Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Maupin, OR

{My hubby, Ruari and I just recently got home from a tiny/small family vacation. We wandered over to Maupin, OR last Friday for three days. “Maupa-wha?” Yes, Maupin, OR. It’s a super duper teensy town about 40 miles from The Dalles. “The Dalles?” Ha! How about it’s along the Deschutes River. “Desachuta what river?” Ok, I probably can’t help you if you don’t know where that is. ;D Anyway… so, if you’re wondering (which I’m sure you are) Maupin is pronounced, “Moppin'”. Like, “I’m Maupin the floors with this here mop!”}
{It was an absolute fabulous time. Yes, I did still bring my camera (how could I leave it at home?), my sketch book (I have orders to finish), and my laptop (to keep up on emails)… so, I was still working. BUT, man… it was nice. No TV (well… there was TV, but I tried to avoid it)… Mike wasn’t working… Ruari had a wonderful time… I loved it. And, I miss it. It’s so hard to get out of vacation mode… BUT, I will have to. No more bloody mary’s in the morning. ;D}

{Day 1 Maupin, OR}

{What I wore: dress//Anthropologie, sunglasses//Target, earrings//f21, sandals//Old Navy. What Ruari wore: swimsuit//Old Navy, salt water sandals//thrifted, sunglasses//Fred Meyer’s. What Mike wore: Yes…. that is a Coor’s tshirt. I hate that thing. But, he loves it. ;D Oh well.}

{I’m linking this post up to Steppin’ Out Saturday AND if you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. BY the way: Shawntae from A Little King and I share our Wednesday Linky’s. :D. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, Supermom, And Then She Snapped, Jenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.}
{OH! And, just a little reminder: if you’re in the PNW and want to meet up with other lovely/awesome bloggers like yourself? Well…. come to our meetup! It’s THIS SATURDAY!!!! You can STILL BUY the cheap tickets before Friday! We would LOVE to meet you! Details are here: PNW Blogger Meetup.}


Categories: Uncategorized

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