Ok. Let me hear them. Share your most ridiculous/silly jokes with me.

Ruari // thepapermama.com

My 4-year-old has discovered the world of jokes. She really only knows one, “What does a train say when he eats? Chew chew!” She keeps asking me to make up some jokes to tell her, but I don’t really know all that many jokes.

My only go to kid jokes:

– What shows do cows like to watch? Moooovies! – and this one has been my standby since I was like 8, – A guy goes to the doctor with a banana in one ear, a cucumber in the other, and two peas in his nose. He tells the doctor, ‘Doc, I don’t feel so good.’ The doctor replies, ‘Well, you’re not eating right.’ – She wasn’t so into that one, maybe it’s my delivery? Hee.

I’ve done a bit of online research, but there’s a ton to dig through and I think you guys probably know some gems. So, let’s hear it. I want to see your most ridiculous and silly jokes. Share them in the comments below, or you can share them with me in Instagram (I will be asking on there later this morning).

– Chelsey

P.S. If you want to share some more adult jokes with me, go ahead. I will just keep those for myself.

Categories: Uncategorized

It’s just about that time for Bacon Hearts.

Bacon Hearts Recipe and Tips // thepapermama.com

Way back in 2011 I made some bacon hearts. It was my budget/super romantic Valentine’s gift to the husband. I shared it on my blog and everyone loved it. They love it so much that each year around this time I start to get a lot of visitors here to check out my bacon. Hello new friends! The comments I get back from this creation bring about 50% successful hearts and 50% failed attempts. I’ve made these little guys quite a few times (with 2 failed attempts) and I want to share a couple tips with you before you get bakin’ that bacon (see what I did there, “bakin’/bacon”)! Anyway… these hearts even made there way into last year’s February Ladies’ Home Journal (with Miss Hoda and KLG, hee).

Bacon Hearts in Ladies Home Journal // thepapermama.com

First tip: to get this to work you need thick and floppy bacon. Yeah, that sounds weird and I don’t really think the grocery stores are cool with you taking the bacon out of the packaging and shaking it. It’s sort of a trial and error thing, or buy a couple different brands of bacon. We have had a lot of luck with Costco’s Kirkland Brand bacon. It’s thick and floppy. Perfect for hearts.

Bacon Hearts Recipe and Tips // thepapermama.com

Other tip: don’t forget about your baking bacon. It can burn fast, and those hearts aren’t as awesome if burnt. Still tasty (cause bacon), just not as awesome. Head on over to the original post to get the baking details.

– Chelsey

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Unicorn Cupcake Toppers

Unicorn Cupcake Toppers // thepapermama.com

Unicorn Cupcake Toppers // thepapermama.com

My darling kiddo turned four in December. She’s CRAZY about unicorns (OBSESSED). We had a fun Unicorn Extravaganza party to celebrate her day with family and friends. We kept the decor pretty simple, but I did make these little unicorn cupcake toppers. They made me giggle. They made my daughter confused…. “Ummm, why are they on their heads? They should be walking on their feet!” Well, I thought they were silly. Hee. I thought maybe I should share these with you guys… just in case you have a crazy unicorn girl (or boy) in your life.

Unicorn Cupcake Toppers // thepapermama.com

It’s so easy to do. Just cut out the little unicorn shapes and hot glue some toothpicks to the heads. Stick in some cupcakes, done. Just click here, right click + save to get your printout. ENJOY!

Unicorn Cupcake Toppers // thepapermama.com

– Chelsey

Better late than never: the Holiday Photo Challenge Winners!

Day 24 of my 50 DIY Days of Christmas: 2013 Holiday Photo Challenge // thepapermama.com

Well, I pretty much took the week off of Christmas and the judges and I finally got to picking this years holiday photo challenge. thank you to everyone that joined! It was so much fun to wander the entries. Ok, enough chatter. Here are the winners below. I’ll be emailing you all later today. Thank you!

Favorite and winner of the Black Lens Coffee Mug: Kate Reali Photography family flying away


2nd place and winner of the DSLR Wheel of Filters: Goodknits happy card!


AND, the first place winner…

1st place and winner of the Instax Mini 25 + 20 Exposures: “You better be nice” Sears Family Christmas Card!


 Thank you to everyone that played along! This was so hard to decide, as usual.

– Chelsey

Stepping out of my comfort zone in the new year.

Comfort Zone Freebie Printable // thepapermama.com

It’s a new year, and I’m ready to start this year off right. I love the “comfort zone”. It’s nice and safe there, but sometimes you have to step out of your safe space to reach your goals.

I spend too much time worrying about failing, when I should really put all that energy into finding the path to lead me to my goals. Even if these paths are scary and seem impossible to go through, I can do it.

I always forget that failure isn’t a bad thing. Sure, it totally sucks, but it’s not the end of the world. Failure should teach us and we should learn from mistakes.

So… 2014 is for getting out of my comfort zone, because that’s where the awesome stuff happens.

– Chelsey

P.S. if you’d like this printable for yourself, click here and right click + save. 

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Categories: about me

One year ago.

Last Year // thepapermama.com

One year ago tonight. I hate thinking about it, but my kiddo had a febrile seizure. I have never felt as helpless and scared as I did in that moment. Not knowing what was happening with my kiddo and thinking the worst. We’d never heard of a febrile seizure before it happened to my daughter. The whole thing went down minutes before the New Year. We celebrated the start of 2013 in the ER. Luckily, it hasn’t happened since last year.

The most wonderful news is that my family is currently very healthy and we are looking forward to a fantastic new year. I wish you a safe and healthy holiday!

– Chelsey

Some time off.

Striped Painted Glassware // thepapermama.com

I just enjoyed the most amazing time off. It was glorious. There’s only been one other time I’ve taken a full week off of blogging. It was much needed. I even kept my instagram/other social media use down to a minimum. With my craft show/blog/kid’s bday/and life… I was done. I didn’t even make it through all of my 50 DIY Days of Christmas. SO close. Hee.

Well, I wasn’t 100% on vacation. I still worked on some stuff + posted a DIY on the Better Homes and Gardens blog! Check it out if you have a chance… I’m pretty in love with how these glasses turned out. Perfect for a New Year’s toast.

Ok, how was your Christmas? Did you get a break?

– Chelsey

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Categories: BHG, diy