Giveaway from Prettiest Littles!

Amanda from the Etsy shop, Prettiest Littles has offered to share a goody with my readers! She wants to offer one winner their choice of either a custom banner… or a custom crown! Perfect for those little birthday parties. ๐Ÿ˜€ Banners are the perfect way to celebrate just about anything! You choose the words, color scheme, and shape. Crowns fit toddlers to adults, and are great for a first birthday party or a fun photo shoot! Pick your color scheme, and your choice of a number, initial, or shape to top it off!

What can you win?
The winner’s choice of a custom banner or crown!

How do you win? Please follow these steps… AND make sure I have a way to contact you through e-mail. If I don’t… I’ll have to delete the entry… ๐Ÿ™

Mandatory entry:
1) Just answer this question: What will your crown or banner be used for?{1 entry}

{Optional entries (Please use a separate comment for each entry):
1) Follow me (see sidebar) {1 entry}
2) “Like” me on FB: The Paper Mama{1 entry}
3) Follow me on twitter: @thepapermama {1 entry}
4) Follow the Pretty Little Life blog {1 entry}
5) Tweet, Facebook, or Blog about this giveaway. You are welcome to copy and paste this tweet:
” GIVEAWAY! Win your choice of a custom crown or banner! !!! @thepapermama “{1 entry}

If you have a moment, I’d LOVE to get 
a couple votes from you!
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

Last day to enter giveaway is July 31st, 2011 at 11:59PM Pacific time.

โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

Gettin’ Ready for BlogHer.

Yup! Another crazy for BlogHer post! But, you know what… I am so excited! Blogging is a huge part of my life and I’m so happy to meet many of the bloggers I have been reading about and talking to for so long! I’m a little overwhelmed and nervous. I get the random “But, I wont know anyone…” thoughts… which is so silly. I know quite a few bloggers going.
SOOoooo… taking a cue from Mandy from Harper’s Happenings I decided to stop putting my BlogHer outfits planning off and shop my closet… I really don’t need to buy a bunch of clothes for this conference. I have PLENTY of clothes in my closet to wear (that I’m just now starting to fit back into since I’ve been working out! Yay!). I wandered through and found a few outfits I’m positive I want to bring…. I plan to bring just three pairs of shoes (Yes…. I have a shoe problem) and about 2 outfits for each day (since I plan on being a sweaty mess). Yes… I know it’s not about the outfits… but, I love clothes and I wont having a baby blowing her nose on my dresses (yes, she does that)!
I tried to plan the outfits so I can wear cardigans/accessories over and over again… to pack less… Here’s what I’m thinkin so far…

 First outfit from my closet:
Blouse: Anthropologie
Shorts: Anthropologie
Belt: Thrifted ($1. Awesome)
Shoes: THRIFTED. Neat-o.
Cardigan: Target

Second outfit from my closet:
Blouse: Thrifted Banana Republic! Cheap.
Cardigan: Target
Necklace: Ummm… Had it for years. Can’t remember.
Jeans: F21
Shoes: TOMS

 Third outfit from my closet:
 Sweater shirt: Anthropologie
Skirt: Anthropologie
Shoes: Blowfish. Thrifted!

  Fourth outfit from my closet:
 Dress: Thrifted (I recognized it from Anthropologie)
Necklace: F21
Shoes: Blowfish… thrifted.
Cardigan: Target

  Fifth outfit from my closet:
 Dress: Thrifted
Necklace: Can’t remember. 
Belt: Thrifted
Shoes: Ross

Sixth outfit from my closet:
Dress: Thrifted
Necklace: Old.
Cardigan: Target
Belt: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Ross

Seventh outfit from my closet:
 Shirt: Anthropologie
Sunglasses: Thrifted
Necklace: Old.
Pants: F21
Shoes: Ross

My BlogHer ’11 roomies…. ๐Ÿ˜€
– Jenni from Jenni From The Blog
– Stephanie from Goober Monkey
– Kelly from The Turnip Farmer

I’m also putting together a to do/packing list…

To do:
– Print out all my tickets for gatherings/etc.
– Plan out my outfits so I pack as little as possible (darn baggage fees!).
– Put together my mini-swag bags from The Paper Mama Shop.
– Freak out a little.
– Break in any shoes I want to wear.
– Make a list of shnizzle I need to pack. This will NOT include my swimsuit….
– I need some sparkle for Sparklecorn. ๐Ÿ˜€
– Buy some earplugs… I’m pretty sure my roomates will snore. Ha ha! I’m kidding. But, really… just in case. ๐Ÿ˜‰
– Ummmm… figure out who’s watching my baby during the days…. ha! Yes, I did forget this part. ๐Ÿ˜‰
– Remind myself I shouldn’t pack any of my heels… because I will probably regret it and lose a few toenails or something lovely.

I also wanted to say “Hey there” to my BlogHer sponsors. These lovely peeps helped me get to BlogHer this year…

Thank you! You guys are awesome!!!

โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

My week in cell phone pics….

My week in cell phone pics:

I was shopping my closet in the above photos. Getting ready for BlogHer!!!!
One of my drawings I had printed VERY large for a wedding. A new book for Ruari from the thrift store. Ruari and Coco snacking… and bubbles!

My friend found this posted on a telephone poll in Portland. So funny!

Mike and I had a date night… we brought our dog Angus with us to the bar. And, our kitty got all dressed up to entertain Ruari. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Trying on hats and putting on shoes… and, Angus getting mad that his burger was fake.

Ruari and I hanging out in the nice weather. ๐Ÿ™‚
I’m linking up my week in cell phone pics with Amy from A Good Life.

โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

Sunday Challengin’

Scavenger Hunt Sunday:

Music to My Ears

Ruari laughing and chasing bubbles… music to my ears for sure.


My paper hat.

My old granny sunglasses that my mom and hubby hate. ๐Ÿ˜€

Out of this World

These cheesy bites from the wine bar…. so freakin delicious!


It’s hard to beat sprinkles of Feta….

Steppin Out Saturday:

Shirt: Target (for like $2… yeah clearance!)
Shorts: Anthropologie
Shoes: Ross… purchased many moons ago.
Mike and I stepped out for a date night! We finally got to see Harry Potter… and, then we ended the night with some dinner and drinks at a fun wine bar. The weather was so lovely too. ๐Ÿ™‚

Scavenger Hunt SundayPhotography love...

And, if you all get a moment…. 
I’d LOVE a vote! ๐Ÿ˜€
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

QUICK NOTE: I still have sponsorship space available! All the large spots are sold out, but there are still medium and small spots… along with the extra large spot! Lots of perks to the extra large spot! More info here… I’d LOVE to have you.

โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Summertime

This weeks challenge: Summertime
The challenge: The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty). Doing something summery!

My example of Summertime:
Here are a couple links to some free photo editing software if you don’t already have something:
Remember: my photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.
There always has to be rules… I know, boring right? But, it’s to help me and you. ๐Ÿ™‚ Click on this link for more details… Each entry does need to link back to my blog… All photo entries need to be in by 11:59 PM Pacific Time on July 28th…   
Winners so far this month:
– Summertime: … no one yet …
– Yellow: … no one yet …
– Whatever: … no one yet …
– Food: … no one yet …

The Paper Mama

And, if you all get a moment…. 
I’d LOVE a vote! ๐Ÿ˜€
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory


โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

AND, the winner of the Black and White challenge is…

{L to the third}
Congrats to the winner! Great job, and please feel free to grab the Fact: I’m Awesome button! Because You are awesome!!

The Paper Mama

{A good life}

{The Daily Wyatt}


{Ashley Sisk}

Congrats to my top 5 winners! If you’d like… you are more than welcome to grab a Top 5 Photo button below!

The Paper Mama


My favorites (in no particular order):


{DRW Photos}

{Tugboat Photography}


{Little Mrs. Sunshine}

{JT Photo}
{Marcella Grace}

If you’re one of my favorites you are more than welcome to grab a “Paper mama hearts me” button below!

The Paper Mama

Winners so far this month:
– Favorite of June: … Jenny Rain
– Sparkle: … The Daily Wyatt
– Sweet: … The Photog Nazi
– Black and White: … L to the Third …

And, if you all get a moment….
I’d LOVE a vote! ๐Ÿ˜€
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized