Be nice.

So, I’ve been reading blogs for about 1 million years (maybe a little less) but, that’s about right…. I started reading my first blog years before I had ever considered starting my own (I mean really, why would I just write nonstop about myself. HA! That’s changed… ;D) and, I’ve met so many amazing/wonderful/awesome people through blogging! Yes, people that I can truly (in real life, not just the life in my computer) call real friends ::hi guys:: and I know there are more people out there I’m going to meet and fall internet love with in the future. And, on top of that… blogging has given me the chance to do what I love for a living (a small living… but, it’s my job: and I love it). So, that’s the fabulous side of the internet!

The ugly side of the internet…: being mean behind the cover of your computer. Luckily I don’t run into too many mean people on my blogging journey… but, they are there. And, I’ve been hurt by them. I’ve seen them hurt other people. Sometimes these mean people don’t even realize that they’re actually being mean. It seems to be a lot of assumptions and wild imaginations. But, they run with it and are mean.

In high school did you ever wonder what the home life was like for the kid that was awkward and never had clean clothes? Was he or she abused… was he or she unable to afford to clean those clothes? Or, was the popular kid actually content and secure in his or her own body? You don’t actually know. I know blogging is not high school, but sometimes it can seem that way. I guess what I’m TRULY trying to say is: be nice. Stop and think before you say something mean. I am not completely innocent, but I try my best to be a nice person. I want to be friendly. I like people. But, the ugly meanness I see puts me off.

Blogging is scary. You put yourself out there and share parts of your life with people you may not actually know… While I may write and share a lot on my blog, I don’t share everything. So, you may not really know what’s happening in my life. You may not know that I get 50 emails a day and can’t respond to each one… because I need time with my family too. You may not know why I chose to do something… and take offense that you were not invited. You may think I never read your blog because I don’t comment often… but, I probably have stopped by more than once. I may not respond to every comment on my blog, but I do read each and EVERY one of them (I love them. Thank you!).

We all have bad days. Seriously… I have many… they totally suck, but I try not to let my anger and frustration leak out onto everyone around me. Have you ever read a blog post and thought, “Holy crap… that person is out of their mind! I’m going to tell them exactly what I think of that! Tell them why they’re wrong and stupid.” BUT, instead of commenting right then and there: take a moment… step back… rethink. If I really want to comment on something that upsets me… I’ll come back later when I’m not all fired up and say something terribly mean that I never really meant in the first place. It works. Try it!

Step back and rethink. This works for talking bad about someone. My girlfriends and I try our best to keep negative gossip out of our lives. We don’t want to talk bad about people. We want to see the good in everyone. So, we just don’t gossip very often. It’s hard. You know there’s just that one person that upset or hurt you and the thing you’d like to do MORE than anything is tell someone that can relate to you all about it. Before you do that… before you write that email to complain to someone about another person… step back and rethink. Maybe that negative thought doesn’t need to be shared.

When you write those hurtful words in a comment, email, or say them out loud… it hurts! It’s not nice. Luckily, like I said earlier, I rarely see this in my blogging world. BUT, when I do see it: it’s lame.

Be nice. That’s it.


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Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Maupin, OR

{My hubby, Ruari and I just recently got home from a tiny/small family vacation. We wandered over to Maupin, OR last Friday for three days. “Maupa-wha?” Yes, Maupin, OR. It’s a super duper teensy town about 40 miles from The Dalles. “The Dalles?” Ha! How about it’s along the Deschutes River. “Desachuta what river?” Ok, I probably can’t help you if you don’t know where that is. ;D Anyway… so, if you’re wondering (which I’m sure you are) Maupin is pronounced, “Moppin'”. Like, “I’m Maupin the floors with this here mop!”}
{It was an absolute fabulous time. Yes, I did still bring my camera (how could I leave it at home?), my sketch book (I have orders to finish), and my laptop (to keep up on emails)… so, I was still working. BUT, man… it was nice. No TV (well… there was TV, but I tried to avoid it)… Mike wasn’t working… Ruari had a wonderful time… I loved it. And, I miss it. It’s so hard to get out of vacation mode… BUT, I will have to. No more bloody mary’s in the morning. ;D}

{Day 1 Maupin, OR}

{What I wore: dress//Anthropologie, sunglasses//Target, earrings//f21, sandals//Old Navy. What Ruari wore: swimsuit//Old Navy, salt water sandals//thrifted, sunglasses//Fred Meyer’s. What Mike wore: Yes…. that is a Coor’s tshirt. I hate that thing. But, he loves it. ;D Oh well.}

{I’m linking this post up to Steppin’ Out Saturday AND if you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. BY the way: Shawntae from A Little King and I share our Wednesday Linky’s. :D. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, Supermom, And Then She Snapped, Jenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.}
{OH! And, just a little reminder: if you’re in the PNW and want to meet up with other lovely/awesome bloggers like yourself? Well…. come to our meetup! It’s THIS SATURDAY!!!! You can STILL BUY the cheap tickets before Friday! We would LOVE to meet you! Details are here: PNW Blogger Meetup.}


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Too cool for school.

This week the I Heart Faces challenge is “Back to School” Well, Ruari is obviously not school age… So… this week she is too cool for school! Ha!
We just got home from spending the weekend in Maupin, OR. AKA: middle of nowhere. ;D Really though… it’s a nice little town. Nothing fancy that’s for sure, but everyone is very nice and the weather was lovely (too hot) but, lovely. A beautiful bit of land along the Deschutes River. 🙂
A few more photos from the trip to come…

AND: FRIDAY is the LAST day to purchase your ticket for the PNW blog gathering! I really hope you will come if you’re in the area! I’m driving up 3.5 hours to enjoy a ton of bloggers for a fun filled evening! Will you? I think you should… purchase your ticket here!!! See who will be at the event here!

I Heart Faces - Photography Challenges and Photo Tutorials


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LAST call!!! Homies!

it’s almost finally here! this saturday is the PNW Blogger Meetup and i’m super stoked to meet so many of you and see some of you again. Mandy, Melissa and i have been working on this for a long time and i can’t wait to see it all come together.

i’m here today as a reminder of how close it is and to ask for a little bit of help from those of you who are coming, were thinking of coming or who just haven’t had a chance to buy your tickets yet. since it is this saturday, we need anyone who wants a ticket to purchase now. so many people responded to our very first post about doing this thing, but only a couple handfuls of people have actually bought tickets. we really want to see all of your faces! remember (if you’re nervous or on the fence), this is a totally laid back event – just some yummy food, some drinks and meeting all kinds of bloggers from around the pacific northwest. so far we have mom bloggers, fashion bloggers, food bloggers and lifestyle bloggers so it’s a nice diverse group of people!

leanne from rave and review, elizabeth from delightfully tacky, jen from her baking & his cooking, mandy from a sorta fairytale, erika from rouge and whismsy, erika from bird e studios, andrea from peanut butter handprint, heidi from me as a mother, martha from, amanda from pretty little life, meghan from chasing quinn, emily from peck life, autumn from autumn wades, kiranda from mommyhood blog, chelsea from the curly cues, tracy from liberating working moms, mariah from a splendid endeavor, rachel from and then she snapped and alyssa from everydaymaven…so far!

SO! here is the link to buy tickets. we really, really, really hope those of you who wanted to come can make it. there is also the daytime, family friendly event so if you haven’t emailed me about that yet but want to come, please do! it will be from 10am-2pm at a park in Seattle and will be open to spouses and kiddos. shoot me an email for the location.

any questions? leave them below and i will get back to you asap (be sure to use a valid email address for your comment). see you saturday?


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Citrus Lane Logo

Thank you to Citrus Lane for providing me with this opportunity to review a Citrus Lane gift box. While this post is sponsored, the opinions expressed here are completely my own.

Ok… so, how many of you mama’s out there have purchased TONS of product for your baby… only to find out later that either you or your baby do not like the Costco sized product you spent millions of dollars on? Maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration. BUT, I’m close: right?
This is where Citrus Lane comes in. This company was first described to me as: “…a jelly-of-the-month club, except with baby products!” I couldn’t describe it any better. That’s just what it is! While I was never into jelly-of-the-month clubs… I AM into baby products!
How does it work? You can choose to either pay a small monthly fee or a larger, but still small, fee for a year subscription to Citrus Lane. Imagine how much money you are actually saving by doing this…. how many of you went through like 5 different kinds of shampoos to find the perfect one that didn’t irritate your baby’s skin? Or, to find the best sippy cup that lasted longer than a day? Yeah. That’s right.
Citrus Lane has a box for every month of your baby’s life up to 18 months AND every box is worth over $50 in retail. Good deal already. Ruari and I were sent the Year 2 Bedtime Play box. It came with: Skip*Hop Dunck Stacking Bath Toys, Kushies Baby Toothbrush, Branam All Natural Xylitol Tooth Gel (Bubblegum), and Aura Cacia Calming Foam Bath soap. It all turned out lovely! 
While Ruari didn’t have too much opinion on the bath soap… I did. It smelled wonderful. The duck toys were a hit in AND outside of the tub. Perfect for rinsing Ruari’s soapy hair. 🙂 The toothpaste was tasty enough she didn’t spit it out right away (like every other toothpaste), and the toothbrush was awesome. It was soft enough that I didn’t have to wrestle with her to scrub those teeth!!!

Overall: I really think Citrus Lane is a good company. I’m thinking of checking out their gifting program for some future first time preggo mama’s!

AND: A giveaway! Yup, Citrus Lane wants to give one of my readers a box to check out too! First, please read the official giveaway rules from Citrus lane.
Variable Terms and Conditions: 
Promotion Sponsor: Citrus Lane, Inc.
Promotion Start Date: variable by blog between 9/9/2011 and 9/30/2011
Promotion End Date: variable by blog between 9/12/2011 and 10/12/2011
How to Enter: Leave an entry on the Clever Girls Network blog post stating that you are
interested in winning a Citrus Lane box.

Prizes: One Citrus Lane gift box
Total approximate retail value of all prizes: $45 (actual value may vary).
Winner Selection Date variable by blog between 9/12/2011 and 10/12/2011
Prize Selection: Administrator will randomly select the winner(s) from all eligible entries

To win: Just leave a comment below about ANYTHING! That’s it! You just need to comment before 9/16/2011 11:59PM Pacific Time . That’s it!



Categories: Uncategorized

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Remember

This weeks challenge: Remember.
The challenge: This challenge does NOT have to be based around your children… just for this week. 
Tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of September 11th. Share a sweet photo of a moment that you will always love to remember!

My example of “Remember”:

This is one of my favorite family photos. I love it. I will always remember this day and moment.

  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges. 🙂
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

The Paper Mama

♡ Chelsey

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