Shop update with DISCOUNTS! :D

Hello! I haven’t done a banner update for SO long! Here are my most recent banner creations… I wanted to give you all a little update and a reminder that I’m still accepting donations for my hopeful trip to Alt Design Summit. I’m offering a custom banner AND button for $20! That’s a $16 savings! Woot!
And, I’m ALSO offering SUPER duper discounted ad space…. It’s a great deal! You can check out all the deal info here…. and if you’d like to check out my blog stats you can do that here. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Categories: paper mama shop

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Fall

This weeks challenge: Fall
The challenge: The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty). It’s fall!

My example of “Fall”:

Trick or treating is totally fall.

  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

The Paper Mama


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AND, the winner of the "Favorite Photo" photo challenge is…

This weeks challenge was: Favorite Photo from October

{Iris Inspired}

Congrats to the winner! Great job, and please feel free to grab the Fact: I’m Awesome button! Because You are awesome!!

The Paper Mama

{Beth V.}

{Twenty Five Design}

{Les Cadeaux}

{Life by the Creek}

Congrats to my top 5 winners! If you’d like… you are more than welcome to grab a Top 5 Photo button below!

The Paper Mama


My favorites (in no particular order):

{Bonjour Family}
{Little Blue Feather}
{Gatorette and Me}
{Nurse Loves Farmer}
{Ashley Rita}

If you’re one of my favorites you are more than welcome to grab a “Paper mama hearts me” button below!

The Paper Mama

 . 2010 winners . 2011 winners .


โ™ก Chelsey

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50 DIY Days with The Peanut Gallery: A Partridge and some Pear Cider

Day 15: Hey Paper Mama readers! I’m Ashley from The Peanut Gallery and I’m so excited to be apart of the 50 days of DIY christmas! Who doesn’t love a good DIY? Today I thought I would take the classic 12 days of Christmas and put a little twist on it. So instead of a partridge in a pear tree ‘m doing a partridge and some pear cider. Here it goes! 

A Partridge and some Pear Cider
What you will need for the cider:
  • 16 whole allspice
  • whole cloves
  • (3-inch) cinnamon sticks
  • 6 cups unsweetened pear juice
  • 2 cups pear nectar
  • cheese cloth
  • string
  • Fresh Pear
Here is the original recipe if you are interested. I couldn’t find pear nectar to save my life so I vetoed it all together and I think it came out fine. I also did a few other things differently and I’ll take you through the process…
Place the cloves, allspice and cinnamon on the cheese cloth
**I could have sworn that we had whole cinnamon sticks at the house so I didn’t buy them. Turns out we didn’t so what I did was I took a bag of tea and cut it open. Poured the tea out and filled it with some ground cinnamon and stapled the bag back together.
Gather the cheese cloth and tie it together with some string
Pour the pear juice into a pot and add the spices. I also cut up some pear slices and added them to the mix. 
Cook on medium heat for 15 min.
Use a funnel and pour your cider into a mason jar
And now your cider is ready.
Some notes on the cider:
* You can recommend that it be served chilled or reheated on the stove
* There are a TON of cider recipes out there I just found this one to be the fastest so feel free to explore your options, but I think this one turned out really well and by using the pear juice it was like taking a short cut. 
* Feel like getting frisky? There are tons of options for making hard cider out there too
* This recipe only makes about one large mason jar full so you will want to brew accordingly depending on how many gifts you want to give.
What you will need for the partridge:
– 2 contrasting fabrics
– sicssors
– thread
– stuffing
– yarn
To make the bird just print the pattern and follow the instructions. It’s seriously SUPER easy so don’t get intimidated. Id say it’s pretty beginer level. 
 Next we want to add a loop to make it into an ornament. I chose two yarn colors and hand stitched a loop onto the top of the bird. 
I really like the way the hand stitched yarn looks but you could always sew the loop into the bird while you are sewing it together if you want a more finished look.
I tied the ornament on with some yarn
To add an extra decorative touch I wrapped yarn around the mason jar and attached it with hot glue.
You could also try doing this super cute decorative touch  
Some notes on the partridge:
* dont be afraid to get crafty if you have the time. Add some eyes or feathers to your ornament.
* Stitch your initials if you want to personalize it
*Add a hand written note wishing a merry Christmas
So there you have it a fun and different DIY Christmas gift you can pass out to neighbors and friends! Happy crafting!
Thank you SO much to Ashley from The Peanut Gallery! What a LOVELY guest post. The perfect holiday drink! Thank you for joining my 50 DIY Days of Christmas!

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Categories: 50 DIY Days, food

Links to LOVE.

I still have ad space available for super discounted prices! Donate here. Money goes towards my trip to Alt Design Summit! I’d love to have you advertise and ALLLLLLLL donations help! ๐Ÿ˜€ SO much. Word! ๐Ÿ˜‰
I’m pretty excited about this giveaway: $50 Anthropologie Gift Card from me! <3
This cute stamp tic tac toe game is cute! A fun little stocking stuffer.
I love this outfit… so much.
Super lovely birthday party inspiration! R will be 2 on Dec. 18th!!!! So soon!
Getting your groove back as a mom.
AND, thank you to Jodi for giving Jess and I a shout out on her blog! Woo! Thank you!
I am IN LOVE with this closet…………………. Show off those beautiful clothes!
I love this set up for the kids table!
It’s getting close to holiday card time! Add some flare to your photo here… for cheap!


Categories: Uncategorized

50 DIY Days with Red Dirt Mama: Daily Activites Advent Calendar

Day 14: Hey everyone! I’m April at Red Dirt Mama and I am excited that I get to guest post here at Chelsey’s place. She’s so lovely, isn’t she?
Let me begin with a confession: I live for the months of October, November and December.
Everything about it makes me giddy, and since my daughter is starting to get a little older (she’s 19 months) I am beginning to think about the traditions we will have as a family. I’m completely aware that I am going to be that “crazy mom” that makes her kids do all sorts of organized activities way beyond the acceptable time frame.
I only promise not to wear a seasonal sweater… for now.
This year, I decided to make an Advent calendar. I hope that this will become one of those traditions that last year-after-year.
I made this calendar with removable ornaments and little pockets in each one. My hope is that we fill the pockets of the ornaments with activities that we do each year in anticipation of Christmas. As Bluebelle (and maybe any other kids) gets older, she can choose the activities herself and help “decorate” the tree every year. As the activity is completed, we will turn the ornament over until no numbers are left. This way, everyone feels included and it becomes a yearly tradition!
This craft was a little tedious, but I wanted to have a hand-stitched look. If you wanted to simply use a little hot glue, you could whip this baby up in no time!
Want to make one?Let’s GO! 
Supplies Needed:1/2 yard of background felt of choice,1/2 yard of felt of choice (for tree),4-5 sheets of 8×11 felt for ornaments,1 sheet or scrap of brown felt for base of tree,glue,ribbon,needle and thread.
First, I measured two pieces of felt for the background.(I made mine measure approximately 24″h x 20″w)Then I measured my interior and cut out a tree shape.Another confession: I’m really bad at cutting out a Christmas tree shape. 3rd time’s the charm, right?
Crayons make a good felt “marker” in case you want to know. ๐Ÿ™‚
Then, I glued my shape and my tree base to the felt.
(I had a little helper, if you can’t tell.)
I discovered my camera cap was the perfect size for the ornament and I cut out 48 circles.Then I went on vacation and realized that I left them at home and had to cut out 48 more. (But I realized I didn’t want pinked edges anyway.)
This is a good time to position your ornaments where you find them visually appealing.
I used my trusty crayon to mark the spots where I wanted the buttons to rest.
Then I sewed on 24 buttons.
I cut the tips off of 24 circles in order to make a “pocket” for my ornament. I decided to sew on the numbers since I couldn’t find a good felt sticker that I liked and I felt like the stitched numbers contributed better to the overall look of the calendar. Then, I sewed the ornaments together with a ribbon at the top.
Finally, I stitched the finished tree to the other piece of beige felt (to cover all the stitches) and sewed in a couple of tabs at the top for easy hanging.
The significance of the Advent calendar means far more to me than the calendar itself.
I can’t wait to bake cookies and look at lights. I dream of unwrapping books and reading stories.Most importantly, I can’t wait to teach my daughter the true magic of Christmas and create memories that I will cherish forever.
I’m ready to get started!
Thank you SO much to April from Red Dirt Mama! What a LOVELY guest post. I love advent calendars and I really love the idea behind this one! ๐Ÿ˜€ Thank you for joining my 50 DIY Days of Christmas!

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Just felt like sharing.

When I was first pregnant and blogging on my old Paper Lady blog… I tried to have a weekly update of my belly when I was preggo with Ruari. Since I no longer blog over there… I really wanted this series on my Paper Mama blog. ๐Ÿ™‚ I wrote a little note fore each week I took a photo. Sometimes I forget how sick I felt in the beginning of the pregnancy…
OH, and just in case you didn’t read the above paragraph…. I’M NOT PREGNANT: these are just photos of my pregnancy with Ruari. ๐Ÿ˜€

4 weeks – May 6th, 2009:
{Just found out I was pregnant and I took like 5 pregnancy tests!}

5 weeks:
6 – 10 weeks: I was sleepy and barfy. No photos!

11 weeks:
{I felt sick for 2 months, but this was one day I felt ok enough to take a photo!}

12 weeks:

{A good non-barfy day for me!}
13 – 14 weeks: were REALLY bad for me. No photos! I slept the whole time…
15 weeks:
{I’m finally starting to feel better here. Thank goodness!}
16-17 weeks: I’m out of town
18 weeks:
{Having a girl.}

19 weeks:
{My belly has popped and she is kicking me like crazy! I love it.}
20 weeks:
{Wearing one of my crowns. I hope to get my shop opened soon. It’s hard

to work while on limited movement. ๐Ÿ™ }
21 weeks:
{Starting to fill out. I definitely look preggo now!}
22 weeks:
{Babies moving up.}
23 weeks:

24 weeks:
{She’s growing. Over a pound by now and 8 inches head to rump.}
25 weeks:
{Baby is about 8.5 inches (head to rump) long now and weighs about
1.5 pounds. 15 more weeks…

26 weeks:
{I think my belly is mostly getting ~wider~ right now! :)}

27 weeks:
{Ok, it grew!}

28 weeks:

{I think I’m mostly getting wider right now…}
29 weeks:

{i am a belly.}

30 weeks:

{still getting wider…}

31 weeks:

32 weeks:

33 weeks:

{I feel a lot bigger….}

 34 weeks:
{So big.}

35 weeks:
{I feel like crap.}

Those last 2 weeks were really hard. Even though my birth didn’t really go as planned…. and, I was pretty much on limited movement the whole pregnancy… I still loved the feeling of a baby inside me. The little kicks. Hiccups. Dancing. Somersaults! 

AND…. one more time… just in case someone missed it: I’m not pregnant… just some flashbacks. ๐Ÿ™‚

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