Thursday’s Three: My camera is here!

AND: I don’t know what I’m doing! Ha! I can’t remember anything about ISO this and manual that. Hmmm… I guess it’s been about 6 years since my last photography class. Here’s the very first photo I clicked with my new Canon Rebel XSi:

This brings me on to my Thursday’s Three:

1) Simplicity’s photography classes. I’m taking her upcoming class that starts on the 6th. Perfect timing for my new camera! I need to pull out my old photography textbooks… maybe it will help me figure out what I’m doing! One thing I love about her classes: they are inexpensive! I thought they were going to be way out of my price range, but I only paid $25. Her next class: Light, focus, crop, and perspective. Starts October 4th. (By the way: you still have 2 days left to sign up for her September class!)

2) I was recently e-mailed by Okkatots. They wanted to let me know they have baby carrier that they are giving away on their blog. I’m VERY interested in this carrier. I currently use, and love, the Ergo Baby carrier. The downside of my carrier: you can’t carry your baby facing forward. This drives Ruari crazy! She likes to see what’s going on but, she can’t while facing me in the Ergo. I’m going to share a few photos with you guys, because there are so many great features to this carrier:

3) My new favorite “Baby-Blogger”: Future DILF-in-Training. We’ve been neighbors on Top Baby Blogs for some time now, but I just haven’t had the time to explore his blog yet. I’m so glad I finally did! There is SO much to explore on his blog! Beautiful photos of his family, food, art… and then a very funny (and silly) photo series: Conceived and Composed. Please give this blog a visit! I’ve added his blog to my feed list. Yay! Here are a few of my fave photos from Future DILF-in-Training:

“Almost there.”

Guard duty.

“I told you we were being followed!”

A little reminder: today is the last day for the photo challenge: Self.

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Categories: photography

And the winner of the Simplicity class spot is….

So, using the list randomizer I entered ALL of your entries in the ordered you all entered them. THANK YOU to ALL that participated. There were 283 entries! Whew. So, the winner is….

Dawn from Our Two Little Sprouts. Yay! I’ll let Faith from Simplicity know! I met Dawn a year ago in a pregnancy forum. She’s so sweet and has a couple of cute kids! Go check out her blog!

Would ya could ya? Vote for me?
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Categories: Uncategorized

I was picked for Spearmint Baby

Yay! I was one of the first 10 picked for the Spearmint Baby blog directory! She will be choosing more soon, you should submit your blog! If you haven’t already checked out Spearmint Baby, I suggest checking her out! I LOVE her nursery series. I have: “Finish decorating Ruari’s room” on my list of This Before That. I hope to submit photos of her nursery when I’m done. MAN, it has been taking forever!

Black and White Wednesday:

{Coral 5 months}

I know I’ve shared this photo of Kelsey’s girl: Coral a lot… But, I just love it. You’ll probably see it AGAIN tomorrow for Pixel Perfect’s Before and After. ๐Ÿ™‚

the long road

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Categories: Uncategorized

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Buddies.

{Ruari 8 months}
{Meet Doggy. Ruari’s best stuffed buddy. He’s pretty funny. Making her laugh with his floppy limbs and head. He really settles her down when she’s ready for sleep. But… when she does finally fall asleep: I know I have to take him away. I would love to let her cuddle with him all night… but, someone (ummm, Ruari) likes to chew on him and I don’t want her to choke. SO, we have to move him.}
{Ruari 8 months}
{Ruari 8 months}

{I wonder if she’ll cherish him forever… Or, if she’ll tear him apart by the time she’s 3… :D}

{Ruari 8 months}

{Speaking of buddies… Ruari and I get to meet some bloggy buddies. I’m very excited. Don’t worry, it’s in a public space and there are lots of us. I really do hope my camera gets here before that day! I’ll share all the lovely details after our meeting! :D}

{Happy Wednesday everyone!}

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to post it below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… (Wordless Wednesday HQ, 5 Minutes For Mom, 7 Clown Circus, Jolly Mom, Go Graham Go,  and My Wee View.). Happy Wednesday to all of you!}

{Don’t forget to check the announcements above the posts. Giveaways and the photo challenge.}

Would ya could ya? Vote for me?
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Categories: Uncategorized

Giveaway: Babylegs Grab Bag! Ends Sept. 13th

BabyLegs has offered to giveaway a fun little grab bag to one of my readers. ๐Ÿ™‚ Yay! I think you guys have probably heard me talk about BabyLegs and how much I love them! Ruari is usually wearing them.

 {Ruari at 5.5 months}

They have the Fall line for sale right now! In addition to the giveaway BabyLegs has offered to give out a coupon code for 20% off for you guys! Do enjoy! Here it is: PAPERMAMA 

 {Ruari at 5.5 months}
 {Ruari at 5 months}

 {Ruari at 5 months}
BabyLegs Leg Warmers, Baby Socks and Girls Tights

*Real quick note: Babylegs can only ship in the U.S. So, U.S. only please. Sorry. (And, the Babylegs you receive will probably be different than the photos).

How do you win? Please follow these steps… AND make sure I have a way to contact you through e-mail. If I don’t… I’ll have to delete the entry… ๐Ÿ™
Mandatory entry:

1) This is a requirement, please do one of the following and let me know what you do {1 entry}:
    Like Babylegs on Facebook
    Follow Babylegs on Twitter

    Join the Babylegs Forum

Optional entries (please post a different comment for each entry. It helps me. ๐Ÿ˜€ ):
1) Follow me (see sidebar) {1 entry}
2) Like my new Facebook page for The Paper Mama{1 entry}
3) Blog about this giveaway… linking back to my blog (please post blog post link in comment). {3 entries}
4) Grab one of my buttons in the sidebar there… {2 entries}
5) Follow my new photography community: Paper Heart Camera... {1 entry}
6) You can vote for me… ONLY if you really want to. ๐Ÿ™‚ Click here: Vote For Us @ TopBabyBlogs.Com - A Top Baby Blog List By {1 entry}

Giveaway ends September 13th 11:59 PM Pacific Time. ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a lovely day!

The numbers have been reset! Help me get in the top 10! I โ™ฅ you!
Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

Categories: Uncategorized

Tuesday Photo Challenges

Touch up Tuesday (are you guys sick of this photo yet? ;D. I’ve been working. It’s all I’ve got.):


{Chelsey June 2010}

Trendy Treehouse: Laughter AND In a Yellow House Photo Challenge: Work and Play

For Work and Play: Ruari loves to be bounced up and down… it’s a LOT of work… But, it’s also a lot of play.

Sweet Shot Day

Mama Hearts Photo Challenge: Whoops

I was trying to get a sweet photo of Mommy and daughter (Roxana and Kamilah)… then Kamilah decided she REALLY needed a straw. I kind of like the photo. ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s hard to get a photo of that girl. She’s always moving! It will be easier when my camera gets here!!! As of right now: It just left Kansas City, MO!


A little reminder:
Don’t forget to enter this weeks photo challenge: Self.
I can’t believe it’s already the last day to enter the photography class giveaway!

The numbers have been reset! Help me get in the top 10! I โ™ฅ you!
Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

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