Happy Father’s Day Gift: Bacon Infused Vodka!

bacon vodka // thepapermama.com

Father’s Day is this weekend, and I thought you all may need a last minute gift idea for the dad in your life. Here you go: Bacon Infused Vodka. You’re welcome. Maybe.

Bacon Infused Vodka

Recipe adapted from Instructables.com.

Supplies Needed:

– 1 bottle of vodka

– 1 package of bacon

– Large glass jar

– Mesh strainer

– Cheesecloth and/or coffee filters


bacon vodka // thepapermama.com

1. Cut the bacon into equal sized pieces (I chose 1 – 2 inch sizes).

bacon vodka // thepapermama.com

2. Cook up your bacon in a frying pan, until nice and crispy.

bacon vodka // thepapermama.com

3. Dump ALL of the bacon and grease into the jar. All of it. That’s your bacon flavor.

bacon vodka // thepapermama.com

4. Pour the whole bottle of vodka over the bacon in the jar.

5. That should cool down the bacon, but if it’s still a bit too hot let the jar cool for a few minutes.

6. When the jar feels roomish temperature, pop it into the freezer for at LEAST 4 hours. Yup. If it can sit in there longer (overnight or a couple days), that’s better.

7. Pull the jar out of the freezer. Use a spoon to scoop out all the fat that floated up to the top.

8. Place the mesh strainer over another bowl/jar and slowly strain out the bacon. You can keep this bacon for later. WARNING: It tastes like bacon soaked in vodka. Ha!

9. You’ll notice there are still little fat globules floating around in the liquid, use the cheese cloth to strain that out a few times.

10. After you got most of the larger fat pieces out, pour the liquid through a coffee filter multiple times. You’re looking for a liquid you can see through. It will probably be a bit yellow (cause bacon).

11. Optional: Put the vodka BACK in the freezer overnight, strain in a coffee filter again.

12. Store in your freezer and enjoy! You’ll notice after time that some more fat will still settle at the bottom of your jar. If that bothers you, just run it though another filter and store in a different jar.

bacon vodka // thepapermama.com

This stuff tastes like bacon vodka. Yeah, that’s right. I mean: it really tastes like bacon and vodka. What I’m trying to say: if you try this out, you really need to like bacon and vodka. OOooooor, just use this in your weekend Bloody Mary. Bacon. Vodka.

– Chelsey

Concrete Honey Bear

Concrete Honey Bear // thepapermama.com

Uh oh. I got my hands on some concrete and sorta maybe went crazy and am making ALL the things concrete. CAN. NOT. STOP. Not all of my projects have been successful, but I’m in love with the pieces that worked. Today I’m sharing my Concrete Honey Bear. He’s so cute.

Concrete Honey Bear // thepapermama.com

Let’s jump right into it. This is how I made him:

Concrete Honey Bear // thepapermama.com


– Roughly 3 cups of Quikrete 5000 Concrete

– 1 Honey Bear bottle

– One 3/4 inch wide by 12 inch high piece of PVC pipe

– Water

– Duct Tape

– Shovel/stick to mix the concrete.

– Large container to mix concrete (we used two 5 gallon buckets)

– Pliers, wire cutters, and blade to peel off plastic


Concrete Honey Bear // thepapermama.com

– Prep your boney bear bottle. Clean it.

Concrete Honey Bear // thepapermama.com

– This part is sort of optional: cut the top off the bottle. I did this so I could fit the PVC pipe into the bear.

– Use duct tape to seal off one end of your PVC pipe piece.

– It’s time to pour your concrete! Safety note: wear gloves/eye protection/dust filter mask for this process. I also suggest doing this process with a friend, makes it so much easier (also, the concrete bag is 80 pounds and I couldn’t even move, ha, my husband helped with that). Mix your concrete together with water. I’m not positive how much water I used, but slowly add water until the mixture is slushy. Add more concrete if it get’s too watery. If you’ve never mixed concrete before, I really recommend watching this video by Quikrete.

– Pour the prepped concrete into the bear.

– Push the PVC pipe (with the duct tape portion as the base) into the concrete bear. You’ll have a bit of concrete pour out. Tap the base of the bear on the ground to get air bubble out. If the pipe starts to float to the top, tape it down. Clean up the top of the bear (it’s a bit messy).

Optional: I chose to remove the PVC pipe after the concrete had set for about 45 minutes. I’m not sure if I’d do this again, but I wanted it out. You can keep it in, if you’d like. I’m 99% sure it will be really hard to remove once the concrete is dry.

– 30 to 45 minutes after the pour, smooth out the top of the bear’s head.

Concrete Honey Bear // thepapermama.com

– Let Honey Bear dry for 2 + days. I took this bear out after 24 hours, and he still had a few lose pieces on the back. Needed more time. Still looks cute!

Concrete Honey Bear // thepapermama.com

Concrete Honey Bear // thepapermama.com

– Onto the pain in the buns portion of this DIY: Take the plastic off your concrete honey bear. I admit this killed me. Lots of swearing, etc. BUT, I did it. Using pliers, a wire cutter, and a blade. Tips: Use the blade to cut some lines on the back. Use the wire cutters to snip little pieces to get a portion of the plastic to start peeling. Use the pliers to twist off (I’m talking actually twisting the pliers) to pull off the plastic. I worked on creating one big line on the back. I was able to pull it off… after a bit of work.

Concrete Honey Bear // thepapermama.com

– You’re done! It’s now a cute kitschy pencil holder…. or bud vase? I think I’ll be putting a little succulent in it and putting him outside. Yes, that’s cute.

Concrete Honey Bear // thepapermama.com

Concrete honey bear // thepapermama.com

ALSO, new blog post on Better Homes and Gardens. Can you guess what it’s about? Yeah. Concrete. You gotta check out my Outdoor Concrete Stool/Table.

– Chelsey

Wednesday Goodies: FREE fonts – take two

Free Fonts Commercial Use // thepapermama.com

//Geotica//Kabel//Kankin//disco//Orbits//bp script//Benthem//Tetra Decorative//Print Clearly//bp dots//

A couple months ago I shared a list of some favorite commercial use free fonts. That pretty much means you can use them in whatever project you have… and sell that product the font is on. This is awesome for anyone on a teensy budget. I lurve font, so much. So many times I’ll be out and recognize a font. I just love it. That’s why I like a nice variety. Here’s more for you to add to your collection. I hope you enjoy this next set of fave fonts. Enjoy!

Do you have any favorite fonts?

– Chelsey

P.S. I suggest to ALWAYS check out all licenses when you download a font. Double/triple check it’s commercial-free before you use in a project. 


If you have a Wednesday post, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject AliciaJenni from the BlogIn The Moment With, and Live and Love Outloud.


PNW Blogger Photo Event!


I have an update for the PNW Blogger meet up in July! There’s been a bit of a schedule issue with the original photographer for this event, so we have adjusted the schedule and price! We are now able to lower the price to $45, annnnnnd we have added two craft projects (supplies included) to the day.

It will be awesome. SO, here’s the updated schedule:

Say hello to the first Crafty/Photo event, by PNW Blogger. What’s going to happen on July 13th in Portland:

– Each person will have a professional photo taken, by the talented Margaret Jacobsen. Perfect for a blog profile image.

– We will start with an awesome craft: Painted canvas bag project (check it out here from Brit & Co.)

– Next up: a hanging plant craft, taught by Chelsey. Succulents/supplies will be provided!

– After that, a fun bunting and food marker craft taught by Jenni!

– As usual, there’s an awesome gift bag for each guest.

– Big fancy prizes to win.

– Eat yummy bites from Journey’s.

– Enjoy the company of your fellow local bloggers.

– Basically, it’s going to be a grand ‘ol time.



FYI. As of Monday night, there are only 10 spots left! I hope to see you there!



– Chelsey

P.S. If you’d like to keep up to date with all PNW Blogger events, sign up for our newsletter here!

All weekend with the chicken coop building.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner // thepapermama.com


Our whole weekend was spent building the chicken coop. OOoooooh man. We are 90% done. Sooooo close. Just the siding and the mesh for the run. The hubs and I are EXhausted and wondering why we ever thought building a coop on our own was a good idea. Ha! I can’t wait for this to be done. Our chicken girls are getting so big and are ready to get out into the “wild”.  I’m guessing ONE more week. Just one. HOPEfully. I’m tired of our backyard construction zone.

In celebration of HOPEfully one more week of coop building… I’m sharing this “Winner Winner Chicken Dinner” print. I hope you enjoy! Right click + save to your computer for the large size!

Happy Monday!

– Chelsey

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Categories: paper mama farm

PNW Blogger Tintype Photo Event!


Say hello to the first Crafty/Photo event, by PNW Blogger. What’s going to happen on July 13th in Portland:

– Each person will have a professional photo taken, by the talented Margaret Jacobsen.

– We will start with an awesome craft: Painted canvas bag project (check it out here from Brit & Co.)

– Next up: a hanging plant craft, taught by Chelsey. Succulents/supplies will be provided!

– After that, a fun bunting and food marker craft taught by Jenni!

– As usual, there’s an awesome gift bag for each guest.

– Big fancy prizes to win.

– Eat yummy bites from Journey’s.

– Enjoy the company of your fellow local bloggers.

– Basically, it’s going to be a grand ‘ol time.

PNW Blogger Photo Event Tickets

I hope to see you there!

– Chelsey


Categories: Uncategorized

Cleaning without the chemicals.

Water + Vinegar Natural Cleaner // thepapermama.com

There’s something you should know about me…. I do not like to clean my house. I do it, but I don’t like it. Ooooooh… the scrubbing. I cannot stand scrubbing. Gah. How many hours of my life have been wasted to scrubbing? Billions, I’m sure.

Something else you should know: I like to clean with as little chemicals as possible. I do have some special items for an occasional deep clean, but I mostly clean with a vinegar + water mixture. It’s a pretty awesome recipe, and it always surprises me how much greasy grime it can clean up. PLUS: it’s a cheap and natural cleaner. Interested? Here’s the recipe:

Vinegar + Water Natural Cleaner

– 1 part water

– 1 part vinegar

Blend in a spray bottle. Done. Clean away. Note: for tough spots, use more vinegar, or 100% vinegar, and warm the mixture a bit before cleaning. Letting the mixture sit on the spot your cleaning, for a bit, also helps.

There is a teensy downside: you’re cleaning with vinegar and that stuff smells like, well, vinegar. I barely smell it now, but I know if I JUST cleaned with it and someone came over, it would be noticeable. I haven’t tried this, but adding a bit of essential oil (maybe lemon juice) might help with the vinegar smell? Also, even though this stuff cleans really well, I still have to scrub a little (and it doesn’t get super stuck-on grease off).

A couple months ago this awesome company asked if I’d like to try out their steam cleaner. I’ve ALWAYS wanted to try one of these out. Cleaning with steam, no chemicals. Yeah, I’m in. They sent it over and the hubs and I were in heaven. First thing we hit: the stove top. There’s a part of our gas stove that builds up this grease and I can never get it off. Drives me nuts (plus, the scrubbing… I don’t want to scrub). We tried it on our stove and it was amazing. All that stuff I’ve scrubbed and scrubbed on: gone. Too bad someone wasn’t recording my reaction because it involved giggling/clapping/and jumping. Love.

Steam Cleaner // thepapermama.com

We tried the steamer on our floor, kitchen sink, all the places in the bathroom, and…. yeah. Any and everywhere we could think to clean. It cleaned our linoleum floor pretty well, but it seems to do best on super slick surfaces (ie: metal and ceramic).

Steam Cleaner // thepapermama.com

I could go on and on about how much I love this steam cleaner. It’s really great. Plusandalso: HomeRight is giving away one steamer to one of you, in my group giveaway for June. Check it out… here. Super easy to win this awesome thing.

Side note for vinegar cleaner: Vinegar is acidic and can break down grout if the mixture is heavy on the vinegar side.

Have you ever cleaned with vinegar?

– Chelsey

Note: I was not paid for this post. HomeRight provided me with a steamer to try out and share my experience with you.