BabyLegs has offered to giveaway a fun little grab bag to one of my readers. 🙂 Yay! I think you guys have probably heard me talk about BabyLegs and how much I love them! Ruari is usually wearing them.
*Real quick note: Babylegs can only ship in the U.S. So, U.S. only please. Sorry. (And, the Babylegs you receive will probably be different than the photos).
How do you win? Please follow these steps… AND make sure I have a way to contact you through e-mail. If I don’t… I’ll have to delete the entry… 🙁
Mandatory entry:
1) This is a requirement, please do one of the following and let me know what you do {1 entry}:
Like Babylegs on Facebook
Follow Babylegs on Twitter
Join the Babylegs Forum
Optional entries (please post a different comment for each entry. It helps me. 😀 ):
1) Follow me (see sidebar) {1 entry}
2) Like my new Facebook page for The Paper Mama{1 entry}
3) Blog about this giveaway… linking back to my blog (please post blog post link in comment). {3 entries}
4) Grab one of my buttons in the sidebar there… {2 entries}
5) Follow my new photography community: Paper Heart Camera... {1 entry}
6) You can vote for me… ONLY if you really want to. 🙂 Click here: {1 entry}
Giveaway ends September 13th 11:59 PM Pacific Time. 🙂
Have a lovely day!

I am also now following Paper Heart Camera! Awesome site, Chelsey!! 🙂
I voted for you! 🙂
I blogged about this giveaway # 3 at gmail dot com
I blogged about this giveaway # 2 at gmail dot com
I blogged about this giveaway # 1 at gmail dot com
I grabbed your button #2rastrassbur at gmail dot com
I grabbed your buttonrastrassbur at gmail dot com
I like your fb pagerastrassbur at gmail dot com
I follow you via GFCrastrassbur at gmail dot com
I follow Baby Legs on Twitterrastrassbur at gmail dot com
I like babylegs on [email protected]
Follow Paper Heart Camera via GFckaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com
Voted Top Mommy Blogkaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com
Like you on FBTree Huggin-Mommakaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com
Follow you via GFCkaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com
Like BabyLegs on FB & Following on TwitterTree Huggin-Momma / @treehugginmommakaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com
I now like you on FB, and like Babylegs on FB and voted for you!
Liked you on FBLiked babylegs on FBAlready follow youAm now following Paper Heart CameraAnd voted for you (of course)!
And I blogged about the giveaway. />tammy.cody [at]
I, of course, follow you.
Love love lovahhh baby legs!I do like them on FB.
And I voted for ya!
Following Baby Legs on Twitter. 🙂 Thanks for doing this giveaway!
I follow your new camera [email protected]
I voted for [email protected]
I blogged about this!…
I have one of your [email protected]
I "like" your facebook page! [email protected]
I "liked" Baby [email protected]
I follow [email protected]
follow you on facebook
follow u
follow them on facebook and twitter
I am following your new photo community.
I grabbed your button for my blog.
I liked your FB page for the Paper Mama.
I follow you.
These leggings are adorable…I would love to win. So I liked BabyLegs on FB.
I like you on FB!
I follow you!
I follow you!
I like BabyLegs on FB!
I liked BabyLegs on fb.
I'm following BabyLegs on Twitter.
I'm a follower.
and i vote everyday of course!
i am a follower of your new photo community!
i hate a button (entry #2)
i have a button. a few of em'
i am a fb fan of you.
i follow you…OF COURSE!
i follow them on twitter.(boo, you should get rid of your captcha sp?)
i like babylegs on facebook.
and i like them on facebook. 🙂
i'm following them on twitter
oooooooooo babylegs!! i've been wanting some for Lily!
Oh and I follow you too :)[email protected]
I liked Babylegs! [email protected]
We follow you're blog:[email protected] <a href="” target=”_blank”>
I have your button on our [email protected] <a href="” target=”_blank”>
I like babylegs facebook page.Liz [email protected]
Tell Babylegs I said "thanks for the coupon code" – I just bought my very first pairs of legs and saved $10!
Follow [email protected]
I like BabyLegs on FB. Alissa Spiehs-Apel. [email protected]
I follow Baby Legs on Twitter as BeccaAlleyBeccaAlley[at]
I've got one of your buttons [email protected]
Following your photography [email protected]
I blogged your giveaway: />[email protected]
I 'liked' you on [email protected]
I am following [email protected]
I 'liked' BabyLegs on [email protected]
Your button is on my blog (2)
Your button is on my blog (1)
I'm following your new photo community, too.
Voted for you.
I follow you on Facebook, too.
I follow your blog.
I follow Babylegs on Twitter
So I like you on facebook, I follow you on blogspot. I like babylegs on Facebook and follow them on Twitter. (wow thats alot of likes and facebooking all in one paragraph!) Thanks for suggesting to follow them on Twitter. They just posted a buy one get one free coupon I would have never known about!! I bought 4 for my little one and 2 for a set of twins I know are coming into this world very soon!
I have your button in my sidebar! 🙂 (Thanks for the giveaway!)
I have your button in my sidebar. 🙂
I also blogged about your giveaway! :)(so I'm supposed to comment three times about this right? here goes… three. )
I also blogged about your giveaway! :)(so I'm supposed to comment three times about this right? here goes… two. )
I also blogged about your giveaway! :)(so I'm supposed to comment three times about this right? here goes… one. )
I liked your Facebook page, too. 🙂
I follow you. 🙂
I liked Baby Legs on Facebook. 🙂
[email protected]
I like BabyLegs on FBI like PaperMama on FBAND I follow you.I wanna win, so Alice can be as stylish as Ruari. They are only two days apart!
like paper mama on FB
like baby legs on FB
I blogged about your giveawaygomez6281(at)gmail(dot)co m
I blogged about your giveawaygomez6281(at)gmail(dot)co m
I blogged about your giveawaygomez6281(at)gmail(dot)co m
I blogged about your giveawaygomez6281(at)gmail(dot)co m
I blogged about your giveawaygomez6281(at)gmail(dot)co m
I blogged about your giveawaygomez6281(at)gmail(dot)co m
got your button [email protected]
/>I got your button [email protected]
I voted for [email protected]
I like your new Fb page tooRachel Carter [email protected]
I follow them on twitter @ meeyeehere also I think i like them on Fb and all [email protected]
I voted for you!gomez6281(at)gmail(dot)com
I voted for you!gomez6281(at)gmail(dot)com
I have your button.gomez6281(at)gmail(dot)com
I have your button.gomez6281(at)gmail(dot)com
I have your button on my blog.gomez6281(at)gmail(dot)com
I have your button on my blog.gomez6281(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow Paper Mama on Facebook gomez6281(at)gmail(dot)comI REALLY want to win! 🙂
I follow Paper Mama on Facebook gomez6281(at)gmail(dot)comI REALLY want to win! 🙂
I follow Paper Mama 🙂 gomez6281(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow Paper Mama 🙂 gomez6281(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow Babylegs on Facebookgomez6281(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow Babylegs on Facebookgomez6281(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow yr blog
I like babylegs on FB
And I'm a follower of your blog!
I voted on Top Baby Blogstrentemmy(at)gmail(dot)com
I LOVE babylegs!! I already follow them on Twitter and already like them on Facebook too.
…and I am dummy… I forgot my e-mail. [email protected] Sorry!
I'm a follower!
I liked Babylegs on Facebook!
oh, and i voted for you on top baby blogs!
Gosh, I love this giveaway! Okay… so I joined the baby legs forum. And I am a follower…
I love babylegs been following them on facebook for months!!!
I voted for you on top baby [email protected]
I blogged about the giveawa y[email protected]
I have your button on my blog. />[email protected]
I like you on facebook
I like you on facebook
I have been a follower of your blog for quite some time now!
I am following BabyLegs on Twitter!
and I have one of your buttons on my blog under the tab "favorite blogs".I wanna win!! 🙂
I already like them on facebook. I love baby legs!!