Tuesday Challenges

Shutter Love Tuesdays: Birthdays

I’m currently in the process of prepping Ruari’s birthday decor! I’ve got the cake mix! Woo, almost time!

ShutterLoveTuesdaysSweet Shot Day


I didn’t blink: Weather and Simplicity: Daydream

I Didn't Blink

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GIVEAWAY: A Padalily Carseat Pad! CLOSED

What’s a Padalily car seat pad you ask? Well, it’s one of the best ideas EVER! It’s a cushion for the handle of your carseat. Wow, I REALLY could have used one of these when Ruari was still in her bucket car seat. We just switched over to the convertible seat.

Carrying those carseats around with a baby in it hurts your arm! Ouch! New/soon to be mom’s: sign up for this giveaway! It will save that arm!

By the way: There’s another use for this pad when your baby is out of the bucket carseat:

Head on over to Padalily to check out all the cute fabrics!

On to the giveaway details:

How do you win? Please follow these steps… AND make sure I have a way to contact you through e-mail. If I don’t… I’ll have to delete the entry… 🙁

Mandatory entry:
1) Leave a comment telling me how amazing/awesome you are!{1 entry}

Optional entries:
1) Follow me (see sidebar) {1 entry}
2) Like my Facebook page for The Paper Mama{1 entry}
3) Blog about this giveaway… linking back to my blog (please post blog post link in comment). {3 entries}
4) Grab one of my buttons in the sidebar there… {2 entries}

If you have a moment, I’d LOVE to get 
a couple votes from you!
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

Last day to enter giveaway is November 30th, 2010 at 11:59PM Pacific time.

Would ya could ya? Vote for me?
Vote For Us @ topbabyblogs.com!

Categories: Uncategorized

Tutorial: Gumdrop wreath!

Remember when I Ruari and I went shopping for a massive amount of gumdrops? Well, here’s what we I did with them! I made a Gumdrop Wreath!!! I plan to put it up on my door in early December. It’s just one teeny bit of a massive amount of decor I’m making for Ruari’s candy themed birthday party!

Gumdrop Wreath DIY

Creating this gumdrop wreath is SO SO simple (just time consuming).

Supply list:

  • Wreath (you choose the size and type, I went with a straw wreath)
  • Gumdrops. I ended up needing 5 pounds of gumdrops for my wreath!
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks. I probably went through about 30 sticks of glue. Maybe a million. I’m not sure.
  • A bowl of water. This is for when you get hot glue on your fingers (cause you will). Dip your hand in there real quick!
  • Ribbon
  • Wire (optional)
  • Clear acrylic spray (optional)
  • Wreath hook.
  • Time. It took me quite some time to create!


Step one: Go out and buy those gumdrops! This is a VERY important step! I purchased mine in bulk.

Gumdrop Wreath DIY

You will probably need a helper for this step.

Gumdrop Wreath DIY

Step two: Gather together all of your supplies (see supply list above). Again, a helper is nice.

Gumdrop Wreath

Step three: Start gluing the gumdrops (larger side of gumdrop glued down) on your wreath! I chose to leave the plastic that wrapped the wreath on. I thought the glue might adhere to that better than the straw. Note: because of the sugar coating on the gumdrops, a few will fall off. BUT, just glue them back on. I have extra gumdrops for this.

Gumdrop Wreath
Gumdrop Wreath

Step four: This is optional. You can spray a clear acrylic spray on the wreath to seal it. I chose to do this because I live in Oregon and we get some windy/rainy days.

Step five: Now that your gumdrops are all glued on to your wreath, you can now glue on the ribbon! Pick any sort of ribbon you’d like! I chose this blue since that is the main color for Ruari’s birthday colors. Glue it down to the top of your wreath.

Gumdrop Wreath DIY

Step six: Place your wreath on your wreath hook. Since this thing is SO heavy, I chose to tie it on to the hook with some wire. That’s optional.

Step seven: You MUST enjoy your wreath!!!

Day 23: Gumdrop Wreath DIY
Gumdrop Wreath DIY

If you make a gumdrop wreath, let me know! I’d love to see it! Amanda at Pretty Little Life made one here!

– Chelsey

Please learn more about Scotch(R) Double Sided Tape and other Scotch(R) Products, and join the conversation on the Scotch(R) Brand Facebook Page and via Twitter. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.

I Heart Faces: Silhouette

Things I’ve learned about taking a silhouette photo: I have a lot to learn. 😀 I tried to get a silhouette photo of the babe… but, she was too wiggly and it just wasn’t working. Happy Monday everyone!

REMINDER: I just wanted to remind all of you to enter your Holidayish photo/card into the Holiday Card Challenge! Many winners and MUCH fun.

If you have a moment, a vote for me?:
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

I Heart Faces - Photo Challenges, Tutorials and Tips

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Categories: Uncategorized

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

So, I’ve found myself taking a week off of photo challenges every 3 weeks or so… I don’t ever mean to do it. BUT, it just happens. This last week I only participated in I Heart Faces and Scavenger Hunt. I’m back this week! Woo hoo!

Self Portrait:
{“The eyes are the mirror of our soul.” Yiddish Proverb}
beep clickFacing Myself
{Handmade, not by me… but by Barely Measured. Love it.}

{Little orange newborn baby.}

{Pulled from the archives}

Traffic Signals or Sign:
Uhhhhhhh… I didn’t get to this one. 😀 Woops!

REMINDER: I just wanted to remind all of you to enter your Holidayish photo/card into the Holiday Card Challenge! Many winners and MUCH fun.

If you have a moment, a vote for me?:
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

Would ya could ya? Vote for me?
Vote For Us @ topbabyblogs.com!

Categories: Uncategorized

Photo challenges on Monday

Macro Monday:


Photo Freak: Your best shot.
Photo Freak wants to see your BEST shot. I don’t know if it’s my BEST shot… but, it’s definitely one of my favorites. I love Ruari’s chubby little feet and little chubby wrist.

{Ruari 8.5 months}

Freckles and Fudge:
AND, I’m entering this photo of Ruari into the Cute Kid contest at Freckles and Fudge:

{Ruari 8.5 months}

Why is Ruari the cutest kid ever? Well, she laughs at my jokes… she’s pretty funny. She looks a lot like me! ;D And, well: She is pretty darn cute!

Steppin Out Saturday (on Friday):

What are we wearing?

I have no idea where all his clothe are from. He’s wearing Van’s!
Shirt: Anthroplogie
Sweater: Anthropologie
Jeans: Forever 21
Boots: Antropologie
Top: Fred Meyer
Pants: Fred Meyer
He’s wearing sadness and neglect.

Ok everyone! Don’t forget to enter YOUR Holiday photo for my Holiday Card Challenge! Tons of prizes to share!

Would ya could ya? Vote for me?
Vote For Us @ topbabyblogs.com!

Categories: Uncategorized

Pretty please!

Remember how cute this photo of my lovely child is?

Yes, well you should totally “like” it right here on Facebook! Well, only really if you REALLY like it. I would love to win something from Modern Bird Studios! I’m not sure if you have to “like” Modern Bird Studios Facebook page or not… but, they are so awesome, they’re hard not to like!

The top 10 photos with the most “likes” gets into the running to win! So please, like my photo! If you have a moment… 😀

Happy Sunday everyone!!!

Would ya could ya? Vote for me?
Vote For Us @ topbabyblogs.com!

Categories: Uncategorized