Local Love: Breakfast at Screen Door!

Mother's Day at Screen Door

Local Love: Screen Door

I’ve mentioned having dinner at Screen Door in the past, and how amazing/awesome their fried chicken is! I have a BIT of a fried chicken addiction, so this year on Mother’s Day… my family treated me to the one thing I wanted for my special day: awesome fried chicken. This is pretty much one of the best spots to get some fried chicken in the PNW, even in the AM.

The thing with Screen Door is there’s ALWAYS a wait. Not some short 20 – 30 minute wait…. this is a maybe 2 hours or more thing. People line up around the block each morning before it opens, hoping to get one of the first tables. They open at 9 and we arrived at 7:45 am (I’m pretty serious about my fried chicken) and we were still third in line. Ha! As the time rolled on to opening, the line had wrapped around the block.

Honestly, the wait wasn’t terrible at all and was fun (maybe we need to get out more). We had our coffee and the kiddo just twirled around in her dress eating the snacks we brought.

Mother's Day at Screen Door Mother's Day at Screen Door

I will ALWAYS wait for an hour (or more) to eat that fried chicken. It was worth it. I had the fried chicken and waffles, and husband had the biscuits and gravy with fried chicken. Kiddo pretty much only ate a biscuit. She’s 3 and I guess she doesn’t get the fantasticness of fried chicken. Someday.

Next time you’re in Portland, plan out a trip to Screen Door. It’s worth it. Unless you’re vegan, then not so worth it.

– Chelsey

Things for the perfect summer weekend.

Enjoy these inspirations to create the perfect Summer weekend with your family!

Bloomers to Rompers DIY from Smile and Wave.

Rompers DIY

Story Stones from Crafting Connections.

Story Stones

Simple Summer Hammock from Design Sponge.

Summer Hammock DIY

Watermelon Soda Float from Bon Appetit.

Watermelon Soda Float

Horseradish Potato Salad with Dill from A Thought For Food.

Horseradish Potato Salad with Dill

Old Glass Bottles turned ring toss from Women’s Day.

Ring toss

 Bird Finger Puppets from Mr. Printables.

Bird Finger Puppets

 DIY Shuffle Board from EHow Mom.

DIY Shuffle Board

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

– Chelsey

FREE Gems to decorate your photos!

Gem Photos // thepapermama@gmail.com

The other week I shared some gem gift tags and printouts and I thought it would be fun to turn those gems into goodies to decorate your photos with! You could even use these for your photo watermarks (personal use only).

Gem Photos // thepapermama@gmail.com

Gem Photos // thepapermama@gmail.com

Gem Photos // thepapermama@gmail.com

To get the full size images of the free gems, click on the images below and right click + save.

Both images are .png images. This means you can change the color easily. Some quick instructions on how to do that in photoshop:

– Open the Free Gems image in Photoshop.

– In the layers section, add a new layer over the Free Gems image.

– Right click + select Create Clipping Mask.

– Add whatever color you’d like to that layer.

– Merge layers (not flatten) to combine the color and gems.

– Use the lasso selection tool to select copy + paste onto your images. Ta dah!

I hope you enjoy!

– Chelsey

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It’s what nightmares are made of. Apparently.

My kiddo is 3. She’s scared of spiders, the drain in the tub, and worms. I get that. Nightmares of squirmy creepy creatures and a hole that leads to nowhere (she truly hates that drain). But, what’s the scariest thing of all? Not a zombie or the boogie man. It’s this guy:


Name: The Key Toon aka The Key (as my daughter calls him)

Height: 6 ft. 5 in. of terror

Weight: 2 pounds of foam

Age: 6

Hobbies: Walking really awkward and slow. Smiling. Waving. Scaring the crap out of the childrens.


Ok, maybe just my child (and Mandy’s child). Here we are… hanging out all excited for March of Dimes when The Key sees us. He slowly wobbles our way and I feel a scratching on my leg, followed by a frantic screech/babbling of, “Let’s get outta here! Let’s get outta here!” I look down and my child is trying to claw her way inside of me to hide from Mr. Key. It took me a minute to put it all together, but we had to tell him to head the other way or my kid (and Harper) were going to have little mini heart attacks.

He leaves and I thought that would be the end of it. He’s gone. Out of sight (mostly). Nope. My kiddo is hanging onto me so tight I didn’t even need to hold her. I tried to sit down to talk to her and she pretty much climbed on top of my head, while still mumbling, “Let’s get outta here…”

She got better as we went on our walk, but when we were back to the main event space… the fear all came flooding back to her. She did not want to be anywhere near that place. She was having a little meltdown. We left and Harper and Ruari kept chatting about The Key. We promised them that the key was just a guy in a costume. They still thought he was scary as hell.

As the evening went on… still with The Key! She showed me how he walked (this included a weird wobble and the creepy smile) and kept telling me he was “distracting” her. 4 days later… still. talking. about. the. key. Ha! The story has evolved a bit to, “Well, The Key was distracting me. He wasn’t trying to hurt me, but he’s still creepy. I don’t like him.  He scared all the poopy out of my body. I bet he went home and took his costume off and said, ‘I’m done being creepy, phew’ and he was actually Kim. Kim was the key.” So…. sorry to my friend Kim. She is now the wearer of the key costume (no convincing the kiddo otherwise). Ha!

It broke my heart how scared she was of this key, but now the story sort of makes me smile. I showed her The Key photo today and she just laughed…. then said, “K, turn off The Key photo.” Ooooooh, 3. Gotta love these moments.

– Chelsey

Key image via Costume Specialists

PNW Spring Blogger Party Recap

April 27th was our 4th Pacific Northwest Blogger party. I LOVE these meet ups. Just a room full of wonderful people that love blogging. We had 50 amazing bloggers join us at Von Trapp’s in Seattle for fun, food, and good conversation. The wonderful photographer Linnea Paulina was so lovely and captured a ton of photos for me to share of our event, so I’ll let her photos tell the story.

Psst… if you want to be in the loop for upcoming events, sign up for our newsletter!

PNW Blogger Spring Party // thepapermama.com

PNW Blogger Spring Party // thepapermama.com PNW Blogger Spring Party // thepapermama.com

PNW Blogger Spring Party // thepapermama.com

PNW Blogger Spring Party // thepapermama.com

PNW Blogger Spring Party // thepapermama.com

PNW Blogger Spring Party // thepapermama.com

PNW Blogger Spring Party // thepapermama.com PNW Blogger Spring Party // thepapermama.com PNW Blogger Spring Party // thepapermama.com

PNW Blogger Spring Party // thepapermama.com PNW Blogger Spring Party // thepapermama.com
If you’re in the area, I hope we get to see you at the next PNW Blogger meet up! Also, if you attended the event and wrote a post about it, feel free to share in the link up below. 
– Chelsey

A HUGE thank you to the sponsors of our Spring Event:

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 photo FlourishandLeather2013_zpsd9ae48c2.jpg photo linnea_zps7e8e58a7.png photo LarkCrafts_zpsb1585c98.jpg
 photo 300_200_simplydarrling_zps37b5719b.jpg photo justlovely_zps71e50056.jpgArsenal Pulp Press photo logovertical2006_zps08f96dfc.jpg photo HerbalPhilosophyTeas_zpsd57bbf41.jpg


Washington Bloggers for Babies

WA Bloggers For Babies // thepapermama.com

WA Bloggers For Babies // thepapermama.com

We did it! This past weekend I went to Tacoma to walk for the babies. Our team was an awesome bunch of PNW bloggers and we raised $6,870. Plus also: Ergo Baby was pretty darn neat and sent all the mama’s carrying small babies carriers, plus little carriers for each kiddo. On top of that, the kiddo and I had a great time staying with our friend’s Harper and Mandy.

WA Bloggers For Babies // thepapermama.com

Thank you to EVERYone that donated to our group. This charity means a lot to me (since my kiddo was early) and many other families that have early babies or lost little ones for coming too soon.

Have a wonderful Monday!

– Chelsey

DIY Air Plant Wall Hanger on BHG!

DIY Air Plant Wall Hanger // thepapermama.com

I have a lovely new post on Better Homes and Gardens. I LOOve air plants. I pretty much love any plant that I can forget to water… and it’s still alive. ::this reminds me to go spritz my air plants::

These air plant wall hangers are inexpensive and easy to create. If you’d like to see how I made these little hangers, head over to Better Homes and Gardens for the full instructions.

Happy Friday!

– Chelsey

P.S. Tomorrow is the last day to buy raffle tickets for the March of Dimes raffle! Lots of awesome prizes to win and the money goes towards something super awesome.

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