Day 27: Salt Dough Ornaments

DAY 27 is brought to you by, the lovely Jess of IROCKSOWHAT: I have been a salt dough makin’ fool! There is nothing more festive for me than baking these special ornaments, knowing that it’ll add a handmade touch to my tree (or better yet, a friend or family member’s tree)!

To make salt dough ornaments it’s pretty simple-
All you need-
>>2 cups of flour
>>1 cup of salt
>>1 cup of water
>>5 TBS of cinnamon or whatever spice you like (this just adds a delicious smell but not necessary)

Mix together the ingredients and knead for a few minutes until you’re working with dough. Use a rolling pin and roll out your dough, cut out your ornaments with cookie cutters (or use a cup rim in my case), punch a hole in your ornament with a straw or pencil and bake at 325 degrees for an hour. Let your ornaments cool before painting and decorating. I painted mine with white paint and used a sharpie to decorate. I baked them again to seal the paint and ink (at 325 degrees for about 30 minutes), it’s not necessary but I thought it wouldn’t hurt.

These make the best gifts and are always well received. Salt dough ornaments are such a classic holiday diy project, have fun baking!

>>>>>>Jess Craig –


A very big THANK you to Jess for sharing this fantastic DIY. Please, be sure to give her blog home a visit.

To keep up with my 50 DIY Days, click here:

I survived.

December 18th, 2009. The birthday of my daughter. The day that is both the most important, and scariest day of my life. The day I brought life into this world, I almost lost mine. That day changed me in SO many ways. Not just in the, “now I’m a mom” way, but in the, “now I need to heal my scars.” way. NOT only the physical scars, but the emotional.

It’s taking me a long time to move on and accept what happened. I go back and forth…. one day, I’m ok. It’s ok. It happened, I’m cool. Another day, I tear up just thinking about it. I’m tearing up as I type this. It’s one of “those” days. Hee.  This time of year is hard for me. Christmas is normally my FAVorite time of year. Now, December means I also flash back to my daughter’s birth.

I can still see/smell/hear/feel so many moments from that week. It felt foggy. I was weak. Confused. My body hurt. I lived for pushing the morphine button. It’s all they would give me before they knew what was happening. The drip system was set to only give me a certain amount every 15 minutes. I was in so much pain I would sit there and push it over and over… if I fell asleep my husband would wake me and let me know the “morphine light” was green. Thank goodness. If I let it go too long… I would feel the terrible breath-shortening pain again.

I remember feeling relief when the doctor decided I might have appendicitis. Something weird to be relieved to hear, but I needed something. That meant there was something wrong with ME, not my baby. I felt better (in my head). A day and a half later I was wheeled into surgery. I hadn’t been allowed any food or water since I arrived at the hospital. I was in so much pain and I just wanted to feel better. I wanted a healthy baby. That’s all. Let’s do this. I was ready.

The walk to my appendectomy (or ROLL in my case) was sort of happy. My mom and husband were relieved. They had spent this entire journey with me, and had experienced a whole other side to this hospital stay… my mom watched her daughter scream in pain, and my husband couldn’t help his wife (carrying his child) to feel better. I couldn’t even imagine how hard it was for them.

I signed the resuscitate papers. Why wouldn’t I sign them? Who wouldn’t sign those? I joked with my mom and husband about those papers. Silly papers. I’m just getting an appendectomy. They said I would be done soon. I’d feel better. My daughter and I would be safe. All this pain will be done.

I remember the nurse wheeling me away from my mom and husband. I was happy. ready. Let’s be done with this pain already. The nurses and doctor were chatting about something. I don’t quite know. I wasn’t really paying attention. I’m sure it was something about Christmas, since we were just a week away. I was asked to roll over to my side, I said I couldn’t, so the nurse put me under early.

I woke up hours later. I had my daughter placed on my chest. She was out of my belly. People were happy to see me. I had a “miracle baby”. I still pushed my morphine button. I continued to have blood transfusions. I remember this. I still feel it. It is still hard for me. I learned later that I had flatlined more than once. I had almost lost my life… multiple times. My daughter was lucky enough to STILL be getting blood throughout this entire thing.

This whole experience contributed to the postpartum depression I had right after my daughter’s birth and, more recently, the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that popped up with some bad panic attacks, last Spring. I am better. It’s just a big learning experience. I’m working to heal myself and learn to adjust and live with my experience.

All a work in progress. I can’t forget that, I need to continue to heal myself.

– Chelsey

Note: I know most of you may not know everything about me…. SO, just some info for you… I had a uterine rupture that led to this whole mess. I had never had any surgery on my uterus before, and my doctors didn’t know what to do. BUT, I’m here today. Here’s my LOoooong birth story if you’d like to read.

Connecting with Just Write this week.


Day 26: Festival of Lights Hannukah Wreath!

DAY 26 is brought to you by, the lovely Jessica of Curlyhair Curlyperson. Jessica offered to share a fantastic Hanukkah DIY with you. Enjoy:

Hi everyone, jessica from Curlyhair Curlyperson here! If you don’t already know, I celebrate HBC (Hannukah-Birthday-Christmas). Since Hannukah usually comes first, and then of course, my birthday (30! this year!!! in HAWAII!!), and then Christmas. It’s fun celebrating them all, but I thought I’d represent my DIY and put the H back in HBC.

I originally intended for this wreath to be interactive, i.e. the ability to “light” the candles each night of Hannukah, but that didn’t work out, so this is just really a minimalist’s take on a Hannukah wreath. I got the supplies from Michael’s (before teacher discount and taxes, not including a glue gun–I already had one) for $20.43.

1. wreath form (14 inches)
2. your favorite color of yarn, you don’t need too much–less than 333m (I got navy; I recommend Red Heart Super Saver since it’s cheap and good quality yarn for a project like this–PLUS my Mimi always used Red Heart)
3. 1 yd of your favorite color ribbon (I got gold because I’m super into gold right now AND it’s festive)
4. pipe cleaners (I got silver and gold so it would look festive AND it would be really shiny around the candles)

1. spell out the words, “happy”, “hannukah”, “festival,” “of”, and “lights”.

2. wrap your wreath–this takes for.EVER. Hours people. But you could watch your DVR while you do this. I made mine really, really, really tight by tightening the yarn every few inches of wrapping. **I started the wrapping with a line of glue from the glue gun…I don’t know if I would put as much glue next time. I ended the wrapping with a dot of glue.

3. tie your ribbon and glue to the wreath over the place where you started the wrapping to cover it up.
4. arrange your words in the places you want them on your wreath (make sure it looks pretty)

6. And boom. You’re done. Hang your new wreath wherever you want and enjoy! (I think it’d look pretty hung on a wall in your house near where you’re going to light your candles to sparkle off all the flames during all 8 nights of Hannukah!)

– Jessica


A very big THANK you to Jessica for sharing this fantastic DIY. Please, be sure to give her blog home a visit.

To keep up with my 50 DIY Days, click here:

Paper Mama “Family” Photo Challenge

NOTE: My photo challenges have changed to monthly, and you’re now welcome to take photos of any person! Not just kids. Have fun!

All my photo challenges should be based around people (pets are always welcome). 

The month’s challenge:  “Family”

My sweet family. <3 This is our 2012 Christmas card! Check out my Holiday Photo Challenge to win prizes, here.
  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges.
  • My photo challenges do require you to have a person or animal in the photo. It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, there needs to be someone there.

2010 winners . 2011 winners . 2012 winners .


This challenge runs to December 20th, 2012!


Photo challenge buttons here:

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge
P.S. There’s a prize to win for the 1st place winner of this challenge! These are for sale at Photojojo!

“Fall” Photo Challenge Winners


Congrats! You can grab your first place button here!

AND, you won this awesome prize below (I’ll need your address ASAP, you can email me. Click her for prize rules):

Congrats! You can grab your favorite button here!
  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges.

Day 25: Jalapeño Popper Dip!

Day 25: This is a recipe I shared a year and a half ago, and with Thanksgiving tomorrow…. I really think this needed to be shared AHgain. The last couple of years my hubs has been making this dip to bring over for the holidays. It’s SO bad for your heart, but great for your soul? Ha. Ok, quick… run (or drive) to the store and get these ingredients! VERY worth it!

Jalapeño Popper Dip

By, Mike… the Paper Papa


– 2 (8 oz) packages of cream cheese, room temp

– ½ cup mayonnaise

– ½ cup low fat sour cream

– 1 cup shredded cheese (combine: monteray jack, pepper jack, mozzarella, chedder)

– 1/2 cup finely grated parmesan cheese

– 1 (4 oz) can of green chiles

– 1 (4 oz) can of jalapenos

– 1-2 cups panko bread crumbs mixed with additional

– ½ cup of finely grated parmesan cheese

– ½ stick melted butter


Combine first 7 ingredients in food processor and blend until smooth and everything is mixed. Transfer mixture to your serving dish (flat casserole dish works well) with room at the top to eventually put bread crumb mixture. Cover mixture with plastic wrap and put in fridge for a few hours at least (tastes better if made a few hours ahead). An hour or so before baking, take mixture out of fridge. Melt butter in microwave. Mix panko and ½ cup parmesan together and then mix with butter until all coated. Transfer panko mixture to top of dip and spread evenly making sure to pack it down well. Bake when ready at 375 F for about 15-20 minutes or until a butter knife placed down in center of dip mixture comes out very warm.

Enjoy, and Happy Thanksgiving!

– Chelsey

Holiday scents


In case you haven’t already figured it out…. I’m a bit crazy when it comes to Christmas. I LOOOOVE it so much. Always have. I didn’t think it was possible, but I am even MORE excited for this Christmas. My kiddo is turning 3 in December, and she’s at the age where she actually knows what’s going on (we can talk about her telling me I’m wrong allllll the time later, hee). Anywho, she keeps asking about Santa, and “When are we going to get a Christmas tree?” Gah! It’s so exciting.

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