Day 18: Paper Flower Frame Gift (with free pressed flower printables)

Pressed Flower Frame Gift //

Day 18 of my 50 DIY Days of Christmas: Paper Flower Frame Gift! Every once in a while I like to wander back through some  of my older DIY’s. This little Paper Flower Frame was from March of 2012. I still have it hanging up in my home. I could see it as a fantastic gift for the grandparents.

I made up some pressed flower printables for you to create your own! To check out the full tutorial + get the free printable head over to the original post. Enjoy!

– Chelsey

To keep up with the series, click here or on the image below!

50 Diy Days of Christmas //

P.S. I do have a couple of spots open for the DIY Days, so if you think you have the perfect project to share send me an email. First, check out theDIY/Submission section in my FAQ’s for a bit of post submission info.  If you’d like to reminisce in the past 50 DIY Days of Christmas… here you are: 2011 & 2012.

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Make Your Day //

Day 17: Christmas Card Photoshop Tutorial

Christmas Card Photoshop Tutorial //

Day 15 of my 50 DIY Days of Christmas: Christmas Card Photoshop Tutorial with Crystalyn of Flavor PinkThe Clone Stamp Tool in Photoshop is probably my FAVORITE out of ALL the tools. Did you take a photo and have a telephone poll standing out of the top of your head? Cloning Tool. Boom. It’s gone. A close second to the Clone Stamp is the Quick Selection Tool. I use both of these tools almost every time I work in Photoshop.

They’re both so handy and perfect for creating that unique Christmas card. I mean, I DO love a classic photo of the family together in front of the Christmas Tree, but I can’t seem to leave well-enough alone and I’m not the only one… Crystalyn shared the photo above in my Holiday Photo Challenge last year (and came in 2nd place). I asked her if I could share her photo for this tutorial and she said yes! I shared some of my own examples, plus some input from how Crystalyn set up her image, on how to use the Clone Stamp Tool + Quick Selection Tool to make your own unique Christmas (Valentine, Halloween, birthday, or whatever) card. Check it out below:

1. Crystalyn set up and planned the photos she wanted to take. She knew she wanted her family to be stacked up on their shoulders to create the “Christmas tree”. SO, she took photos of her, the hubs, and kids 2-at-a-time stacked on shoulders. Here’s what Crystalyn said about taking the photos with her family:

“Taking the pictures for this project was a ton of fun. I can’t stop looking at it, it makes me laugh. I lost track of how many photographs went into this, I think it was around 14. Little bits from here and there. Juniper took 65 photos of me getting up on Shaun’s shoulders. Maybe someday I’ll make an animated gif haha! I think the most amazing thing was the photo of Flynn on Juniper’s shoulders. I thought that was going to be the hardest part, but we got the perfect photo first try! Both kids looking at the camera with relatively happy expressions on their tiny faces? That almost never happens!! I did have to do a lot of reconstructing of Flynn’s torso to remove Shaun’s hands from his arm pits though.”

Clone Stamp Tool Tutorial //

Clone Stamp Tool Tutorial //

2. When her photos were shot, she got to work on the edits. When I start a big photoshop project, I always choose a “base photo”. This is usually the photo that will be in the “front” of the image. I would start with the image of Shaun (her husband) since his whole body will be shown in the photo.

3. Duplicate your base photo and work on the copy (I always work on a copy, just in case I mess up). Click on your duplicate copy layer and select the Clone Stamp Tool. Choose a “Soft Round” brush for the Clone Stamp Tool.

4. Find the area you’d like to make changes to. For the examples I’m using a photo of my kiddo on a sidewalk, I’m going to remove the lines in the sidewalk. Choose the part of the image you’d like to clone. In my kiddo’s photo I chose the blank portion of the sidewalk. Hold the Alt Key + Right Click and release. You’ve selected the cloned area. Right Click on the spot you’d like to fix (for me this was the line on the sidewalk). You’ve just cloned! (click on the image below to see a larger version)


5. Continue cloning out the portions of the photo you want to remove. An example for Crystalyn’s image: she needed to remove hands from under her son’s armpits and used the clone tool to clone his shirt and remove her husband’s hands. Below you can see how I cloned out the sidewalk lines in my kiddo’s photo.

Cloning Tool Tutorial //

6. Ok, the Cloning Stamp Tool is super cool, but how did she cut out the background out from each image? The Quick Selection Tool will do this. Use this tool to select the background of your image. There’s a + and – brush for this tool, so if you select MORE than just the background, use the – tool to deselect. Tip: Taking your photos in front of a blank/white wall helps a LOT when editing in Photoshop. When you’re ready, click on the “Refine Edge” option. Here you can adjust the smoothness of the Quick Selection Tool’s line. I tend to do about 25% feather, 60% contrast, and a little smoothing. Press ok.


7. Push the delete button on your keyboard to delete the background. yay! Now you have a cut out human.

Quick Selection Tool Tutorial //

8. Drag and drop the cut out human into the base photo and get to editing. Using your Clone Stamp Tool plus Quick Selection Tool will help you finish this project. Use your paintbrush + opacity to paint on “shadows” behind your newly cut out section.

Cloning Stamp Tool and Quick Selection Tool Tutorial //

I hope this quick Cloning Stamp Tool and Quick Selection Tool tutorial will help you on your quest to the perfect Christmas card!

– Chelsey & Crystalyn

To keep up with the series, click here or on the image below!

50 Diy Days of Christmas //

P.S. I do have a couple of spots open for the DIY Days, so if you think you have the perfect project to share send me an email. First, check out the DIY/Submission section in my FAQ’s for a bit of post submission info.  If you’d like to reminisce in the past 50 DIY Days of Christmas… here you are: 2011 & 2012. Reminder: all printables are for personal use only. Thanks!

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Love for Make Your Day

Make Your Day //

TWO whole weeks. Yes, two whole weeks since Chelsea and I launched our ebook. I still can’t get over the fact that it’s out there, free in the wild of the internets. I need to say thank you to anyone and everyone that helped us spread the word! Thank you to each person that purchased a copy, you’re awesome. This has been a wild and exciting ride.

Make Your Day //

There’s been so much book love from friends! Here are just a few I’ve saved to share. Give them each a visit if you have a moment (all lovely people):

– Whitney, at The Curtis Casa, tried out our printable pattern to create one of our Face Planters!

– Kelly suggests you cancel your Black Friday plans and make your gifts instead of buying (I like her thinking), Studio DIY.

– So many kind words from our friend, Moorea.

– A lovely shout out from Poppytalk!

– Elizabeth shared the news of our ebook launch, and made her own version of our painted planters! Cute. Delightfully Tacky.

Curbly loved our ebook!

– SUPER awesome that West Elm shared a photo from our book on Instagram!

There’s so many more and if I missed you, I’m sorry. You still have some more time to get 20% off your purchase, PLUS this comes with a bunch of neat freebies for the holiday (gift tags, calendar, placemats, awesomeness). Get it while you can using the code: MYDAYISMADETODAY at checkout.

Get your copy here.

P.S. Gotta send some shout outs to Ryan Foy (the husband-man to Chelsea) for the layout of this book. Let’s just say that if it was just Chelsea and I trying to do this layout… our brains would have imploded. Boom. PLUSALSO, the photographer for the images above are from Margaret Jacobsen

Day 16: Christmas Photo Inspiration

Christmas Photo Inspiration //

Day 16 of my 50 DIY Days of Christmas: Christmas Photo Inspiration! It’s just about that time! Time to get your family/pets/whatever dressed up and ready for the annual Christmas photo!

This also means we are a couple days away from the start of my annual Holiday Photo Challenge! Yeah, this will be my 4th year hosting this challenge. Wow. So crazy going back and checking out the past entries. If you want to travel back in time and see previous photo entries for inspiration, click on these: 2010, 2011, & 2012.

We just finished shooting our photo for this year… the chickens were involved. Hee. More info coming soon about the challenge (including what prizes you can win).

The inspiration photos above are from last year’s winners, click on these links for larger views: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven.

– Chelsey

To keep up with the series, click here or on the image below!

50 Diy Days of Christmas //

P.S. I do have a couple of spots open for the DIY Days, so if you think you have the perfect project to share send me an email. First, check out the DIY/Submission section in my FAQ’s for a bit of post submission info.  If you’d like to reminisce in the past 50 DIY Days of Christmas… here you are: 2011 & 2012. Reminder: all printables are for personal use only. Thanks!

Day 15: Photo Frame Place Markers!

Photo Frame Place Markers Free Printables //

Day 15 of my 50 DIY Days of Christmas: Photo Frame Place Markers I made for HP Create! Just in time for Thanksgiving, these little frames will complete your table setup. Add the some vintage photos of your loved ones and set your table!

If you want these for your table, head on over to HP Create to get the freebie printable I provided! Seriously, so easy to print and make. Enjoy, and happy Friday!

– Chelsey

To keep up with the series, click here or on the image below!

50 Diy Days of Christmas //

P.S. I do have a couple of spots open for the DIY Days, so if you think you have the perfect project to share send me an email. First, check out the DIY/Submission section in my FAQ’s for a bit of post submission info.  If you’d like to reminisce in the past 50 DIY Days of Christmas… here you are: 2011 & 2012. Reminder: all printables are for personal use only. Thanks!

I’m a paid contributor at HP Create.

Craft Party!

Michaels Pinterest Party #MPinterestParty //


I know I pretty much craft/DIY for a living… but I even love crafting on my “time off”. I’m usually by myself when I’m making things and even though I do talk to myself A LOT, it’s not as much fun as talking with other people. Michaels asked me to throw a little craft party with a couple friends and it was SO much fun. I decided I wanted to teach these girls how to make my Harvest Garland. To prep I cut out roughly 500 billion felt circles for the flowers. NO MORE FELT CIRCLES (sorry, flashback).

Harvest Garland //

Michaels Pinterest Party #MPinterestParty //

Michaels Pinterest Party #MPinterestParty //

I didn’t need to do much teaching, these ladies are naturals. They did a fantastic job and I’m so happy I got to spend my Saturday night with them and talk to people, besides just myself, while creating! Any craft parties in your future?

– Chelsey

Michaels provided a store gift card for me to throw this party. Check out their Holiday Decor Guide for some Christmas inspiration. Thanks to The Craft Factory, in Portland, for providing a space for us to craft in. 

Day 14: Gem Gift Tag Printables

Gem Gift Tags Freebie Printable //

Day 14 of my 50 DIY Days of Christmas: Gem Gift Tag Printables! Freebies for you to enjoy. If you’re like me, you may have a few of your Christmas presents already and you’re ready to wrap (or, maybe now… I am crazy).

Gem Gift Tags Freebie Printable //

It’s simple: Print out your Gem Gift Tag Printables page, cut them out, punch holes, and add ribbon. Attach to a present and you’re done! If you have the double sided option on your printer, I’ve included a back side for the Gem tags.

Click on the links below and right click + save.

Gem Gift Tag Front and Back.

– Chelsey

To keep up with the series, click here or on the image below!

50 Diy Days of Christmas //

P.S. I do have a couple of spots open for the DIY Days, so if you think you have the perfect project to share send me an email. First, check out the DIY/Submission section in my FAQ’s for a bit of post submission info.  If you’d like to reminisce in the past 50 DIY Days of Christmas… here you are: 2011 & 2012. Reminder: all printables are for personal use only. Thanks!