The Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Flower!

This weeks guest judge: 
Mandy from: It’s a Beautiful Life.
This weeks challenge Flower.
The challenge: Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty) with a flower… dressed as a flower… I’ll even take: covered in flour! Be creative!

 Here’s Mandy’s example of Flower

The Paper Mama’s example of Flower:

{Ruari: 20 weeks}

This was Ruari’s first experience with a flower. She was 20 weeks old. She thought it looked tasty!

There always has to be rules… I know, boring right? But, it’s to help me and you. 🙂 Click on the link for more details… Each entry does need to link back to my blog… Click here to see last weeks winner… All photo entries need to be in by 11:59 PM Pacific Time on August 26th…

Guess what…. after 4 challenges there will be a week long vote off of the winners from the 4 previous challenges… The winner of the vote off will get a small prize! 4 more challenges to go…

Winners so far:

  • Flower: … no one yet…
  • Self: … no one yet…
  • Excitement: … no one yet…
  • Brown: … no one yet…

Click here to see last weeks winner for “Orange
And, it’s time for the vote off! Click here to vote!

If you have an Etsy shop and would like to give away an item as a prize… please drop me a line! I ♥ sponsors and will show your shop some love for your contribution. 🙂

The Paper Mama

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Categories: photography

And, the "Orange" winner is….

Guest judge: Melissa from: Hi, Baby, chose the top 5 this week! Please go check out her blog! And, thank her for guest judging!

And, congrats to Melissa for making the favorites for I Heart Faces: Shades!!!

Now, on to the top 5 chosen by Melissa:

Why Melissa chose this photo: “i love the delicate sweetness of this photo. it is such a simple capture and edit that says so much.”

Congrats! Please feel free to grab a “fact: I’m awesome … #1 winner” button below. Because: you ARE awesome! And, thank you SO much for participating!

The Paper Mama

Congrats to the top 5 winners! Great job, and please feel free to grab the top 5 button below! You’re all awesome!

The Paper Mama

The Paper Mama’s favorite photos (in no particular order):

Although I did not pick the winner this week, I did want to share my favorites. So hard to choose! If you’re one of my favorites you are more than welcome to grab a “Paper mama hearts me” button below!

The Paper Mama

And, just for fun… Melissa and I both have a couple of honorable mentions:

Guess what…. after 4 challenges there will be a week long vote off of the #1 winners from the 4 previous challenges… The winner of the vote off will get a small prize! 0 more challenges to go…

Winners so far:
– Absolute Favorite: … Flat Yeast Bread
– Buddies: … Not Always a Perfect Picture
– Water: … A Picture in Time
– Orange: … A Picture in Time …

Please check out this weeks photo challenge: “Flower

If you have an Etsy shop and would like to give away an item as a prize… please drop me a line! I ♥ sponsors and will show your shop some love for your contribution. 🙂

The numbers have been reset! Help me get in the top 10! I ♥ you!
Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

Categories: Uncategorized

Lots of random on Friday…

First off:
My guest post on Coffee with a Canine is up! Yay! Such a cute blog. Here’s the link.

Second: Photo Roulette!
From: 3rd folder, 25th photo.

{Me and Ruari: 1 week old}
This photo is of Ruari and I Christmas 2009. This was exactly 1 week after her birth. I have a really hard time looking at these photos. I know it’s probably a post par-tum thing… and, I still haven’t completely accepted my birth. I remembered having the baby blues pretty bad. But, I do think I’ll go through these photos and edit them. I don’t want my issues with my birth to affect Ruari. It’s her birthday after all. 🙂 Here’s Ruari in her little Christmas outfit. She only fit in preemie clothes.

{Ruari: 1 week old}

3rd: My mom has our baby for the weekend…. Ummmm. I’m excited and nervous all at once. We’ll see how my night goes. I’ll probably just worry the whole time. Oh well.

4th: Photo winners have been chosen! Yay! I’ll post them tomorrow morning along with the next photo challenge: Flowers. This is judged by Mandy!

The numbers have been reset! Help me get in the top 10! I ♥ you!
Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

Categories: Uncategorized

Fix-it Friday

I LOVE this weeks photo! What a cute little Girl.

My first edit:

My second edit: For this one I added a little black and white overlay to make things just a little more sharp.

The original:

Fix a photo here:

The numbers have been reset! Help me get in the top 10! I ♥ you!
Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

Categories: photoshop

Flashback Friday: My 2 year anniversary is almost here.

Well, this Monday will be Mike’s and my 2 year marriage anniversary. And, shortly after this… September 7th will be 8 years together. I’m SLOWLY working getting my wedding page done. So many photos I love from my wedding photographer, Craig Mitchelldyer.

But, this is not what I’m sharing today. We had a photobooth at our wedding. Yay! It was so fun. The weird part was that Mike and I never ended up taking a photo together in the booth! It was a crazy fun wedding. 🙂 Here are just a few of my fave photo booth shots from August 23rd, 2008:

{My bridesmaids. 2 have blogs: KB Squared and Cositas Bellas}
{My sister: Mermaid Tracks}
{That’s my bro and bridesmaid Sarah.}

{Me and Courtney}
{Me and my cousins.}
{Mike and his college friends}
{My sister and her fiance: Mermaid Tracks}
{Nina, me, and Christina}
{Amy and I}
Although Mike and I did not remember to get a photobooth photo together at the wedding, we do have a practice photo from the year before. Ignore the snowflakes. 😀
{Mike and I August 2007}

AND, welcome all new friends from New Friend Friday!!!

Flashback with us:
Flashback Friday Button

The numbers have been reset! Help me get in the top 10! I ♥ you!
Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

Categories: Uncategorized