Warby Parker’s.

So… I have had the same glasses for about… 5 years now? Which is fine… I still like them. BUT, I’m a wee bit bored. I discovered Warby Parker one Sunday morning and instantly fell in love! It’s a very young business… but, an awesome one! $95 for every pair of frames! Amazing. AND, in addition to the low cost… Warby Parker donates a pair of glasses for each pair you buy (sort of like TOMS).

Another neat thing…. they have a 5 for 5 program! Yes, they will send you 5 pairs of glasses for 5 days for FREE! They encourage you to try them on… take some photos… and ask your friends what they think! So, that’s what I’m doing. Right here. Right now.

Which do you like best? Out of the 5 my favorites are Roosevelt, Miles and Owen. Webb was too tight…. while Thatcher just seemed WAY too big for me. What do you guys think? These 5 have been sent back to their Warby Parker home… and, I may just order another 5, including the 3 I like, with 2 different styles. Hmmmm….

And, if you all get a moment…. 
I’d LOVE a vote! ๐Ÿ˜€
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: about me

Sunday Challengin’

Scavenger Hunt Sunday:

Black and White

Reflections in Glass


Seeing Double


Steppin Out Saturday:
My outfit
Little pearl earrings: Gift
Brooch: Thrift find
Dress: f21
Slip: Anthropologie
Shoes: Blowfish

This Saturday I stepped out to the bridal shower for my friend Nedra. I took some pretty sweet photos of these girls and their little hair facinators. I will share soon. ๐Ÿ˜€ Loved it. Ruari stayed home with daddy for the day. It was pretty nice to get out with baby at home… girl time. ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope you all had a lovely weekend too! <3

Scavenger Hunt SundayMM3

And, if you all get a moment…. 
I’d LOVE a vote! ๐Ÿ˜€
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Black and White

July 16th
This weeks challenge: Black and White.
The challenge: The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty). Black and white photos!

My example of Black and White:

Here are a couple links to some free photo editing software if you don’t already have something:
Remember: my photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.
There always has to be rules… I know, boring right? But, it’s to help me and you. ๐Ÿ™‚ Click on this link for more details… Each entry does need to link back to my blog… All photo entries need to be in by 11:59 PM Pacific Time on July 21st…   
Winners so far this month:
– Favorite of June: … Jenny Rain
– Sparkle: … The Daily Wyatt …
– Sweet: … no one yet …
– Black and White: … no one yet …

The Paper Mama

And, if you all get a moment…. 
I’d LOVE a vote! ๐Ÿ˜€
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

AND, the winners of the "Sweet" photo challenge are…

July 9th
This weeks challenge: Sweet.
The challenge: The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty). It’s national Sugar Cookie Day! How about a photo of your child with something sweet? OR… looking sweet. ๐Ÿ™‚

{The Photog Nazi}

Congrats to the winner! Great job, and please feel free to grab the Fact: I’m Awesome button! Because You are awesome!!

The Paper Mama

{Everything Beautiful}

{Captivus Living}

{Les Cadeaux}

{A Condition of the Heart}

Congrats to my top 5 winners! If you’d like… you are more than welcome to grab a Top 5 Photo button below!

The Paper Mama


My favorites (in no particular order):

{Naptime Momtog}

{Bunch of Barrons}

{CT Photography}

{One Day at a Time}

{Being What I Want to Be}

If you’re one of my favorites you are more than welcome to grab a “Paper mama hearts me” button below!

The Paper Mama

Winners so far this month:
– Favorite of June: … Jenny Rain
– Sparkle: … The Daily Wyatt
– Sweet: … The Photog Nazi …
– Black and White: … no one yet …

And, if you all get a moment….
I’d LOVE a vote! ๐Ÿ˜€
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

Now accepting sponsors for August on the Paper Mama!

What? Yes. It’s almost August. Already! Can you believe it? Well… you’re going to have to. ;D Woo hoo! Please email me and let me know if you’re interested!

I have four different add packages for you to choose from:

  • A 200 wide x 250 high ad + a personal extra large sponsor post just for you (this extra large ad will remain at the top of the sponsor list): $75/month (I give a 20% discount to handmade shops!) NOTE: I only have 1 extra large ad space available.

  • A 200 wide x 200 high ad + inclusion in the monthly large sponsor post (these large ads will be placed above the medium ads): $30/month (I give a 20% discount to handmade shops!) NOTE: I only have 3 1 large ad spaces left for August.


    • A 200 wide x 150 high ad + inclusion in the monthly sponsor post (these medium ad’s will be above the small ads): $20/month (I give a 20% discount to handmade shops!)

    • A 200 wide x 75 high ad + inclusion in the monthly small sponsor post (these small ad’s will follow the medium ads in the sponsor list): $15/month (I give a 20% discount to handmade shops!)

    Click here for more information about my little blog. ๐Ÿ™‚

    โ™ก Chelsey

    Categories: Uncategorized

    PNW Blog Gathering: A call for sponsors!

    Hi everyone! You may remember the mention of a Pacific Northwest Blog Gathering back about 3 weeks ago… WELL, we are way into planning mode now! The date is September 17th, 2011 in Seattle.

    We are currently looking for companies (big and small) to sponsor our little shin-dig to make the gathering even MORE fabulous! Talk about a TON of exposure for your business!

    Whether you’d like to donate an item… or two… or five to give away at the gathering… OR, you’d like to just straight up sponsor the gathering… let me know! You can email me at [email protected].

    We can definitely promote you and your business and we’re willing to work with you about any thing we can do for sponsorship from you! ๐Ÿ˜€

    โ™ก Chelsey

    Categories: Uncategorized