Thank you!

Ruari //

Thank you to everyone that shared their favorite cheesy jokes. You seriously made my daughter’s day! She loved ALL of them. I feel like I need to share them with all of you.

– What is invisible and smells like worms? A bird’s fart.

– What do you call an alligator that wears a vest? An investigator!

– How do you catch a squirrel? climb up a tree and act like a nut.

– Why was the nose feeling sad? He was tired of getting picked on!

– Why did the cookie go to the doctor? He was feeling crummy!

– Why couldn’t Batman go fishing? Because Robin ate all the worms…

– What do you call two spiders that just got married? Newlywebs!

– What do you get when a hen lays her egg on top of a hill? An eggroll.

– Why did the elephant paint its toes red? Because it wanted to hide in the strawberry patch.

– What do you call a cheese that isn’t yours? NACHO-cheese

– Why isn’t there any gambling in the jungle? Too many cheetahs.

– How do you catch a unique bird? Unique up on it.

– How do you catch a tame bird? The tame way, unique up on it!

– What did the bear say when the police pulled him over? Don’t worry; I’m KOALA-fied to drive!

– Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7, 8, 9.

– Knock knock!
Who’s there?
Interrupting cow.
Interrupting c.. (MOO!)

Knock knock!
Who’s there?
Interrupting starfish.
Interrupting st.. (*hand in face*)

– What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh

– What do a bird and a turtle have in common? They can both fly! Except for the turtle…

Thank you SO much. I loved all of these. I have to say that the last one was a fave, since it’s so ridiculous. My kiddo laughed SO much at the squirrel/nut joke. We love squirrels around here. Hee!

Happy Thursday!

– Chelsey


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Silly Valentine Pillow DIY

Silly Valentine Pillow //

If you’re in my family… chances are you’ll eventually receive a weird gift from me. It just so happens that my brother’s girlfriend just celebrated a birthday, so I thought I’d make a little gift for her (and I thought this would also be a fun & silly Valentine for someone). I made a pillow and ironed-on my brother’s face onto the pillow. Ha!

This Silly Valentine Pillow DIY would be a silly gift for your sweetheart this February 14th, or really anytime.


HP iron-on transfer paper

– white fabric (3/4 yard)

– decorative fabric for the backing (3/4 yard)

– 1 yard pom pom trim

– 18″ square pillow form

– optional: velcro


Silly Valentine Pillow //

– Take a photo of your Valentine’s lovely face. Use a photo editing program to trace out the head and place it on a white background. Print this photo onto your fabric transfer paper. If you’re not too savvy with photo editing programs, just print the full photo onto the fabric transfer paper cut out the face from there.

– Cut out your fabric. I used an 18″ square pillow form, so I cut out 22″ square from each fabric.

Silly Valentine Pillow //

– Iron-on the cut out head onto the center of the white fabric (following the full directions for the fabric transfer paper).

Silly Valentine Pillow //

– When the iron-on image is cool, carefully peel off the paper backing.

Silly Valentine Pillow //

– Pin the pillows together and sew. I made a pocket in the back to insert the pillow. This is optional. I just wanted to give the gift recipient the option to remove the insert and wash the pillow. You can secure the pillow opening by sewing in a piece of velcro.

– Pin and sew the pom pom trim onto the top and bottom of the pillow.

– NOT REALLY INTO SEWING? No worries. Purchase a finished pillow and iron the image onto the pillow. I suggest buying a pillow that has a removable cover so you can remove it… THEN iron on the image (since you need to iron on a flat surface). Boom. Gift done. 

Silly Valentine Pillow //

If you make this, let me know! I’d love to see.

– Chelsey


Local Love: Nectar Frozen Yogurt Lounge

Nectar Frozen Yogurt Lounge //

There are a couple different Nectar Frozen Yogurt Lounge locations here in Portland, and they’re awesome. What I really love about these yogurt shops are the monthly activities they have going on. They really get involved in the local community. There’s a cookie decorating day and a craft day once a month and they are free (plus fun for my kiddo).

Today the locations have their free crafting… then next month it starts again. Cookie decorating, then crafting. If you want to join you can head to their FB page and email them to sign up. It’s easy.

– Chelsey

P.S. I’ve been slowly gathering photos and info of my favorite spots here in Portland. I’m always asked where to go when visiting Portland… and my brain just completely blanks. I blame mom brain. I’m hoping I can gather enough info to share with all you visitors (and locals) and support the local businesses! 

11 things.

11 THINGS //

11 things. I love this little meme. I’ve done it once in 2012 and once in 2013. It’s sort of fun to wander back and see my past answers…. PLUS: to check out the answers my readers shared in the comments. Love it. It’s 2014. I’m sitting here cozy on my sofa, watching a bit of Antiques Road Show (nerd alert) and I’m ready to do this again! I’m going to answer the questions I asked in 2013…. here goes:

1. If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?

Maybe I’m an odd case, but I really love my name. I guess if I HAD to change it… maybe Piper. I’ve always thought that was a fun and unique name.

2. Are you a collector of anything?

I’m always a collector of things. When I was little… I collected bears. All the bears. This moved on to mini antique tea cups. Now: I collect furniture. Ok, maybe I’m not really a collector anymore. These days I’m usually on the look out for gently used furniture to update the home.

3. What is your first thought when you wake up?


4. Do you prefer sweet or salty foods?

Salty. Always.

5. Name one thing you miss about being a kid.

Sleeping whenever I wanted to.

6. Are you a morning or night person?

Lately I’m a night person. I stay up WAY too late… then I’m sleepy during the day.

7. List 5 items on your life’s to-do list:

– Save enough money for surrogacy.

– Master balance in my life.

– Illustrate a children’s book.

– Enjoy working out. Ha! Ok.

– Eat all the fried chicken.

8. Share one thing that people may not know about you.

Hmmmm. Well, I don’t really like sweet things. I love chocolate. I love apple pie, but all that other sweet stuff isn’t really for me. I think jelly beans are gross. Hee.

9. What is your all time favorite song, movie, and book?

– Favorite movie right now: Hmmm. Not sure. I did love Catching Fire.

– Favorite song right now: I LOVE this acoustic version of Wake Me Up. Aloe Blacc’s voice is amazing (guitar: Mike Einziger).

– Favorite book: I loved the Divergent series.

10. Do you have any hidden talents?

When no one is looking, I’m a good dancer.

11. Are you a really clean or super messy person?

I’m good at small details, but I always miss the big things. I’m a clean and messy person. Right in the middle.

My questions for you:

1. Are you a cat or dog person? Or, bird person?

2. What was your favorite food as a kid? Is it the same, or has it changed as an adult?

3. What is your favorite hobby?

4. If you HAD to move to a different state (or country) where would it be?

5. Are you a winter or summer person?

6. What makes you happy?

7. What is the weirdest question you’ve ever been asked?

8. 2. If you had to go on an adventure, with elves, dwarves, or hobbits, who would you take and why (question found here)?

9. 3. You are at a rural retreat lodge somewhere deep in Wisconsin or Canada. You are approached by a taxidermist who hands you a stuffed badger and asks you to put it in your lap. What do you do next (question found here)?

10. What was your first job?

11. What is your favorite utensil?

I’m opening this 11 questions meme to all of you! If you answer my questions, please come back and put a link in the comments. I’d really love to come and learn a bit about you! <3

Happy Tuesday,

– Chelsey

Week 3 of drawing: Miss Moorea in a floral frame.

Miss Moorea Floral Frame // illustration by

It’s week 3 of my 52 weeks of drawing. This week’s theme was “Plant”. I didn’t exactly draw a plant, I added my friend’s face. Ha! I gotta say… it’s so hard to draw people you know. The thing is you KNOW exactly what they really look like, and I tend to get a little crazy with the details. For this drawing I drew my friend, Moorea, and I had to make myself step back and allow my illustration style to come through and not worry about making it look just like my buddy.

– Chelsey

Follow along and check out some drawing prompts here if you’d like to join!

Well, let’s try this again….. 52 Weeks of Drawings

Last year, yes a year ago, I gave myself a challenge. I challenged myself to draw something at least once a week. I LOVE to draw because it’s relaxing for me… just me and my sketchbook. The thing is, I didn’t make it. I didn’t draw each week. I drew a LOT in the 2013 year, but it was never for my challenge and I sort of just dropped it. I’d really really love to stick with it this year (the full list is below, and I plan to link to each post as I go along).

I drew this little prompt drawing (above) in January 2013 to inspire drawing ideas. I’m going to go with it again.

1. Your choice: This first week of the year is usually pretty busy, starting off with something simple.

2. Self portrait: Draw yourself. ::See Below::

3. Plant

4. 4-legged friend

5. Profile: I always draw a face straight on. What about the side view?

6. A tool you need: Scissors? Pencil? Hammer? Fork?

7. Something you love: What do you love?

8. Your name: Draw out your name. Stay simple or go elegant! Whatever.

9. Fave book: draw the book itself, or a scene from the book.

10. Inspire: Draw someone or something that inspires you.

11. Favorite place

12. Wings

13. Framed: Frame something.

14. Brand new

15. Two: 2 the number, two of something, twins?

16. Music

17. Fave animal

18. Candy land

19. Eyes

20. Bug

21. Bird

22. Family portrait

23. Imaginary

24. Animal personified

25. Hands

26. Hybrid animal: Get crazy.

27. Robotic

28. Movie scene: Favorite movie scene?

29. Sea creature

30. Crafty: Thread, knitting, sewing, whatever.

31. A collection

32. Odd superpower: What’s the most ridiculous superpower you could have?

33. Sky

34. Married couple

35. Fairy tale character

36. Something nearby

37. Tattoos

38. Street lights

39. Silhouette

40. Farm animal

41. Details: Up close and personal.

42. Comic strip: Tell a small comic strip story.

43. Monster

44. Sweet treat

45. Friend

46. Vegetable or fruit personified

47. Holiday

48. Fave food

49. Toy

50. Historic figure

51. Self portrait: start with a self portrait, end with a self portrait.

52. Your choice

I’m starting my 2014 challenge off with #2. Self Portrait. I drew this bearded lady version of myself this week. I look pretty good with a beard, no? Hee.

52 Weeks of Drawings: Self Portrait //

If you join me, please share a link to your drawing in the comments below!

– Chelsey

17 of The Cutest Homemade Valentine’s Cards!

I know. It’s only the beginning of January and here I am talking about Valentine’s stuff. I’m crazy. Yup. Valentine’s always sneaks up on me. I just don’t think of it until a couple days before the actual date. Whoops. My kiddo is already talking about all the Valentine’s she’s going to give out to her preschool friends, so I decided to start thinking about what we will make this year. I found a ton of cute ideas. Do you have any favorite ideas?

Bubbles Valentine: Love Stitched.


Troop Card: Armelle Blog.

Valentine Puzzle: The Knotty Bride.

Leaping Lizards Card: Trisha B Blog.

Cute Alligator Card: Skip To My Lou.

Valentine’s Pencil: The Gunny Sack.

You’re A Blast: Skip To My Lou.

Lollipop Photo Card: Eighteen25.

Fishy Valentine: Tammy Mitchell Designs.

Valentine Treat Bags: Gimme Some Style.

Fruit Roll-Ups Valentines: She Knows.

Love Bug Valentines: Dandee.

 Lip and Moustache Lollipops: Blonde Designs.

Valentine’s Garland Mailer: Oh Happy Day.

Pixie Sticks Valentine’s: Kristen Eldridge.

Magnifying Glass Valentine: Dandee.

Arrow + Pencil: Sweet Muffin Suite.

– Chelsey

P.S. New post over on Better Homes and Gardens! I’ve gathered 23 very adorable handmade Valentine gifts!