{Dearest Laureli,}
{Baby girl you have just turned 7 months on Monday! You change so much everyday! What are you doing at 7 months? Well… let’s see!}
{You FINALLY rolled over. Yes, you made it to 7 months old without rolling over. We were at a playgroup, you pushed up on your hands and tipped over. Then you started crying. Hee. I think you scared yourself.}
{Today you started dancing. Well, it’s more of a wiggle!)
{ALSO today you tipped up your bottle with YOUR hands as it was getting low. Awesome!}
{You do have an addiction to your pacifier and cry for it when you’re tired.}
{Angus, our Chihuahua, is the funniest thing on the planet! You laugh everytime you see him. Especially when he coughs or chokes on something.}
{Oh, and i do believe you think YOUR name is Angus. Oops!}
{A couple weeks ago you started giving us VERY sloppy wet, open-mouthed kisses! You even grab our faces and pull it towards you!}
{You pinch, grab, and scratch us when you get excited. Ouch.}
{You still don’t say any words, but have repeated “Ok” and “No” once. We can’t get you to do it anymore!}
{There are still no teeth in that gummy mouth!}
{You started sitting unsupported a few weeks ago. Now you sit WITHOUT falling on your face maybe 80% of the time.}
{You love it when we help you stand up! You would stand forever if you could!}
{You’re SO smiley and laugh a lot! Oh, except when you’re tired. Once you hit tired mode, it’s all screaming and crying!}
{Still waking up once or twice a night. What up with that? ;D}
{6 AM seems to be the time you like to get up for the day.}
{No crawling yet. Probably because you refuse to roll over.}
{You put EVERYTHING in your mouth. Especially my hand.}
{My favorite thing you’ve started doing is cuddling. You nuzzle your face on me and cuddle. I love it}
{Happy 7 months crazy baby!!!}
{Love you!!!}
{Link up… Wordless Wednesday HQ, 5 Minutes For Mom, 7 Clown Circus, Jolly Mom, Go Graham Go, Marvelous Mommy, And Baby Makes 3, and My Wee View.}
{Oh, and THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone that commented on my Hair Hair Everywhere… post. It really did help my worries. I just feel like ALL my hair will fall out!}

Categories: photography