Look who’s talkin’!

Look Who’s Talking (a little 80’s flashback)… but seriously: Look who’s speaking at Alt Summit! Look, right over here… a little to the left. No, not behind me. Yeah… right there in front of you… It’s me! Woo!

I actually have no idea if I’m supposed to share our topic yet…. so, I won’t say nothin. I will say I am both suuuper excited, and a little barfy nervous (see: fear of public speaking). BUT, I got this. I hate that fear, so I’m going to conquer it. Bam. Woo! Ok, slow down… had a bit of coffee this morning. Hee.

Will I see you there? Here’s the first list of speakers… more to come. BUT, I’m on there. AND, say hello to my partner in Crime: Capree. I would list off all the blogs she contributes too… but, it would take years. Go check her out!

– Chelsey


{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject AliciaJenni from the BlogBree: his honey and her mommy, and Live and Love Outloud.

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Categories: announcement

Who do I think I am?

I shared a post like this last year… I think in September ’11 (How Do I Explain “me”?). There are so many bloggers I read weekly… and, when I meet them in real life, I’m happy to find out more about them. Random things. Their favorite drinks, quirky laughs, and just plain everything. SO, that’s why I’m sharing another “Get To Know Me” post. Sharing random facts about my weird self. VERY random. Enjoy!

– I’ve been doing really well on my goal to purchase most items for the home/clothing handmade or thrifted. Yay! ::high fives:: BUT, I do still have an issue when I’m in Target. Small steps. Small steps.

– I love fried chicken. A lot. I said this in my last post, but I think it’s something that needs to be repeated: fried chicken is heaven. It’s just the most amazing thing.

– Speaking of fried chicken, my husband and I try to eat vegetarian during the week. I wrote a post about it a while back.

– I can be really sarcastic. It just comes out.

– I’ve listened to this song one million times. And, I still love it. One of my favorites. Plus, the movie is awesome. <3

– I’m terrified of flying… yeah, I know I fly a lot. BUT, still don’t likey. It wasn’t always this way… I absolutely love to travel, just not the flying to the place part.


– My favorite holiday is Christmas! Yup, I’m so excited and am already prepping.

– I’m getting really excited for my PNW Blogger Holiday Party! It’s coming up soon!!!!!!! November 3rd. Last day to buy a ticket is on the 20th, so do it.

– Debating adding more tattoo to my arm…

– Here are the many places you can find me wandering and blabbing: this here blog of course//Pinterest//Twitter//facebook.

– I love living in Oregon. It’s where I’m from. I’ve lived in Seattle before, but enjoy it here more.

– I’m completely addicted to Instagram. Whoops.

– I don’t like watching sports. Mostly football, no basketball. NO baseball. Bah, they are all just so boring.

– I don’t understand why my husband doesn’t like watching the DIY channel. Hee.

– Speaking of the DIY channel. We don’t have cable. We haven’t had cable for 2 years now? We pay for streaming Netflix. That’s it. With the normal 13 channels. Any other shows we want to see, we watch at my mom’s house.

– We had cable when Miss R was a baby…. I mostly watched 16 and Pregnant, and Toddler’s and Tiaras. Not that I loved them, but they always had marathons… and I just couldn’t stop watching!!!

– Even though I prefer to support small businesses… I love going to Starbucks. I really do. And, now my kid asks to go.

– Pretty sure cheese on anything is good.

– I choose to not talk about my religious views and/or politics in social media. I mention things here and there, but I prefer to keep it to myself.

– I don’t like it when things are sweet… when I expect them to be savory. This happened with a mac and cheese: sweet, not salty. Bleh.

– Speaking of sweet, I don’t really like many desserts. It pretty much has to be chocolate, or apple pie for me to enjoy it. I’m weird.

– I always have thoughts and ideas running through my head. So many. That’s why I love the Note app on my phone… I just type it down, and know it’s in a safe place for me to find later.

– I have so much coming up in the next couple of months… I’m both excited and a little nervous. I’ll share more info later. Hee.

– Speaking of stuff coming up… I got into Crafty Wonderland! Woo! I hope to see you there. It’s December 8th and 9th.

– I don’t like bananas. I like pretty much all fruit, but I can’t stand the taste/smell of bananas. Which makes it real fun when your toddler LOVES them.

– I scrape the frosting off cake and cupcakes when I eat them. Just too sweet, and the frosting gets in the way of all that chocolate! Ha!

 Ok, I think that’s enough for now. Do you feel like you know me better now?

– Chelsey

Connecting with Just Write this week.

Categories: about me

PNW Holiday Party!

I wanted to let you all know that the last day to purchase your Pacific Northwest Blogger Holiday Party ticket is coming up soon! October 19th. So, get your tickets soon.

In case you forgot, the details…
The location: West Elm, in Portland (Pearl District).
Time: Saturday, November 3rd, 6 pm to 9 pm
Ticket price: $25.
Whole Foods is providing wine and dessert for you to enjoy! Plus, there will also be prizes to win and a little goody bag for the evening. This is a very relaxed get together to meet other bloggers in the PNW.
I hope to see you all there! It will be a wonderful and fun evening with many fantastic local bloggers and handmade artists celebrating the evening!


Or, purchase here:


P.S. Thank you to West Elm, Whole Foods, and Love Study Photo for providing the fun for the evening.
– Chelsey


Categories: announcement



Obsessing over: Sleep. I am exhausted from this week. I was in California, again. It was another wonderful trip. I just need a good night’s sleep.

Working on: Prepping for Crafty Wonderland! I got in, yay!

Thinking about: How much I need to do this week. So much coming up, I’ll let you know what’s up soon. Hee!

Anticipating: Sleep. Ha!

Listening to: The Office is currently one.

Drinking: Water. Bedtime.

Wishing: I was in bed.

Was that the best post ever? Hmmmm. Ok, good night!

– Chelsey


Categories: Uncategorized

New for BHG: Homemade Air Freshener

You guys…. I love contributing to Better Homes and Gardens. It’s been so much fun to do something that I just love so much… every two weeks I get to create a new DIY (a.k.a. get crafty). This week I was inspired by the chilly evenings, and color changing leaves. A little DIY air freshener for the stuffy home. Using the magical awesomeness of baking soda, and some essential oil… you have freshnessesesesess.

You can check out the whole post here! Happy Thursday to all of you.

– Chelsey