MORE ?’s.

Jess @ I Rock So What:

1. do you color your hair?

I do color my hair. The problem is: I get so bored because it takes like 3 hours… and I haven’t done since January!

2. would you consider yourself green?

I say I’m green-ish. I don’t use cloth diapers, but I use Nature Babycare. I try to recycle everything I can, but sometimes I don’t get it all recycled. I don’t compost, but I’d like to.

3. will you get ruari’s ear’s pierced?
I’ve been thinking about it. But, I don’t want to hurt her. ๐Ÿ™

4. do you like being a SAHM?

Sometimes…. A lot of the time I go crazy. I would like a day or two of me time. Yes…. that would be lovely.

5. what was your first concert? 
The Cranberries. I think I was in 4th Grade.

Niki @ Que Sera Sera:

What is the most daring thing you have ever done? 
 Hmmm, I don’t know. I jumped off a 30 ft. cliff into the water. I’m terrified of heights. I’ll NEVER do it again.

And does Rauri’s sweet little name have anything to do with Gilmore Girls?
Yes it does! I got it from the Gilmore Girls. ๐Ÿ˜€ Poor child.

Mumma Cheeks asked:

Besides blogging how do you like to spend your “mummy time?”
I like paper crafting, photography, hanging with my girlfriends and their babies… If someone is babysitting I like to lay down without moving and space out!

What did you do before you were a SAHM?
Well, I went to school for interior design… didn’t do anything with it. I worked and still work for Anthropologie. Love that store! I only do about 5 hours a week now.

Any tips for new bloggers?
Take your own photos. I try to make at least 90% of my photos to be taken by me! Visit other blogs. No one knows you’re out there if you don’t visit. Speaking of… I’m way behind on my blog visiting! I feel like I’m missing everything! Busy family week. ๐Ÿ™‚

More questions to be answered… ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m off to play with my family!

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Categories: about me

Thursday’s Three: Messy baby

{Messy child}

This weeks Thursday’s Three is inspired by my messy baby!!! She is such a mess.

1) This messy wet bag is lined with waterproof material. Perfect for those baby poo explosions we always seem to have when we’re OUT of the house! Another great thing about this: Machine washable! I HATE using plastic bags for these messes, because they just get thrown away. But, I can just throw this in the wash with her poopy clothes! Please check out Golly Gee Baby on Etsy.

{Golly Gee Baby on Etsy}
2) I’ll need another bib to go with that messy baby. These little Etsy bibs are pretty dang cute. I love the fabrics! AND: how could you not love that little messy baby face?! Check out Rocker Bye Baby on Etsy.

{Rocker Bye Baby on Etsy}

{Rocker Bye Baby on Etsy}

3) AND of course. With every messy baby, you need a stain remover. Oxiclean has saved many of my favorite shirts from the orangey baby poo stains. I totally recommend it! You can find Oxiclean on Amazon.

Have a VERY lovely Thursday! I’m off to answer a few of those questions from yesterday!
And, don’t forget that TODAY is the last day to enter the photo challenge: Buddies.
AND, of course:

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Categories: Uncategorized

Ask me anything….

Inspired by Jess @ I Rock So What who was inspired by the lovely Lacey….

You may ASK ME ANYTHING. Whatever’s on your mind… anything you’re curious about.

I’ve got family in town and have a busy day ahead of me. Can’t wait to see the questions!

{Did I mention I might be a little annoying about voting for me this week? Hee… please don’t forget to vote for me! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d love to make it to the final 5 (which I don’t think I’m in right now). AND you can vote EVERY day through Friday!!! Still can’t tell you which one is mine. ๐Ÿ™‚ }

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Categories: Uncategorized

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Teething feeder

{I bought this new teething feeder doo-hickey. Everytime I try and feed Ruari she just likes to gnaw on the spoon. SO, this little mesh feeding thing does the trick! She REALLY REALLY loves it. If you’d like to get one for yourself, check it out here.}

{Ruari at 7.5 months}



{Messy child}

{Good purchase!}
{Did I mention I might be a little annoying about voting for me this week? Hee… please don’t forget to vote for me! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d love to make it to the final 5 AND you can vote EVERY day through Friday!!! Still can’t tell you which one is mine. ๐Ÿ™‚ }

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to post it below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… (Wordless Wednesday HQ, 5 Minutes For Mom, 7 Clown Circus, Jolly Mom, Go Graham Go, Marvelous Mommy, and My Wee View.) . Happy Wednesday to all of you!}

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Categories: photography

I want.

I’ve been working hard to get Ruari’s room all finished and cute. But, all this work makes me want to spruce up my OWN room! I found a few bedroom furniture sets that I would LOVE to have for my room….

So, CSN (I’m sure you’ve seen them around the bloggy world) have about million different kinds of bedroom sets… I think I’ll take this one. ๐Ÿ™‚ Under bed storage is important for a home that was NOT built with closets….

I’ll take these sheets from Anthroplogie:

AND, then this bedding from Anthropologie:

And, I’ll go ahead and take this little dresser from Anthropologie while I’m at it!

I’m just dreaming here….

Did I mention I might be a little annoying about voting for me this week? Hee… please don’t forget to vote for me! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d love to make it to the final 5 AND you can vote EVERY day through Friday!!! Still can’t tell you which one is mine. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Categories: Uncategorized

I received the versatile blogger award!

Did I mention I might be a little annoying about voting for me this week? Hee… please don’t forget to vote for me! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d love to make it to the final 5 AND you can vote EVERY day through Friday!!! Still can’t tell you which one is mine. ๐Ÿ™‚


The lovely Heather at Cool Progeny and Alysha at Supermom and Joni at Six Cherries on Top gave me the Versatile blogger award! These three ladies are VERY awesome and have some super cute blogs! I’m so VERY pleased and excited to get this award from them!

In order to accept the award we need to:

  • Nominate 15 other blogs

7 things about me:

  1. I’m a little obsessed with blogging.
  2. I met my hubby 8 years ago at the Dave Mathews Band concert at the Gorge.
  3. I LOVE chocolate.
  4. If I’m at home, I’m in my jammies.
  5. I love trying out new tutorials for Photoshop. Nerd.
  6. I have two Etsy shops. One that makes paper crowns, another is my photo shop.
  7. AND: I’m in the top 20 and I want you to vote for me!!!


  1. Mandy – It’s a Beautiful Life
  2. Jess – I Rock So What
  3. Ashley Sisk
  4. 1000 Reason’s I’m a Crap Mom
  5. Oh Mandie!
  6. Chelsea at Three Birds
  7. Sarah at Mommy Elephant
  8. Casa di Cass
  9. Shawntae – a little king and I
  10. Twenty Little Toes
  11. Ericka – Alabaster Cow
  12. Krissi – Lila-Land
  13. Nicole – Mermaid Tracks
  14. Sara – My awesome family
  15. Kelsey – KB Squared

Please give all of them a visit! They are ALL pretty AWESOME!

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Categories: Uncategorized

Do you ever…

{Ruari 7.5 months}
Do you ever pick up your baby/kid and start to tear-up because they are so awesome? I do. Little Miss Ruari is so sweet. Sometimes it makes me tear-up because I can’t believe we created her! I love her so much. Even when she’s screaming. ๐Ÿ˜€ Well, I love her more AFTER the screaming.

And, please don’t forget to vote for me! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d love to make it to the final 5 AND you can vote EVERY day through Friday!!! Still can’t tell you which one is mine. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Categories: Uncategorized