SUPER easy Paper Doily Wreath tutorial. And, cheap too. I believe the total cost for this project for me was $8. Plus about 45 minutes of my time. It’s perfect for the upcoming holidays! It would have been lovely to have up this summer… too bad I didn’t make this in May! FYI: This is made of paper… and I doubt it will hold up in rain. Our door is protected from the rain. 🙂
– Wreath (size is up to you. what size will look best on your door?)
– Doilies. I used thirty six 6″ diameter doilies. Each doily flower need 4 doilies (or more if you’d like).
– Hot glue. I ended up going through 4 glue sticks.
– Ribbon. To wrap around the wreath as a base coat.
Step 1 (optional): Wrap the wreath in ribbon. Yes, the first step is optional! I chose to wrap my wreath in white ribbon for two reasons. 1: it will be easier to glue the doily flowers to than just the wire of the wreath. 2: I didn’t want the dark green wire showing through the white doilies.
Step 2: Lay out your doilies on the top of your wreath. This is so you can know how many doily flowers you need to make. I needed to make 9 doily flowers for my wreath.
Step 3: Start making the doily flowers. To make the flowers: fold the doily in half (do not crease it, just pinch in the middle) and then, fold that doily in half one more time (again, do not crease… just pinch). Add a dab of hot glue to the middle of the doily flower (right above where you are pinching the doily). This will hold the folded doily shape.
Repeat above two more times. You should now have three folded doilies. Glue the three folded doilies sides together. Once glued, glue them to a flat doily. You should now have a doily flower! Remember: it doesn’t need to be perfect. You can play around and maybe add more than 3 folded doilies to create a flower if you’d like!
Step 4: Glue your doily flowers to the wreath. That’s it!
AND, you’re done! Hang and enjoy! It’s really very simple. I think next time I do this I might try smaller doilies and bunch up a ton of mini doily flowers around the wreath! Have fun!
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