Photo Challenges

My 365 Challenge:
 59{365}: Raining

60{365}: Have you seen my pencil?

61{365}: So freakin’ Cute.

9{52} and 62{365}: Window

63{365}: Coral’s First Birthday

64{365}: Cry

65{365}: Paper Lady Crown

66{365}: Everyday life.

Sweet Shot DayPhotobucket

67{365}: Poor sick baby today.

Again: thanks to EVERYONE that has been voting for me! 
You are welcome to vote each day! Thanks! VOTE HERE or below.
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory



BlogHer 2011!

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Happy First Birthday Coral!!!

This last Friday Miss Coral (Kelsey’s little baby girl) turned one. I got some really sweet shots of her enjoying her first birthday cupcake. She’s so cute!

And… how about a little flashback… this was us 11 months ago. Aww…

And… thanks to everyone that’s been taking the time to vote for me on Top Baby Blogs! I totally appreciate it! You can vote each day. Just 2 clicks. One click here or on the button below… then click again. 🙂
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory



BlogHer 2011!

Categories: Uncategorized

30 Photos

I’ve seen this on a few blog (Danielle and Jess have done it). So, I thought it would be fun to do…

1. Someone you spend a lot of time with –

2. A picture of you-
3. A random photo of you and your significant other-
4. A picture of something that makes you happy-
5. An old picture of you-
{Prom 2001}

6. A picture of your sibling(s)-
7. A picture you’ve never posted on your blog before –

8. A picture of a person you miss-

9. A picture of people who knew you now and then-
10. A picture of your favorite place-
11. A person you can tell anything to-
12. A picture of your everyday life-

13. A picture from a place you love-
14. A picture that reminds you of great times-
{As Seen on Stuff White People Like}
15. A class photo-

16. A picture of the best day of your life-

17. A picture that always makes you laugh-

18. A picture of your spare time-

19. A photo from a great night-
20. A picture of people who are closest to you-

21. A picture of someone you always have a good time with-
22. A picture of your parents when they were (around) your age-

23. A picture from last summer-
{Meeting my blog friends.}

24. A picture of your closest friend of the opposite sex (not your significant other)-
25. A picture of you on your favorite vacation-
{Our Honeymoon in Santorini}

26. A picture of an accomplishment-
27. A picture of your closest friends-
28. A random picture from photobooth-

29. A photo that makes you smile-

30. Someone you will never let go of-
A vote for our blog?
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory



BlogHer 2011!

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Sponsor Love

Say hello to the March 2011 sponsors! Please, give them ALL a visit!

{IROCKSOWHAT blog} {Shop}
{Barely Measured Blog} {Barely Measured Shop}

{Tiny Tree Hugger Blog} {Tiny Tree Hugger Shop}

{Simplicity Blog} {Simplicity Shop}

{Bohemian Baby Shop}

{RSVP Ink}

{Fine Art By Christina Hammock Shop}

{Pepper and Farley Shop}

{My Card Creations Shop}

{Twenty Five Designs Shop} {Torie’s Blog}

{Scissors Paper Rock Shop} {Scissors Paper Rock Blog}

{Sissy Little Shop}

Stay tuned for a TON of giveaways this week! They will all run through the end of the month. 🙂



BlogHer 2011!

Categories: Uncategorized

Vloggin’ Vednesdays. Will you be there?

K.B. SquaredAdeline's Daddy    

Heads up! Will you be participating in Vloggin’ Vednesdays? 
Current Themes and dates:
Vednesday, March 9th
“Rooms in your Home” – Show a room (or rooms) in your house, could be your favorite, could be a room you want to redesign… do what you feel.
Vednesday, March 16th 
“Q&A Day” – Vlog questions

•Why did you start blogging?
•If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
•What is the biggest personal change you have ever made?

Vednesday, March 23rd 
“Guilty Pleasures” – OK, we know you’ve got ‘em, let ‘em all hang out.
Vednesday, March 30th
“How To” – Share a “how to” video. I love learning new things, who doesn’t?
Linky party for Vloggin’ Vednesdays will be hosted at Adeline’s Daddy.

We really hope you participate! 




BlogHer 2011!

Categories: Uncategorized

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

I wasn’t very good about finding my scavenger items this week! I kept forgetting what the topics were… then I’d forget where I put the list of topics that I wrote down. My brain has not been with me lately.

Pulled from the archives. Taken in January for a self portrait. I had a photograph planned for “book” it just never got done.
Fill in the Blank
When I think about how cute Ruari is in the photo above, I just have to smile

Taste of Italy
Another pulled from the archives. A glass of Italian wine. 🙂 
Scavenger Hunt Sunday
Steppin’ Out Saturday:

{Yes, my eyes are red and puffy. I’ve recently learned my stepdad has cancer and I just got off the phone with him.}

Silver tank: Urban Outfitters
Yellow tee: TJMaxx
Jeans: Forever 21
Shoes: H and M

Jacket: Target clearance. 😀
Jeggings: Target. Yes! Baby Jeggings!
Boots: Target Clearance (Good thing they were cheap… she wont wear them. :D)
Mike says the jacket it makes her look like the “queen of England or something.” Ha.

Do you have a moment to spare a couple of clicks for a vote? Thanks!
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory



BlogHer 2011!

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