{Ruari 7.5 months}
Do you ever pick up your baby/kid and start to tear-up because they are so awesome? I do. Little Miss Ruari is so sweet. Sometimes it makes me tear-up because I can’t believe we created her! I love her so much. Even when she’s screaming. 😀 Well, I love her more AFTER the screaming.
And, please don’t forget to vote for me! 🙂 I’d love to make it to the final 5 AND you can vote EVERY day through Friday!!! Still can’t tell you which one is mine. 🙂

Yeah, I do this too.
I always think that too! "How in the world have Chelsey and Mike created such a wonderful amazing little girl?" He he he!
Those moments make it all worth it. :-)Voted for ya!
LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog! Fantastic ideas! And because I think your blog is beyond fabulous, I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award. Please check it out if you have a chance !http://coolprogeny.blogspot.com/
Jess: I totally know. I'm such a sarcastic poo, but I just can't help myself!Carolyn: Thank you so much!Allie: Thanks! And, thanks for the future votes!Linkie: Ha! Our poor hubby's. Can't handle all the hormones!!!Muffin: It's so true.
All the time! She's just so perfect, everything I ever dreamed of and more. I can't believe she's mine! 🙂
OH MAN! All the time. I remember the days of being up multiple times in the night nursing, and I'd wake Colin up because I was literally SOBBING and yelling, "My baby is so BEAUTIFUL!" Then he's start running around the house like a chicken with his head cut off trying to figure out how to make me feel better. I'd respond, "Life cant GET any better!"
Yes! Yes! These are some of my favorite moments ever! I voted for you and will continue to vote…you are awesome!
Yes!!! Seriously. I think I just posted about this. If I didn't, it's in my drafts somewhere. Happens to me all the time!! Babies have a way of completely overwhelming their Mom's, in an awesome way!
Voted for you! Hope you win.
i can't tell you enough how often i do this. just yesterday i was walking home from target with my babe and he was just looking around at the world and he seemed so completely happy. and then the water works hit. i was so overwhelmed with this beautiful kid and how my husband and i made him out of thin air. despite how much a bitter shrewed i am, i still adore my baby. :)and i'll vote for you everyday!