Wordless{ish} Wednesday: The pumpkin patch!

{This last Saturday the fam and I wandered over to a local pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins! AND: we had pretty darn lovely weather! I was 90% sure it was going to rain (since rain usually starts in October in Oregon… and goes through May? June? ;} Kidding… sorta… ). But, it did not rain. It was a beautiful Autumn day. PERFECT temperature. <3}
{Of course R had a fantastic time. She ran all over the place patting each pumpkin… trying to pick up the largest pumpkins… refusing to take a photos with me (screaming… I had to tell her no more Dora… hey it works. ;D). There were goats, horses, and little baby chicks. R wanted to take all of them home with her. Especially the horsies.}
{After about an hour we rounded up our pumpkins… and, dragged R out of there (not really, but sorta). I’m pretty sure she believed that was our new home. On the way back to the car… R plopped herself down on the grass and let me take some sweet photos of her. <3}

{Oh man… she looks so old in these photos! I can’t believe she’s almost freakin’ 2!!!! Anyway, it was a lovely family day. One more thought: I love leggings under dresses… that way I can wear a dress and crawl all over the ground taking photos of my babe without flashing anyone… even though I do love flashing people… I kid. Random fact: I wore shorts under my dress all summer so I didn’t flash people since I have a toddler and am all over the place. :D}
{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. BY the way: Shawntae from A Little King and I share our Wednesday Linky’s. :D. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, Supermom, And Then She Snapped, Jenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.}


Categories: family

Scary shiz

I can’t stop thinking about the guest post I read on Scary Mommy: Almost. It has completely and totally scared the poo outta me.
A quick sum up of this scary post: this mama’s 6-year-old girl went to her daycare… came home and started talking to her mommy about how the daycare lady’s 12-year-old son was pretty much trying to coax her and her friend’s into the bathroom for something that wouldn’t last long and he wouldn’t tell anyone what happened…………. she didn’t go. She was strong and told her mommy she would never have gone. (go girl).
I have always known these things can happen… and, this is only one instance that I happened to read one day. But, it freaks me out! It makes me so emotional… Now being a mama to my little girl… I want to protect her from anything and everything bad in the world. Of course I can’t always be there holding her hand and making sure no one hurts her. I wish I could… but, I can’t.
Now I’m left with mind wanderings… how do I properly raise and teach Ruari to be a strong girl and woman… to teach her she can say “no” (even as a 6-years-old) when she thinks something’s not right? Somehow… at some point… most likely sooner than later… I’m going to need to explain/talk/discuss with her that she should/can/will say, “no!” to anyone that asks/tries/forces to touch her or asks/makes her touch them. To talk to me and any adult. Kick/scream/bite/fight! That’s it.
Why are there creepers out in the world? Even as young as 12? Who disturbed and hurt this young boy… where he learned this behavior? ::sigh:: I cannot and will not ever understand why people do these horrible things… but, they do. I just need to raise and teach my girl she can kick ass and she is in control of her body.


Categories: Uncategorized

How to braid your bangs.

Hey guys! I just recorded this little video this morning. I realized it might help with the hair tutorial I posted this morning: Braid crown. I hope it helps!

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Categories: hair

Braid Crown hair tutorial.

– 1-2 hair ties (I prefer the clear hair ties)
– Bobby pins (3-4)
– Hair. ๐Ÿ˜‰
– So, you can start with your hair curly from the No-Heat-Curl if you want… but, not required. I often do this with my straight hair… I just had curly hair already when I took these photos. ๐Ÿ™‚
– I start the braid from my bangs and up against the part in my hair. Start braiding your hair… grabbing pieces around the “crown” of your head as you go to hold up the braid and add more hair. I grab a strand of hair every couple of braids.
– Continue braiding along the “crown” of your head… back around to the front of your head (where you started).
– When my braid reaches other side of the part of my hair (from where I started) I finish braiding the hair and tie it off with a hair tie.
– Tuck the “tail” of your braid under the beginning section of the braid crown, and pin it.
– AND… you’re done! That’s it. I hope these directions make sense for you. Pretty much: practice! I braid my hair so much it has just become so easy.
Please let me know if you try this hair tutorial! I love seeing my readers trying out my hair experiments. ๐Ÿ˜€


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Categories: hair

Steppin Out Saturday

My outfit: sweater//thrift, dress//thrift, belt//thrift, leggings//Anthropologie. Ruari’s outfit: shirt//gift from Lacey, skirt//thrift, boots//thrift.
Saturday we wandered to a local pumpkin patch! Ruari had a ton of fun! Especially yelling at all the animals! I have quite a few sweet photos of her in that skirt… I’ll be sharing more on Wednesday! Happy Sunday all!
Linking up with Mandy from Harper’s Happenings.


Categories: Uncategorized