In a Yellow House Photo Challenge: Landscape

{Maupin, OR on the Deschutes River. September 2009}

Join the challenge:
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{And: I’d like to offer anyone that would like to advertise on my blog the rest of July for free: if you purchase ad space for the month of August. You can click here for more details. I REALLY love handmade shops SO I do give a discount for Etsy shops (or any handmade business). 🙂 Check it out! AND, if you have any questions please e-mail me. I do get a little busy with my crazy little babe and may take a little long to respond. I still ♥ you!}
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Categories: photography

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Laureli Lynn’s 7th Month

{Ruari turned 7 months old Sunday.}

{Dearest Laureli,}

{Baby girl you have just turned 7 months on Monday! You change so much everyday! What are you doing at 7 months? Well… let’s see!}

{You FINALLY rolled over. Yes, you made it to 7 months old without rolling over. We were at a playgroup, you pushed up on your hands and tipped over. Then you started crying. Hee. I think you scared yourself.}

{Today you started dancing. Well, it’s more of a wiggle!)

{ALSO today you tipped up your bottle with YOUR hands as it was getting low. Awesome!}

{You do have an addiction to your pacifier and cry for it when you’re tired.}

{Angus, our Chihuahua, is the funniest thing on the planet! You laugh everytime you see him. Especially when he coughs or chokes on something.}

{Oh, and i do believe you think YOUR name is Angus. Oops!}

{A couple weeks ago you started giving us VERY sloppy wet, open-mouthed kisses! You even grab our faces and pull it towards you!}

{You pinch, grab, and scratch us when you get excited. Ouch.}

{You still don’t say any words, but have repeated “Ok” and “No” once. We can’t get you to do it anymore!}

{There are still no teeth in that gummy mouth!}

{You started sitting unsupported a few weeks ago. Now you sit WITHOUT falling on your face maybe 80% of the time.}

{You love it when we help you stand up! You would stand forever if you could!}

{You’re SO smiley and laugh a lot! Oh, except when you’re tired. Once you hit tired mode, it’s all screaming and crying!}

{Still waking up once or twice a night. What up with that? ;D}

{6 AM seems to be the time you like to get up for the day.}

{No crawling yet. Probably because you refuse to roll over.}

{You put EVERYTHING in your mouth. Especially my hand.}

{My favorite thing you’ve started doing is cuddling. You nuzzle your face on me and cuddle. I love it}

{Happy 7 months crazy baby!!!}

{Love you!!!}

{Link up… Wordless Wednesday HQ, 5 Minutes For Mom, 7 Clown Circus, Jolly Mom, Go Graham Go, Marvelous Mommy, And Baby Makes 3, and My Wee View.}

{Oh, and THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone that commented on my Hair Hair Everywhere… post. It really did help my worries. I just feel like ALL my hair will fall out!}

{And: I’d like to offer anyone that would like to advertise on my blog the rest of July for free: if you purchase ad space for the month of August. You can click here for more details. I REALLY love handmade shops SO I do give a discount for Etsy shops (or any handmade business). 🙂 Check it out! AND, if you have any questions please e-mail me. I do get a little busy with my crazy little babe and may take a little long to respond. I still ♥ you!}
{Just a little reminder:

The numbers have been reset! Help me get in the top 10! I ♥ you!
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Categories: photography

Hair hair everywhere! Except on my head.

Let’s talk about how much hair I’m losing!!! I know this happens to some post pregnancy mamas… but, when does it stop?! I feel like I’m about to be bald. I lose so much freakin’ hair! Handfuls everyday. It started when Ruari was about 3 months old. While I was pregnant I only lost about 3 hairs total… it NEVER fell out. But, now it is and it’s getting ridiculous!

When does it stop???

And: I’d like to offer anyone that would like to advertise on my blog the rest of July for free: if you purchase ad space for the month of August. You can click here for more details. I REALLY love handmade shops SO I do give a discount for Etsy shops (or any handmade business). 🙂 Check it out! AND, if you have any questions please e-mail me. I do get a little busy with my crazy little babe and may take a little long to respond. I still ♥ you!
Just a little reminder: 

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Categories: about me

Tuesday Challenges

This weeks shutter love is Faces! I’m also using this shot for Sweet Shot Tuesday’s.

{Ruari at 6 months}
I just love this photo.

Link up your faces photo:

The Trendy Treehouse

Link up your sweet shot!
Sweet Shot Day

And: I’d like to offer anyone that would like to advertise on my blog the rest of July for free: if you purchase ad space for the month of August. You can click here for more details. I REALLY love handmade shops SO I do give a discount for Etsy shops (or any handmade business). 🙂 Check it out! AND, if you have any questions please e-mail me. I do get a little busy with my crazy little babe and may take a little long to respond. I still ♥ you!
Just a little reminder: 

The numbers have been reset! Help me get in the top 10! I ♥ you!
Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

Categories: photography

My guest post at Staying Crafty with a Baby

I was contacted to do a little guest post on They had suggested that maybe I could do a post with tips and pointers on paper crafting. I just couldn’t come up with anything. My mind kept coming back to my baby (she is my life now). So, Mike suggested giving a few pointers on how I manage to stay crafty while having a baby. Being creative is a huge part of my life and keeps me sane (well, sort of ;D).

Here’s my little article if anyone want to check it out (and here’s the link to the article).



And: I’d like to offer anyone that would like to advertise on my blog the rest of July for free: if you purchase ad space for the month of August. You can click here for more details. I REALLY love handmade shops SO I do give a discount for Etsy shops (or any handmade business). 🙂 Check it out! AND, if you have any questions please e-mail me. I do get a little busy with my crazy little babe and may take a little long to respond. I still ♥ you!
Just a little reminder: 

The numbers have been reset! Help me get in the top 10! I ♥ you!
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Categories: Uncategorized

Monday’s My Pick: Tada dolls!

Monday’s My Pick:
Wow, these dolls are VERY cute. I want this one for Ruari:

{TaDa! doll: TaDa Creations}

Ok, so she probably doesn’t really care if I get this doll for her or not, but I think it would look cute in her room. 😀 That’s a good reason to get one right? Please check out TaDa! Creations for more sweet dolls! And, don’t forget to check out the blog too!

So, we did a little “photo shoot” for Ruari’s 7 month birthday and to get ready for the I heart faces challenges this week: Over My Head.

{Ruari with my mom}




So, the picture of me on the right there was the original photo I took for the Over My Head challenge. Hee. Math is WAY over my head!

Please, have a lovely Monday! AND, don’t forget to link up your Manic Monday (I do Manic Weekends because my Monday nights are always too crazy to blog!):

Manic Monday Button

And: I’d like to offer anyone that would like to advertise on my blog the rest of July for free: if you purchase ad space for the month of August. You can click here for more details. I REALLY love handmade shops SO I do give a discount for Etsy shops (or any handmade business). 🙂 Check it out! AND, if you have any questions please e-mail me. I do get a little busy with my crazy little babe and may take a little long to respond. I still ♥ you!
Just a little reminder: 

The numbers have been reset! Help me get in the top 10! I ♥ you!
Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

Categories: Uncategorized