Just a couple more days to get your ticket to the PNW Blogger Holiday Party + GIVEAWAY!

Times flying and we are just about ready for our PNW Blogger Holiday Party! I mean… it’s a few short days till Halloween… which means it’s almost time for the holiday party… then Christmas. Whoa. Ok.

We have just a few tickets remaining for the party and once they’re gone, they are really gone. With that little note I want to share that we saved 3 tickets to giveaway a couple weeks before the party. Yay!

To win this Giveaway, answer this question below in the comment section: What’s your absolute favorite place to eat in the Pacific Northwest? For a 2nd chance to win, Instagram any photo mentioning the giveaway plus the #pnwblogger hashtag!

Good luck! It’s going to be fun. I cannot wait! I’m so excited/ready for the holiday season! Weeeee! NOTE: if you’ve already purchased a ticket, no worries! You’ll be refunded if you win. Woot!



We hope to see you there! If you’d like to keep up to date with future events, sign up for our newsletter here.

– Chelsey

P.S. we’ve collected QUITE a few awesome prizes for this event. Each attendee has the chance to win. The big prize is the Dell XPS 10 tablet (64 GB)!

Hey, it’s an eBook! Make Your Day DIY.

Make Your Day DIY // thepapermama.com

Ok, I’ve been mentioning Make Your Day DIY for a few weeks, and NOW it’s time to tell you what’s up. My friend Chelsea and I wrote an eBook. Yeah. It’s true. It’s been a crazy 8 months, but we did it.

It’s not ready for purchase yet, but will be available for all you lovelies on November 4th. SO, mark those calendars! Our book is complete with 20 DIY tutorials (all super fabulous), and a few bonus goodies (just for fun). There are so many printables for you to enjoy that you’ll lose your mind. All these goodies in one sweet little download package. I’d say it’s pretty perfect timing for the holidays.

SO, keep your eyes out for November 4th. Maybe we’ll have an awesome giveaway? <3

– Chelsey

P.S. these photos were taken by the lovely Margaret Jacobsen

The Two Minute Bun: Hair Tutorial

Two Minute Bun Hair Tutorial // thepapermama.com

A couple weeks ago Vidal Sassoon Pro Series asked me to throw a hair party with a few of my friends, so I did. We had bloody marys, bacon, cinnamon rolls and prizes! It was so much fun. If you want to check out the photos from the party, look at the #FallHairspiration hashtag in Twitter and Instagram.

Vidal Sassoon Party #hairspiration // thepapermama.com

Vidal Sassoon Party #hairspiration // thepapermama.com

Vidal Sassoon Party #hairspiration // thepapermama.com

I was also asked me if I’d like to try out a new hairstyle and share it with my readers. Yes, of course I would like to do this. There’s this cute hair tutorial I’ve seen wandering around the interwebs and I’ve been wanting to try it out. It’s now my favorite fall hair style. I’ve been calling it The Two Minute Bun. Here’s how it’s done:

Two Minute Bun Hair Tutorial // thepapermama.com

– First, split your hair into three sections. One on each side of your face, and the third in the back.

– Take that back hair section and tie it into a low ponytail.

– Make a bun out of the ponytail you just made. Optional: I have very fine hair and to give my bun more size I made it into a sock bun. You can do the sock bun or just a normal bun. Pin if needed.

– Grab one of the side sections of of loose hair. Wrap it over and around the bun (as seen in the photo). Pin as needed. Repeat this step with the other section of loose hair.

– Check for any loose hair sticking out and pin. Add some hairspray for extra hold and you’re done!

You can check the photos above, or check out this video below for extra help. It’s really simple.

Let me know if you give this a try! I think it’s now my go-to easy hair-do. Also, Vidal Sassoon Pro Series has a Pinterest Pin-it-to-win-it Sweepstakes, where you have a chance to win a $1,000 Target gift card! Super awesome. Good luck!

– Chelsey

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own. This is a paid post from Vidal Sassoon Pro Series, which is available at Target.

PNW Blogger Holiday Party Tickets are almost gone + the big giveaway for the event!

XPS 10 Tablet Computer

The PNW Blogger Holiday Party Tickets are just about gone! Get your tickets while you can! The party is coming up on November 3rd in Portland, OR.

One more awesome announcement for the party: Microsoft was kind enough to give us a Dell XPS 10 tablet (64 GB) to give away to one of our PNW Blogger Holiday Party attendees! Yeah. That’s right. Every attendee gets a ticket to win this guy. If you’re attending and would like to get an extra chance to win this tablet, instagram a photo of the reason why you need to win this tablet! Plus, tag it with the #pnwblogger hashtag. Have fun with it and good luck!

If you still need to buy your ticket, click here or buy from the widget below.



If you’re already headed to the event, here’s a fun button for you to share on your blog. Can’t wait to see you all there!

PNW Blogger Logo 2013 I will be there

– Chelsey

Painted Star Pumpkin for the Kid

Painted Star Pumpkin for the Kid // thepapermama.com

We love carving pumpkins, I swear, but it’s much more fun to paint a pumpkin when your kiddo is 3-years-old. I don’t quite trust her with a knife just yet. Ha! I know she loves stars, so I hand cut some stars out of some contact paper and pressed them onto her pumpkin.

Painted Star Pumpkin for the Kid // thepapermama.com

Set her up with some paint and let her go to town. When she was finished I peeled off the stars and we were left with a beautiful star pumpkin! Fun.

– Chelsey

Mummy Candy for your trick or treaters!

“This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group®, PEOPLE Magazine & Hershey’s, but all my opinions are my own. #HersheysPeople #pmedia http://cmp.ly/3/8vNxcO


Mummy Candy // thepapermama.com

Halloween is just a couple weeks away! Add a little pizzazz to your candy this year. Make some Mummy Candy! I saw this idea about 3 years ago on Christopher and Tia’s blog and it only took me forever to try it. Ha! It’s easy to create, here’s how…

Supplies needed:

– white crepe paper

– Hershey’s Dish Candy (it’s the perfect little shape + size)

– mini googly eyes

– hot glue

– scissors


1. Cut about a 20 inch long section of the crepe paper. Use the scissors to split that section into 3 skinny strips of 20 inch long crepe paper.

Mummy Candy // thepapermama.com

2. Grab a piece of Hershey’s Dish Candy and glue one end of the crepe paper to the back of your candy piece.

3. Wrap, wrap, and wrap that little paper until the crepe strip is completely wrapped around the candy. Glue the end of the crepe paper on the back of the candy.

4. Grab a couple googly eyes and glue them on the front of your Mummy Candies. You could also glue one eye and place an “x” in place of the other eye. Poor guy lost an eye.

5. Hand these guys our to your trick or treaters! I recommend sneaking a few and eating them yourself. Ha!

Mummy Candy // thepapermama.com

I’ve been working so much lately, plus doing mama stuff, it’s been hard for me to take some time for myself. I get most of my work done when the kiddo is in bed, which means I forget to just chill out. Drawing is usually one of my favorite ways to just sit and relax, but I’m talking about REALLY unwinding. No creating. Just sitting and relaxing.

The best way for me to truly relax is to do some reading, like a PEOPLE Magazine. Add some chocolate and wine, perfect. Since Halloween is just around the corner… adding some chocolate to my relaxing has been happening A LOT. Cause: chocolate. I’ve gotten really good at sneaking pieces of candy without my kiddo seeing. Ha! Halloween is dangerous for me. So much candy. I really need to make some more mummies… since I ate most of these guys I made for the trick or treaters! Ha! Whoops. Side note: I used a Target coupon to buy my candy and magazine. I know you’ll be buying candy soon, so here’s a link to the coupon (while supplies last).

Mummy Candy // thepapermama.com

Happy Halloweeeeeeeeeen!

– Chelsey

This post was sponsored by PEOPLE Magazine, Hershey’s Dish Candy, and Target. I was paid for this post and all opinions are my own.