Seed Saver Packet Printables

Seed Saver Packet Printable //

Summer is just about over, that’s why I made some Seed Saver Packet Printables. I’ve saved a few seeds from some favorite plants, and plan to save more (prepping some tomato plant seeds as we speak). It’s simple to do.

To make these for yourself, print out the packet printable below and cut out the seed savers. Glue together, label, and add seeds + seal. Save and print when the seeds are ready! Side note: if you have small seeds, like poppy seeds, use some washi tape for any holes/cracks (since the seeds are so small).

Seed Saver Packet Printable //

Seed Saver Packet Printable //

Seed Saver Packet Printable //

Click + right click + save on the image below:

Seed Saver Packet Printable //

PLUS: these would make very adorable gifts.

– Chelsey

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Categories: paper mama farm

Wednesday Goodies: “How do babies….”

How Do Babies.... //

– Chelsey


If you have a post you’d like to share today (really, any post), please feel free to link it up below. Also, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject AliciaJenni from the BlogIn The Moment With, and Live and Love Outloud.

Links to love: Handmade Purse DIY’s.

I’m in the market for a purse, a handmade purse. I really have no idea what I want to make, but I found a ton of inspiration from around the interwebz and I thought it would be fun to share my favorite with all of you!


Birdie Fringe Purse from A Beautiful Mess.

Vintage-Style Needlepoint Purse Pattern from Danielle Thompson.

Placemat Clutch from Cation Designs.

DIY Zipper Pouch from Lovely Indeed.

 Suede Purse DIY from Sincerely, Kinsey.

Woven Pleather Clutch on Burda Style from Susanne2011.

Sequin Heart Shape Purse from Glitter ‘n Glue.

Were you inspired by this collection of Handmade Purse DIY’s? I was and will be sure to share my creation when I’m done. <3

– Chelsey

Family Style.

Family Style //

Family Style //

//Family style//Chelsey: dress – Anthropologie, shoes – Miz Mooz//Kiddo: cat eye glasses – Hip Hop 50’s Shop, dress – thrifted, shoes – thrifted//Husband: shirt – no idea, tie – no idea, pants – the store where they sell man pants, shoes – Converse//

We went to a wedding a couple weeks ago and we got all fancy and dressed up. I tend to forget to take family photos. I have a bazillion photos of just the kiddo, but I forget to stop and take a photo of the 3 of us: together. It’s a keeper. <3

Happy Monday!

– Chelsey

Our first chicken egg!

1st Chicken egg at The Paper Mama Farm //

A Girl and Her Chicken //

Well, it happened. One of the girls laid our first chicken egg on Sunday, and we’ve had an egg each day since then. With a little investigation I figured out it was my cuddly chicken, Boca. She’s seriously the weirdest chicken I’ve met. Not that I have really met that many chickens, but she likes to sit in laps and doesn’t mind being held. I’ve never been so excited to hold an egg in all my life. Ha! SO, in honor of this momentous occasion I have gathered some fun Chicken DIY’s for you to explore. I better see some chicken towel origami in my IG feed soon. Hee.

VERY useful. How to make a chicken towel. Hee.

 Wire Vase from Design Love Fest.

Woven veneer into chicken wire lamp shade from Kelly Simon Says.

Chicken wire photo/card wall from Kate and Chubby.

Chicken Sounds Toy from Llevo el Invierno.

Chicken Salad Bar. Gotta make this for my girls. From Fresh Eggs Daily.

 Happy Friday!

– Chelsey

Calendar Work Station – Made from Recycled Wood

Calendar Work Space //

Well folks, it’s just about Fall. That means we all need to get ourselves organized… or at least pretend we’re organized. I’ve created a Calendar Work Station just for this. A new DIY for you to check out at Better Homes and Gardens. I’m pretty in love with this thing. I made the whole thing for free (if you really calculate the cost of materials it’s probably under $15).

Want to see how I made it? Check it out on Better Homes and Gardens (comes with free calendar printables).

Calendar Work Space //

– Chelsey


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Categories: BHG, diy, For The Home

Wednesday Goodies: A girl and her chicken.

A Girl and Her Chicken //

Happy Wednesday!

– Chelsey


If you have a post you’d like to share today, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject AliciaJenni from the BlogIn The Moment With, and Live and Love Outloud.