doughnuts adorned with photos of your kiddo. I LOVE doughnuts. A lot. They make me feel like poo after I eat them, but in the moment I’m eating a doughnut… it’s fantastic. The only thing that would make this better is if this was a tower of fried chicken. Hee.

To celebrate your mama this weekend, why not make a Doughnut Photo Tower? Print out some small photos (I chose to print these out in black and white), cut it out, and tape to some toothpicks or wooden skewers.

Mother's Day Doughnuts // thepapermama.com

Mother's Day Doughnuts // thepapermama.com

I love how cute this is. I think I’ll recreate this for Father’s day! Maybe with a tower of bacon? Ha!

Mother's Day Doughnuts // thepapermama.com

Have a wonderful weekend and Mama’s Day!

– Chelsey

GIVEAWAY: Box Subscription Collection!

Box Subscription Giveaway // thepapermama.com

This month’s giveaway is about a week behind, since I’m about a week and a half behind on all the things. hee! Back to the giveaway… this month’s theme is:  Box Subscriptions! Yup. Don’t know what that is? These subscriptions have sort of blown up and taken over the internets in the past year or so. They are sort of liked a pumped up jelly of the month club. Want to try out a product, but don’t know if it’s your thing? Well, these boxes provide a collection of goodies for you to enjoy and test out. This month one lucky winner will get a special box from all these lovely companies! Yup, you get to try out ALL of them. Be sure to check out all the links below to see what you could win:

1. Birchbox: The best way to discover new grooming, beauty and lifestyle products.

2. The Tethered Crate: A collection of 3 – 5 goods from the handmade community.

3. Fancy Box: A collection of some of the most fancy’d items, curated by the fancy community.

4. Craftistas: A DIY kit sent directly to your doorstep.

5. Klutch Club’s Mom Kit: From nutrition-packed snacks for the whole family to pantry essentials.

6. The Mantry: The modern man’s pantry.

7. Healthy Surprise: A curated box filled with the best full size snacks on the planet.

8. Poppy Parcel: 3-4 products ranging from paper products, jewelry, accessories, beauty products, & more.

9. For The Makers Wintergreen Collection: With faceted stones, soft natural materials and gold accents the projects in this box are designed to elevate the everyday.


To enter, follow the prompts in the Rafflecopter below. There are MANY ways to win. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
– Chelsey

Note: All items (except for The Mantry) were provided by sponsors. I was not paid for this giveaway. Last day to enter the giveaway is May 31st, 2013. 11:59 PST.  One winner will have 72 hours to get back to me, after I email them. The winner will have 72 hours to get back to me. Good luck! Please click here for more prize rules and there are MORE prize details in the Rafflecopter fine print. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. 


Categories: Uncategorized

Wednesday Goodies: It’s all I do.


Well, this past week has been spent building chicken coops and making last minute goodies for Crafty Wonderland! It’s pretty much all I’ve done. I’m very excited! Selling at a craft fair is fun. I love meeting all the people and the rush of the day. Hopefully I can get a chance to stroll through all the shops selling there.

SO, some of you have asked if I’m selling these stuffed pups online… and that’s a maybe. I wont be putting them up in the shop before the craft fair, but I’m thinking of making them a permanent item in my shop, but haven’t decided yet. I usually make these JUST for the Christmas holiday. I DO KNOW that whatever I don’t sell this weekend I’ll do a quick sale on Instagram. Just for anyone that needs one. Right away. Hee. Keep watch. I’ll probably post a sale around Tuesday/Wednesday.

If you’re in Portland, I hope to see you there!

– Chelsey


If you have a Wednesday post, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject AliciaJenni from the BlogIn The Moment With, and Live and Love Outloud.