My 365: Days 18 through 20
Shoot and Edit:
Simplicity Photo Challenge: Happiness
Categories: photoshop
My 365: Days 18 through 20
Shoot and Edit:
Simplicity Photo Challenge: Happiness
Categories: photoshop
Why I love♥ it:
– The stand folds up: I really love that. Since I didn’t really need to use it for storing baby food jars… it’s nice that the stand folds up and I can place the organizer in the drawer.
– The separator: I like the little separator. It’s nice for splitting up all the little baby things.
– The separator is removable: Yup, that’s great!
– Easy to see the baby jars: Yes, I did say that I don’t use this to store baby food… BUT, if I did I’d love it. Instead of stacking tiny jars of baby food up in the cupboard (where it’s hard to tell what you have) all the food is up and visible.
– Can be used for other things: When I’m done storing baby supplies… the organizer can be used to store spatulas and other kitchen utensils. OR, knowing me… it will probably end up in my art studio space to separate my pens. I have many pens.
– It’s VERY easy to clean: No weird corners to collect dust. Just wipe it down.
– Only one separator: I know the separator is in my “Love” list.. but, I think it would be very nice to have an option to have more than one.
– Takes up a bit of space in it’s standing position: I do love that it’s a convenient way to hold your baby food jars… but, in the standing position it takes up quite a bit of space in my cupboard. I have quite the tiny kitchen… so, I don’t want anything on my countertops AND I don’t want something to take up too much cupboard space.
– I wish it was longer and/or wider: since I’m using this in a drawer I wish it was larger. It fills up pretty fast. OR, I wish there were extensions.
{Optional entries (Please use a separate comment for each entry):
1) Follow me (see sidebar) {1 entry}
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3) Like Prince Lionheart on Facebook {1 entry}
I’m going to make this a short giveaway! Last day to enter giveaway is January 27th, 2010 at 11:59PM Pacific time.
Categories: Uncategorized
{What’s up with you:
– You turned 1-year-old one month ago! Wow.
– You’ve taken 3-4 consecutive steps about 5 times….
– You love to stand on your own.
– You “cruise” around the whole house.
– Crawl non-stop.
– Babble babble babble. Seriously. You hold whole conversations with anything. Even your hands!
– You weigh 21 pounds.
– Foods you love: Bananas, Greek yogurt, oranges, eggs, chicken, feta, kalamata olives, blue cheese, any cheese, apple sauce.. ok, you’ll pretty much eat anything we give you now. Yes, you even like lemons!
– Your FAVORITE toy is Bernie the Bernese Mountain Dog
– You yell REALLY loud anytime you see a real doggy. Yesterday you scared two ladies when you yelled at their dog! It was funny.
– You’ll stop what you’re doing if you see a animal on TV.
– You love to lick give kisses to us.
– Dancing is a little hobby of yours.
– You give kisses to all your stuffed animals (these kisses seem more like bites…).
– You LOVE to lay your head down and hug your giant teddy bear!
– It’s pretty hilarious when we chew on your toes. You’ve even started sticking your feet up to our mouths.
– Changing your diaper/changing your clothes is SO much more difficult since you hate it so much.
– Bathtime is pretty cool. You don’t have any bath toys… I don’t know why. But, you love to play with the was cloth.
– 10 Little Babies is your favorite book to read. You will sit and talk to that book for a good half hour. All the little pictures.
– We can ask “Where’s the kitty?” or “Where’s the doggy?” and you’ll point them out.
– Words you are saying: Was da? (what’s that), A dah? (also what’s that), An-duh (Angus), Mamamamamam (Mama), Da da (daddy), Dongay (Doggie), Duguh (also Doggie), AND you make a ton of other noises that I don’t quite know what they mean.
– There’s a major addiction to that pacifier you have there… you have to sleep with it… or you’ll wake up in the middle of the night. *sigh*
– You’re getting better around other babies… not as shy.
– You’ve been resting your head against me. I love it.
– We actually sat and cuddled on your giant teddy bear yesterday. For 10 minutes! You never sit still that long.
– Pretty much you’re turning into a pretty amazing girl.
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– Chelsey
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Categories: Uncategorized
Categories: Uncategorized