AND… now you’re 21. Months that is.

Dearest Ruari Boo,
Wow. 21 months old. Holy moly… you will be 2 in three months!!! What? yeah. I can’t even believe it… but, you are human! You came up to me the other morning and said, “Hi mama! How you doin’?” What? Did you really just say that? And, you have been forming sentences ever since.
Talk talk talk talk. Dance dance dance dance. Sing sing sing sing. Your FAVORITE things to do. I have many videos as proof (bwa ha ha). You are starting to get REALLY silly and you know and remember things. You’re always telling us to “sitdown!” so we can read to you… then, you try and tell the cats to “come here. sit down!” They don’t listen as well… 
We tried timeout once the other day… didn’t go as well as I had hoped it would… But, we’ll try again. The stairs are still an issue. You think you know how to use them… you don’t. I swear I’m going to have a heart attack sometime during our walks… you still don’t understand cars and how they can be dangerous. So, we carry you across the street (and yes: you kick and scream the whole way across because you want to walk/run). 
The only way I can get you to stay sitting still for a photograph is to bribe you with food and cartoons (that would be why there’s a blank stare on your face in the photos above ;D). We still haven’t really tried potty training. You still love your pacifier… you require it when you sleep… but, we have been hiding it from you during the day with success! I’m not too worried about it. 
Pretty much: you’re amazing. I love you. Welcome to 21 months!


Categories: Uncategorized

A to Z of me.

I originally found this on Hello Vanny and have seen it around the blogosphere and thought it would be fun for my blog… 🙂

A. Age: 28
B. Bed Size:  Full
C. Chore you hate: Scrubbing the tub.
D.  Dogs: Little Mr. Angus the Chihuahua.
E.  Essential start to your day:  Earl grey tea and peeing. Maybe not at the same time.
F.  Favorite Color: I love coral red.
G.  Gold or Silver: Definitely am a gold girl.
H.  Height: Somewhere over 5’7″.
I.  Instruments you play: Spoons. And, I played the trumpet for a bit in grade school. Did not love it.
J.  Job Title: Mama. Artist. Blogger.
K.  Kids: Ruari.
L.  Live: That’s right: born and raised in Portland, Oregon.
M.  Mother’s Name: Janis
N.  Nicknames: Chels. Chels Bels. Jelly. Hey You.
O.  Overnight hospital stays: Yessum. A week straight.
P.  Pet Peeves: Someone saying they’ll do something… then they don’t.
Q.  Quote from a Movie:  “I’m a cotton-headed ninny-muggins.” – Elf
R.  Right handed or Left handed:  Very right. Can’t even pretend to use my left. I should just chop it off.
S.  Siblings: My older sister and my younger brother.
T.  Time to wake up: 10:00 AM. BUT, that never happens. So, 6:00 AM it is (Ruari likes it early).
U.  Underwear: Nope. I’m Kidding. Sometimes.
V.  Vegetables you hate: Beets. Gross.
W.  What makes you run late: Ummm… I like to blame my baby… but, let’s be honest it’s me and my ADD.
X.  X-rays you have: For my back. For my teeth.
Y.  Yummy food that you make: BLT’s. Yup. And, before baby I used to LOVE to bake pie. I should try that again this year…
Z.  Zoo animals: My faves are always the Polar Bears and Elephants.

And, if you create an a-z of yourself… you can link up at Danfredo Rivera.


Categories: about me

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: PNW Blogger Meetup! Photobooth style.

{Aren’t those just the best photos? A special thanks again to Jessica Mae Photography. ( for setting up this photobooth for us and thanks to Talarico’s for the space and pizza!!!! It was so fun! And: Don’t forget to check out: The PNW Blogger. You can head on over and add your PNW blog on our Blog Love page under your state!!! AND, start following the blog to keep up with any updates and announcements for upcoming events.

{AND, if you’d like to check it out… I’m guest posting at The Momma Bird!}

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. BY the way: Shawntae from A Little King and I share our Wednesday Linky’s. :D. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, Supermom, And Then She Snapped, Jenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.}


Categories: Uncategorized

PNW Meetup!

Well… the PNW Blogger Meetup was this last Saturday! Yay! AND: it was a BLAST! We had SO much fun. I enjoyed each and every blogger I met! We were lucky enough to have a lovely photographer ( to document the evening. I’m sharing my faves below… And: yup! We had a photobooth! I am saving that for a special post for tomorrow!!! The photobooth was awesome and I think it needs it’s own post. 😀

Are you in the Pacific Northwest? Want to meet up with local bloggers? You should! It’s so fun and everyone is very nice. You better believe this will be an ongoing thing! I started a little website so we can keep things a little more organized for our PNW Meetups. Check it out: The PNW Blogger. You can head on over and add your PNW blog on our Blog Love page under your state!!! AND, start following the blog to keep up with any updates and announcements for upcoming events. I see Oregon in our future for the next event…

Happy Tuesday everyone! And, thank you to ALL the ladies that came out to play! It was lovely meeting you guys! Thank you! I hope to see you again!

moorea from moorea seal, leanne from rave and review, elizabeth from delightfully tacky, mandy from a sorta fairytale, erika from rouge and whismsy, erika from bird e studios, heidi from me as a mother, martha from, meghan from chasing quinn, emily from peck life, autumn from playing house full time, chelsea from the curly cues, tracy from liberating working moms, mariah from a splendid endeavor, rachel from and then she snapped, alyssa from everydaymaven, rachell from no mark at all, lucy from lucille in the sky, jamie from what i did today, jackie and shari and samantha (three brand new bloggers!)

Ok, and seriously… thank you to the fabulous sponsors for this event! You helped make it amazing!
Princess Couture Designs//Belleza Mia//Grace and Stella//The Paper Mama Shop//Elsage//Opal//Alecia Smith//Tracy with Scentsy


Categories: Uncategorized









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