50 DIY Days with A Good Life: Rice Filled Heating Pad gift!

Day 35: hey friends!  i’m amy from a good life.  i’m super excited chelsey asked me to be a part of her 50 days of DIY christmas because it actually gave me the motivation to start & finish one of my christmas projects early!  that in itself?  christmas miracle.anywho, i’m not really what you would call an advanced sewer/crafter/DIY-er so i picked something a novice like myself could handle.  i had a blast doing it & you will too! 

if you read my blog, then you may or may not know that i have a fabric buying obsession.  which is weird because i’ve sewn about two things in my entire life.  but buying fabric?  i’m totally addicted.  so that’s why step number one was my favorite. 

how could you not be addicted to buying fabric?  so many cute things, so little time.  you’ll need about 1/4 yard of each fabric.after washing & drying & ironing your fabric, proceed to step two.

of course this pattern isn’t set in stone, but i cut my pieces out 6″x18″.  seemed reasonable. 

self explanatory, yes?  just remember to leave a little hole open so you can fill it up with rice & lavender.    in fact, that’s the next step.  fill it up with rice & lavender.  i used about three cups of rice & two tablespoons of lavender… if i remember correctly.  oops.  just remember to only fill it about half full so there’s enough room to sew up the mid & quarter sections.  and you can put in as much lavender as your little heart desires.  you are the boss of you. 

after you’re all filled up with rice & smell-good lavender, go back & sew up the hole.  i am no expert so i just tucked in the edges & sewed over the top of it.  if you are a master sewer, you can do something like a ghost stitch {is that what it’s called?} to hide the hole.  i’m not that advanced.next you have to divide up the rice into half on one side, half on the other & sew down the middle of the pad, carefully moving the rice out of the way so you don’t break any needles.  i may have broken two.repeat this process to make quarters. 

when finished {pad on far right is completely finished}, you can just throw it in the microwave for 3 minutes or so & take it out for a cozy snuggly pad that will keep you warm & happy for a long time.  or? throw it in the freezer to use as an ice pack.  whatever suits your fancy.these are so fun to make & make such fun little stocking stuffers that i went out & bought a second round of fabric to gift them to even more friends!  you should too.happy holidays! 

{ps:  this project was inspired by this post.  thank you pinterest for helping me find it!}

Thank you SO much to Amy from A Good Life! What a LOVELY guest post. Thank you for joining my 50 DIY Days of Christmas!

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Categories: 50 DIY Days, diy

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