Some photo challenges…

Simplicity Photo Challenge: Food
Pixel Perfect Before and After:


Captivus Living



365 Challenge:

Day 10{365}: Orange you glad I didn’t say apple?

Day 11{365}: Tea time.

Day 11{365}: Water study.

So, I’m linking this up with Jill’s water study link up. I’d LOVE to see if you guys try this out too. I have only ever tried photographing water a couple other times. During these photos my lighting was pretty bad and I had to REALLY raise the ISO to it’s highest. I didn’t want to use a flash and I don’t have a speedlight. ๐Ÿ˜€ My SOOC photos were fine, but I really wanted to sharpen these photos up.
Other water drip photos I liked:

Shoot and Edit:



Edit: For this weeks edit Ashley stuck with a basic/simple edit. Since I had already done that with this photo previously… I just linked up the edit had already done. I can’t remember the exact details of my edit… but, I always adjust my Levels…. curves… run through Noiseware… sharpen if needed… So, I sort of have issues with with shadows. I’m uncomfortable with them. If there’s a lot of shadow I automatically feel the need to fix it. But, I didn’t. I’m ok with that! ๐Ÿ˜€

Following Ashley’s Edit:

Following Ashley’s edit: I pretty much followed Ashley’s second edit exactly. I really love how soft and sweet it turned out. AND: the shadows are not as harsh. ๐Ÿ˜€

Altogether now:

You Capture: Doorways

This is the lock to our garage. It’s prettier if you zoom on in. ๐Ÿ˜€

Photobucketand then, she {snapped}

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Categories: photoshop

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Snacking.

{For Black and White Wednesday}

{Wow, I must be the most annoying mom already! She’s just trying to snack on her yummy cereal… and I have my camera ALL up in her face! She’s just so cute when she eats… I can’t help it. :D}

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to post it below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too... (Wordless Wednesday HQ, 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, A Beautiful Mess, Go Graham Go, Supermom, Live and Love Outloud, and My Wee View.). Happy Wednesday to all of you! Don’t forget to check the announcements above the posts. Giveaways and the photo challenges!}

the long road

{Don’t forget to enter your Valentines photo in to my Valentines Photo Challenge! Lots of prizes!}
The Paper Mama

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Categories: Uncategorized

Tuesday Photo Challenges

Trendy Treehouse: Bubbles

{Snot bubble!}


Sweet Shot Tuesday, Communal Global, and Touch Up Tuesday:

Photography love...Sweet Shot Day


Project 64: Out of the Box: Yellow and green

{Taken January 3rd, 2011}

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Categories: Uncategorized

WANTED: Camera lens advice.

Good Monday everyone! So… with my birthday coming up on February first I’m asking my hubby and family just to give me some moolah that I can’t put towards a new lens! Yes! I was hoping to get a new lens during Christmas time… but, things didn’t quite work out. BUT, that’s ok. I’ll get that lens somehow!

NOW… here’s the deal. I really don’t know what kind of lens I want. Or need. I’m no photography pro. I currently have this lens right here: EF-S 18-55mm lens. It’s what came with my camera. I’ve talked to Lindsay, Ashley, and Mandy before when my budget was a bit more limited… but, now that I have saved a bit more and the birthday is coming up… my budget has gone up! Yay!

{Ruari pointing at the doggies that escaped from their backyard.}

SOOOooo… I’m looking for advice everyone! What do you recommend or like? and why? I’d really just love to know what lens is your favorite and why that is. If you have a moment to spare. ๐Ÿ˜€ By the way, I have this: Canon Digital Rebel Xsi

And, Ashley lady and Jill have a new photo/photoshop challenge that’s starting today. Check out this post for more info and you can join up! Looks like fun!

And, of course we’d love a vote 
if you have a moment!
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Categories: photography

Photo Challenges for Monday

My 365 challenge days 7-9:

Day 7{365}: Flying Pretzel

Day 8{365}: Fruit Loops

I’m entering the above photo in Mikayla’s challenge: Simplicity and Macro Monday.

Mikayla: my life in wordsMM3

Day 9{365}: Black and White Ruari

52 Weeks of Me:

2{52}: Books

Well… this seems to really be the ONLY sort of book I’m reading these days… ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m reading the Hunger Game series too… but, it’s going slow cause I blog too much. ;D

I’m following Tia’s 52 Weeks of Me challenge. You can too! If you do… feel free to join and add your photos to my 52 Weeks of Me {and you} Flickr group! I want to see you! This week the theme is “Books” last week was “Hello”. NEXT week is: “Morning”

Shoot and Edit:

{SOOC shot}

This is the new photo challenge from Ashley and Jill. First you post your SOOC shot.. then, on Thursday’s, Ashley will post a tutorial for us to edit our photos. Can’t wait!

Happy Monday: Something cold

Cold stare:

Look at that cold stare Ruari’s giving me! She’s so over my photo shoots. ๐Ÿ˜€

Steppin’ Out Saturday:

This last Saturday was a VERY relaxed steppin’ out. I need some ME time. Mike watched Ruari while I went over to my buddy Courtney’s home to play the XBOX Knect. Is that even how you spell it? Anyway… it is so fun! AND: I’m totally out of shape. I’m sore from playing video games!

Sweatshirt: Macy’s
Pants and leggings: Gift from Grammy
Cardigan: TJMaxx
Shirt: Urban Outfitters
Pants: Forever 21
Socks over pants: Anthropologie… I wore my socks over my 
pants as a joke for my friend. I’m so funny.

Since we’re so stylin… can we get a vote?
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Categories: Uncategorized

I Heart Faces: Smiles

Ruari smiling at the doggies that got loose from the neighbors yard! She LOVES dogs and cats. LOVES them. She’ll scream out loud when she sees one. Even on TV.

I Heart Faces - Photography Challenges, Tutorials and Tips
We’d LOVE a vote!
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

Don’t forget to enter your Valentines photo into this years Valentines challenge!

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Categories: Uncategorized

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

This is Me:

This is me. I’m addicted to Photoshop. Yup. I LOVE it. I don’t take the best photos… but, I know Photoshop and I’m not afraid to use it!


My resolution is to take better care of myself. Not just this year.. but, from now on. It seems as though since I had my baby I’ve stopped caring about what I’m wearing/look like… well… deep down I care… but, it’s just hard. You know? So, I will take better care of myself. I will walk more. Exercise more. Wear other clothes besides just pajamas. I’m out of shape. I want to be in shape! I’m jumping in slowly… I walked today! {ahem} but, I was in my pj’s… one step at a time. ๐Ÿ˜€


The Paper MamaPhotography love...


New treasure: Dorothy shoes! I can’t wait till they fit her.


So sweet and innocent with her boogers and bananas all over her shirt and face…


This is one of Ruari’s “primitive” toys. No flashing lights… or crazy high pitched music. Just a duck. A wooden duck with a pull string and wheels.

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

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Categories: Uncategorized