Flashback Friday: Random me.

I know nothing about this photo. I can only assume I’m at a park enjoying a Tootsie Pop. ๐Ÿ˜€ I think I’m maybe 3? 1986? Hmmmmm….

Flashback Friday Button

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I know… I know… I post WAY too much! ๐Ÿ™‚

But, I just have a few randoms I wanted to share with you. ๐Ÿ™‚

FIRST} I updated my Paper shop! More crowns! A couple are on sale! Get them while they’re hot! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Second} I did a little blog interview over at the lovely blog: The Baby Who Lunches! This is really such a cute blog, I’d love for you to go check it out!

Third} Ruari has a second tooth coming in and I can’t get a photo! I’m trying. ๐Ÿ™‚

Fourth} So…. Thanks to ALL of you lovely LOVELY bloggers… I chose a camera… Yes, I went a little crazy and decided to just do it! I bought my camera! I found it on Ebay and got a great package deal… What camera did I choose? Drumroll…dddddddddddddddddddd (that’s a drum roll)…  a Canon Rebel XSi. Yay! I plan to play with this camera for at least 6 months and move on up the camera ladder if I feel I’m ready. ๐Ÿ™‚

Ok, I want to thank the following bloggers for there awesome input! I REALLY came to a decision because of you guys! The Wishful Lamb, Jess Craig, Nicole, Just Bits and Pieces, Pam, Secret Mom Thoughts, Claire’s Creations and Photography, Renee, Chana, LeAnna, Eboix, Pam, Joey&Casey, Erin, sara, alissa4illustration, Nikki, Keriann, Jhen.Stark, Joni, Ashley Sisk, Hannah, Mandy, Karli, Courtney K., Ariana, Jen, Shawntae, janineb, Mommyto2, Shari, Tezzie, Natalie, Mandy, carlotta, Tiffany, and Hannah.


Fourth} I received a couple of awards and just wanted to say THANK YOU!

From the Artsy Canvas Girl:

 7 things about me:
– I’m still in my pajamas and it’s 6 pm. Oops.
– I love wine.
– I just bought a new camera!
– I’m meeting a few bloggy friends in a week!
– I’m going to have breakfast for dinner. In jammies.
– My baby is really grumpy right now.
– I want to go to bed early. ๐Ÿ˜€

From the unofficial mom:

Thank you
thank you
thank you!
I heart your blog too!

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Categories: paper mama shop

Before and after: baby feet


I love my baby’s feet.


A couple of little reminders:

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Categories: photoshop

Thursday’s Three: What camera should I get?

I’m JUST ABOUT ready. I am JUST ABOUT ready to buy my new new to me camera! I’ve saved… paid bills… saved… paid bills… and, now I’ve almost got just enough to buy a camera (one more bill to pay before Mike is ok with this! :D). BUT, I cannot for the life of me decide what to get!!!

{Ruari 8 months old}

I probably wont be going through Craigslist because I don’t want to get something that’s broken (we made a big purchase through Craigslist before… it broke fast). I guess I’d like to be able to return it if something does happen. I’m thinking I may go through Ebay for something refurbished or used … or just go to Amazon (They also sell used and refurbished).

{Ruari 8 months old}

I am by no means a pro with photography. I have always loved it and have taken a couple college classes… I’m just ready for more than just my point and shoot!

My Thursday’s Three: What camera should I get?

1} The Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi: I’ve always owned a Canon. So, I know they’re good.

2} Nikon D3000: I don’t know too much about Nikon’s. But, it’s right around my price range.

3} Hasselblad HD3II 39: Ha! Just kidding. 39 megapixels! I would LOVE to have this camera… but, just a wee bit out of my price range… around $22,000. ๐Ÿ˜€

I would love to have this camera… cause then I could take photos like this:

A couple of little reminders:

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Vote for me?

Faith @ Simplicity recently posted a challenge for one of her lovely followers to create a button for her blog. She would then open the button challenge up for YOU to vote for your favorite. The winner gets to overhaul her blog. So, go vote for you favorite! Will you vote for me?

The button I created for her (using her flower photo):

Vote here!

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Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Baby and Daddy

Go here to vote for your favorite button @ Simplicity… Maybe you pick mine? ๐Ÿ˜€

{Dear Laureli,
       It’s almost impossible to get your daddy in a photo. This is SO hard since your mommy is crazy and takes about million photos a day. But, last night daddy didn’t complain at all when I was taking his photo. In fact, he asked me if I could get these photos ready to e-mail to his parents (your grandparents) by tomorrow. }

{You LOVE your daddy. You look towards the front door when you hear it opening… because you know your daddy will be walking through it. You love it when he bouncing you in the air.}

{You love to march in his lap and climb all over him.}

{The funniest is when he blows a raspberry on your back. You believe it’s HILARIOUS!}

{You love to give your daddy kisses.}

{Most of all you love it when daddy kisses you.}

{Happy Wednesday everyone!}

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to post it below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… (Wordless Wednesday HQ, 5 Minutes For Mom, 7 Clown Circus, Jolly Mom, Go Graham Go,  and My Wee View.) . Happy Wednesday to all of you!}

{Don’t forget to check the announcements above the posts. Giveaways and photos challenges}

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Categories: Uncategorized

Tuesday Challenges…

In a Yellow House: Trees

BWS tips buttonSweet Shot Day

Touch Up Tuesday:



After take 2:

I did a little tutorial on how to carve into a tree using photoshop. Click here if you’d like to try this out. Or, you can click here for me to create this for YOU for a very nice price. ๐Ÿ™‚ I posted this on my new photo community blog. It’s in the VERY early stages. But, please give it a follow if you would love to join in my photo community.

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Categories: paper mama shop, photoshop