I’m feeling guilty.

I’m feeling SO guilty. I haven’t been visiting as many blogs as I used to. My blog has grown very fast, and I’m finding it so hard to visit everyone that comments. I know I shouldn’t be feeling guilty.. but, I can’t help it. I want SO bad to be able to visit everyone.

I have no idea how some people do it. Like the amazing Ashley Sisk. I see her leaving meaningful comments all over the place. I know she really reads the whole blog post.

I know I have a busy little crazy baby… but, I feel like I should be able to visit more blogs! I am easily distracted by pretty photos or interesting links…

ANYway. I just wanted to let you all know that even if I’m not commenting at the moment, I’m trying to read as many of your blogs as I can. Because, I really do enjoy visiting and reading about all of you!

Sweet Shot Day

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Monday’s My Pick: Bloggy friend meet-up

{“Why mama? WHY?”}

SOOOOOOO, I mentioned last week that I was going to be meeting some of my bloggy friends. AND, I did! It was fun. We met at Greenlake in Seattle. I SO wish they all lived closer. I drove up there with my Mom and Grammy for the day on Friday. 3.5 hours up there and 3 hours on the way home. WAY worth it though.

{Yes, Ruari’s the only one crying.}

It was almost like I was meeting a group of famous people! I’ve been viewing photos and reading about these girls… and then I got to meet them in person. Looking at the group photo of our little babies is so weird! I swear we really did meet and I didn’t just photoshop all of them together. ;D

ROLL CALL (from left to right): cutie Corbin from The Chronicles of Corbin, handsome Henry from It’s a Wonderful Life, buddy Bennett from It’s a Beautiful Life, lovely Laureli from The Paper Mama, super duper Stella from Hi, Baby, and rockin’ Rowan from Hi, baby!

{Look at all those cute babes!}
{Bennett, Ruari, and Stella.}

{Beautiful little Rowan}

{Ruari and Stella}


Ruari’s first experience on a swing… she thought it was alright. I think it was nap time. 🙂

{Mandy, Henry, and Allie}

{Now it’s Henry’s turn to touch Bennett’s hair! Look at all those hot mama’s!}

Things I’ve learned from the bloggy meet-up:
– Ruari is a toy hoarder. She had about 5 toys in her lap at one point…
– All these ladies are even more beautiful in person.
– Their babies are freakin adorable!
– I wish I lived closer to all of them!

AND: My Monday’s My Pick:

The Hi, Baby store on Etsy! It’s Melissa’s shop. Really cute stuff! I’m lucky enough to own the bandanna bib and a cute heart head band. Check it out! Please!

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The Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Excitement!

This weeks guest judge: 

Joni of Six Cherries on Top.
This weeks challenge: Excitement!

The challenge: Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty) excited! That’s it! Let’s see those excited faces!

 Here’s Joni’s example of Excitement:

 The Paper Mama’s example of Excitement:

{She just splashed water in her face.}

There always has to be rules… I know, boring right? But, it’s to help me and you. 🙂 Click on the link for more details… Each entry does need to link back to my blog… Click here to see last weeks winner… All photo entries need to be in by 11:59 PM Pacific Time on September 9th…

Guess what…. after 4 challenges there will be a week long vote off of the winners from the 4 previous challenges… The winner of the vote off will get a small prize! 2 more challenges to go…

Winners so far:

If you have an Etsy shop and would like to give away an item as a prize… please drop me a line! I ♥ sponsors and will show your shop some love for your contribution. 🙂

The Paper Mama

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And photo challenge winner of "Self" is….

Guest judge: 
 Lindsay of Linkie Lueville 

chose the top 5 this week! Please go check out her blog! And, thank her for guest judging!

Now, on to the top 5 chosen by Lindsay:

Why Lindsay chose this photo: “Holy mommy-hood defined in a photo!

Congrats! Please feel free to grab a “fact: I’m awesome … #1 winner” button below. Because: you ARE awesome! And, thank you SO much for participating!

The Paper Mama

Lindsay says, “Lighting is GORGEOUS!

Lindsay says, “The photo makes me exhausted just looking at i! I can’t imagine twins! She’s my hero.

Lindsay says, “HILARIOUS!

Lindsay says, “Looks like all my snap shots of claire and I!

Congrats to the top 5 winners! Great job, and please feel free to grab the top 5 button below! You’re all awesome!

The Paper Mama

The Paper Mama’s favorite photos (in no particular order):

Although I did not pick the winner this week, I did want to share my favorites. So hard to choose! If you’re one of my favorites you are more than welcome to grab a “Paper mama hearts me” button below!

The Paper Mama

And, just for fun… Lindsay and I both have a couple of honorable mentions:


Guess what…. after 4 challenges there will be a week long vote off of the winners from the 4 previous challenges… The winner of the vote off will get a small prize! 2 more challenges to go…

Winners so far:

  • Flower: … A Pile of Pics
  • Self: … Simplicity…
  • Excitement: … no one yet…
  • Brown: … no one yet…

Please check out this weeks photo challenge: “Excitement!”

If you have an Etsy shop and would like to give away an item as a prize… please drop me a line! I ♥ sponsors and will show your shop some love for your contribution. 🙂

Would ya could ya? Vote for me?
Vote For Us @ topbabyblogs.com!

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Flashback Friday: Ruari 2 months

I’ve been SO busy this week. I haven’t been able to comment and visit as many blogs as I would have liked… or respond to as many e-mails as I want to. And, now we’ve got family coming into town this weekend. So: I’ve been a little absent from visiting all your blogs, but I want to visit!

For this Flashback Friday I leave you with a little video clip of Ruari when she was almost 2 months old. Such a noisy baby!

Flashback Friday Button

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Photo challenges on Thursday

Before and After at Pixel Perfect:

I SWEAR this is the last time you all have to see this photo… this week! ;D


After 2:


Simplicity photo challenge: Love

{Ruari (almost 8 months) and I}

Photo Freak: Cute (you can submit 3 photos)
Shoot and Tell: Anything

{Ruari at 7 months}

These photos were taken for Ruari’s 7th month! She always makes so many faces. These are just a small number of the 1 million photos I took.

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