{“Ruari… can you smile for mama? No, close… but, that’s your belly. Can I get a smile? Oh, that’s an angry face.”}
{“Can you smile for mama? Hmmm… no, that’s not a smile.” }
{“Ummm… no, those aren’t smiles either.”}
{“Is that a doggy outside?” “Yay! Smile!” One of the best ways to get Ruari to smile… ask her about a doggy. Can you tell she’s saying, “Dag-geh?” here? Hee.}
{As promised… my prom photos (I know I’ve shared these before… aren’t they great? ;}). }
{Do you want to vote for my blog? Ok!}
{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. BY the way: Shawntae from A Little King and I now share our Wednesday Linky’s. :D. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, A Beautiful Mess, Supermom, and Live and Love Outloud.}
❤ Chelsey